
It's 3am and I have school tomorrow.

It was a few weeks after collecting the sixth Dragonball and I was taking a break and trying out some alien food at this restaurant I found. Surprisingly this food wasn't that bad but it still didn't compare to the earth's food, seriously it tastes like 100x better than even my home dimension's food. Taking my mind off the food, I now have most of the Super Dragonballs in my possession I just need the last one. Apparently, Emperor Frost was given the ball as a gift by a solar system kingdom for saving them or something. I know Frost is an evil dude, who more likely than not stages all his 'heroic' acts with evil space pirate minions, so if I see him I'll tear him a new asshole cause' why not.

Not to mention this Dragonball is in the opposite direction from me on the other edge of the Universe so even with my incredible speed, it'll take me forever to get there. I've just been taking it slow and visiting a few planets, it's not like I'm in a rush. What could go wrong?


"So this is the wishing orb?" said the Frieza look-a-alike, Frost as he gazed off the observation window of his ship at the massive orange ball.

"Yes my disciple, we just need a few others and our wish will be granted!" a small hooded figure said as he rubbed his hands together like a generic supervillain plotting a super diabolically evil plan. Frost's vein bulged out of his forehead in anger.

"You didn't mention there were more than one!" Frost said in an annoyed tone, "Just look at how massive this thing is, it should be able to grant wishes as is."

"I never said that there weren't more," the short man said with a cheeky grin. Frost just huffed in impatience and annoyance.

"Patience is a virtue, Frost," he said, "Just keep up your hero act and continue your training, as they say 'there is always someone stronger'." Frost nodded in acceptance and went back into the confines of his ship. The small hooded figure looked on at the Dragonball.

"Soon, very soon," he said in a hushed tone. He turned around and walked into the main control room of the ship and looked at a screen that showed a small spiky-haired child eating a massive amount of food.

"Yes, come to papa you fool!" he shouted at the screen in glee.


I felt a chill up my spine and looked around the restaurant. Everyone was enjoying their food and minding their own business, mingling, and eating with friends. For the past week, my senses and instincts tell me that I'm being watched, but when I investigate the feeling goes away or I just abruptly stop feeling it randomly. I finish my meal and pay for the food. I've been sending out my clones to cash in bounties or do odd jobs to rake in some moolah, technically I don't need it as I could just survive off the infinite senzu bean bag Porunga gave me but those things are bland, tasteless, and I am sick of them besides variety is the spice of life.

I walk out of the restaurant and sort of admire the architecture. Arvander City looked like a generic sci-fi city with most things looking like chrome or being sterile colors like white or grey, there are also some robots and hover cars flying everywhere and a few people flying with ki sprinkled about. Despite the boring look, there are some interesting looking structures like independent businesses and restaurants, That's actually what brought me the one I just ate at it just looked different so I tried it out.

I power up slightly and fly into orbit and beyond inching my way closer and closer to to possessing those big beautiful balls. No homo.


After flying for another week straight and being bored out of my mind I decided to train a bit and after doing that finally unlock another limiter. Over the course of the months, I've been trying and trying to push past the limit but it was like giving Stevie Wonder an eye test, futile. I think that after all my training I will be able to finally do it.

I turn up the gravity machine to 200 thousand times to get in more training and begin to unlock my next limiter. The process was very long and arduous as the difficulty of releasing the limiters gets harder and harder the more limiters you unlock. After 2 days of straight concentration, I was able to finally lift the limit. I immediately feel changes in my ki and body.

My body that was previously full of baby fat now had some actual muscle definition to it and I grew a little taller. I ran to my quarters to look in the mirror. My previously brown monkey tail was now black and my pure black eyes now had yellow irises as if I were in Ikari form or something. My face looked a tiny bit more manly and feral, my canines elongated and my teeth were sharper. My skin even turned a few shades darker as if I had a tan and my hair grew out more. I checked my status page to see what was up.


Name: Lantro (Jason Mackenzie)

Race: Ancient Saiyan (The power of the Ancients flows through your soul)

Age: 9 yrs

Power level: 198 quintillion

[Martial arts]----------

Kami style martial arts(SSS), brawler(S)

[ki abilities]----------

Ki control(S++), Ki sensing(SSS), flying(SSS), ki aura(SSS), ki shaping(SS++), Spirit Control(A++), materializtion(S), telepathy(A+), telekinesis(S)

[ki techniques]----------

Ki blast, Thunder Shock Surprise(S++), Galick Gun(6x), Death Beam, Final flash(20x), Big bang Attack(5X), KamehameHa(8x), ki barrier(S++), Super Kamehameha(12x), illusion(B), Instant Transmission level 3(S+), healing(A++), cloning(S+), Gigantifiction(B), personal pocket space, ki blade(S++), ki sycthe(S+),


Genetic Access, unlimited potential, unbound soul, Divine tongue, air is for the weak! , Dimensional travel

[Transformations]---------- {Locked by Angelic Seal}

[Super Saiyan(1000x), Super Saiyan 2(10x)], Mastered Oozaru(100x)


I smiled at myself through the mirror in happiness. I calmed down after a few minutes of smirking to myself and thought for a bit.

'So, I guess the Saiyan bloodline got watered down over the ages, but why? Is it Zeno or something? From my extremely rough estimates, the average Ancient Saiyan should be born with a power level of a hundred million or more considering how powerful it just made me, what made the Saiyans so weak!?' I thought in my head, going over all the possibilities. I decided to just ignore it for now and thought about my power. My ki feels different, it's denser, lighter, feels stronger, and more primal. I feel quite satisfied, although I am a bit peeved that my painstakingly cultivated perfect ki control went to shit.

Feeling excited to test out my power, I capsulize my ship activate my aura, and fly as fast as I could to the Dragonball. I was blown away by how fast I was going. Caught up in my euphoria I accidentally flew right through a planet, blowing it up and singing my new gi. I shake off my embarrassment and keep flying through space, looking out for celestial bodies to not run through.

Give me all the power stones! Also, if you are befuddled by the whole Vados sealing thing, I will explain in the story what I believe would be a reasonable explanation in probably a few chapters or so.

Chad_Thundercockcreators' thoughts
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