
Chapter 11: The Great Tyrant Receives His Loans.

Chapter 11: The Great Tyrant Receives His Loans.

------ British Ministry of Magic ----

- --- Office of the Minister of Magic ----

Point of view Eugenia Jenkins, Minister of Magic since 1968.

My name Eugenia Jenkins, I am the current Minister of Magic and the youngest in the history of magic. Today was another day at the office, I had worked hard to get where I am and I have been a minister for 1 year, but what they don't tell you when you take the job is what kind of shit are you getting into. Because if you make a mistake between smiles they tell you that you are not ready for work, ungrateful fools. Now I have problems with the pureblood Nobles, who do marching riots for the rights of the squib and I also did not like some rumors that circulated of a dark lord, but especially the visits of the old Albus Dumbledore. Always telling me that another war is coming and that I should prepare, but there was something wrong with her story and I couldn't point out what it was. However, the nosy old man had great influence and had to listen to him or at least pretend to listen to him.

Now I have another problem and that is that Lord Dovahkiin is here in the ministry paying his debts and taxes. If it sounds good that he pays his debts, but don't be fooled by that man and according to what I could discover from Lord Dovahkiin; is that he is a very vengeful man and for a small thing he will make you pay a high price.

When Lord Dovahkiin first came to the country, he was a unknown to everyone, so I had to find out about him and found out that he seemed to have great friendship with the goblin nation. Then find out through some bribes that Lord Dovahkiin, is idolized as a god in the kingdom of the goblins and known as a invited warrior, magnificent accountant and businessman. According to my source of information, every business he has done is a gold mine and generating a large number of galleons. I also heard the little rumor that he is the richest man in the world, however, I have not been able to confirm,

Now you wonder why I am so alarmed and Well he is in the finance department paying his taxes and debt and other things. The problem is there, because Lord Dovahkiin is a man who if pressed will make you pay at a high cost and those old idiots of the Wizengamot pressured him to pay. By the time Lord Dovahkiin makes his mess in the ministry, I'm sure I will be blamed for that and for not taking responsibility.

My door slammed open and shut, it seems like it's an emergency. Raising my head I look at the finance chief of the Ministry of Magic, with an expression of total panic and utter fear.

Oh my Merlin, this is where my headache begins! I know from his face that Lord Dovahkiin has made his move and that he completely ruined the prepositions of the Ministry of Magic. I will have to pass this problem on to the Wizengamot and to be honest I want to see the faces of those foolish old men in despair. Because if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that this man is going to ruin us all in the Ministry of Magic.

Max's point of view

----- Current trial in the finance rooms—

----- In the presence of the Wizengamot council of elders ----

I was standing on a podium, waiting for this debate or trial to start over my little loan application and I had it all set up, I was going to make these old people cry tears of blood.

Minister Eugenia says with seriousness and authority "We are here today to listen to Lord Dovahkiin's claim about the loan of galleons that The Noble and Ancestral House of Dovahkiin lent to the Ministry of Magic after the war with Grindelwald. A loan which should have been paid 12 years ago, now almost 22 years have passed and no galleon has been paid to the Dovahkiin vault, Lord Dovahkiin has the floor"

I sigh within myself and prepare to put on a magnificent performance, so dramatic that I would surely be awarded an award for my performance.

"Wizards and witches present, my Noble and ancestral House of the Dovahkiin has suffered loss for more than 22 years" I say in a dramatic and continuous way "we wait for the payment of the galleons, but there was no response from the ministry of magic" I sigh and I prepare my next dramatization "Returned yesterday after completing my family's tradition of traveling the world for 3 years. But as I said I just arrived in Britain yesterday, when suddenly I was told that they had to pay the debts of my Dovahkiin house and out of a total sum of 96,785,468 Galleons, it seemed strange to me as the ministry owed galleons to my Dovahkiin house. So I happily assumed the ministry had paid the galleons owed to me, but when I asked my account manager if The ministry had paid for the galleons and I looked at myself as if I were crazy, since they said they have not paid anything yet. That is why I am here before you today to request that the debt be paid", I say with tears in my eyes, I was clearly immersed in my dramatization and even I was surprised myself at how good my acting was, but then I remembered that I had the broken trick of instant mastery.

"So how much is the debt?" Lord Bones asks.

One of the elders bit the adze, it's time to bait and feed these fools with my dramatic story.

In a deep and moving voice, to make it more shocking and dramatic, I say "The loan that my grandfather Maximus Alexander Dovahkiin generously made to the Ministry of Magic in a time of crisis in 1948, was for a sum of 331,212,345 of galleons with an increase of 9% for each year until the term of 10 years and that would be a sum of 784.100.0741 of galleons. From 1958 onwards it would increase 15% for each year and the debt continued until this year , finalized in a total sum of 4,195,131,504 galleons. In this document it can be seen that it was signed in 1948, by the very minister of magic Wilhelmina Tuft and who was in charge at that time "I can see the incredulous faces of the person in the room, but continue saying "I would also like a 25% compensation for the loan delay, which would make a net sum of 5,243,914,380 galleons for the injustice that was forced my Dovahkiin House and since even our warehouse of Confidence was almost forced into poverty. Here are the documents from the vault of my noble House Dovahkiin, approved by the ministry of finance through the years and my Noble House Dovahkiin has suffered, I hope I can solve this today"

The reporters were sweating cold, but they wrote like crazy and the Lords of the Wizengamot almost defecated in their pants, when looking at the minister she had a face of delight, but she hid it quite well. Many people were dismayed that the ministry owed so much money and they wanted to collect from the person they owed. I gave them time to digest the news, but I was saving my final thrust to ruin the ministry.

(well, it's time to finish off these bastards and leave before he refuses to pay me) I think and say "I'm going to go to the point, so as not to waste our precious time and it is that under the laws of the finance ministry of magic of the year 1840, Clause number 377. Where it is pointed out that a Noble and Ancestral House of pure blood in bankruptcy and can demand that the debt that said Noble and Ancestral House made when it was in favorable conditions be paid. to be able to get out of debts is now in tragic conditions" I say, I take strength for what I will say and say "I Maximillium Steven Dovahkiin !, Lord of the Noble and Ancestral House of the Dovahkiin, I demand that the entirety of said debt be paid to me and under the ancient laws of the Magic as a witness !, So be it !, <Lumos>, <Nox>. Thank you for your time wizards and witches present to testify my request and have a great day".

I walk with style to the door, but with a fast step since I don't want him to make excuses for not paying and on the way I find my old goblin smiling at me and waiting for me with a portkey in his hand. That he would send me to the Gringotts, I quickly took it and left behind a ruined ministry of magic fools. Hahaha!

This was a well planned victory by my grandfather Maximus, I have to admit the man was very smart and just had to follow his plans.

Gradually open personal accounts at the Gringotts bank, then open a secondary family winery where all the galleons of the Noble House Dovahkiin will be deposited and you must from time to time drop a couple of galleons here and there from time to time in the main cellar,


You set an epic trap, which ruins the ministry!

Point of view of Eugenia Jenkins

Four weeks after the Dragon Tyrant Dovahkiin came to the ministry of magic and that's what we call him now around here at the ministry, since everything went as I predicted. He completely ruined us under our own laws, made us eat shit and when we realized he was gone, now we can do nothing but start paying him. The problem is, he threw us at the goblins as collectors and hid behind them to collect from us. They quickly took all the accounts of the ministry of magic, looking up and down in the finance records of the ministry, they quickly saw where they could get the galleons to pay. They even discovered that various wizarding families and Noble and Ancestral House owed galleons to the ministry. They also discovered that even other ministries in various countries owed our ministry. An astronomical amount of more than 15,000,000,000.00G. I never saw so much gold in my life.

Now the positive part of this disaster is that the Dragon Tyrant Dovahkiin unintentionally put an end to the manifestations of the squib's right and ruined every pureblood, because it turns out that after 3 days of collections there was no money for more protests. The pureblood nobles went to work to live in their luxuries and had no time to waste in demonstrations. Now I believe that I will finish my term as minister and I will retire without any protest. hahahaha.

One peculiar thing that I noticed is that of the 28 Noble and Ancestral Houses, 18 Noble and Ancestral Houses came with representatives from the Gringotts. You may notice that 4 debts had been bought by the Gringotts and 14 debts came from the direction The Dragon Tyrants Dovahkiin who surely bought the loans before this disaster. I felt like he was the only one who could do this, but shut this up for myself and why I don't want to become an enemy of the richest man in the world.

Now you will wonder why I keep quiet, well that's simple because the dragon tyrant Dovahkiin approached me and bought a certain amount of large land, he suggested that if it was in secret. Because he told me that he was building a magical city for wizards and that Muggles would never find it. Well, the minister's salary is not much, so I told him that I would keep it a secret if he could get me a mansion in the magical city and he agreed. Furthermore, he told me that it will be extremely safe and will be guarded by dwarves, goblins, and other magical creatures. If I play my cards right, maybe I'll work for Lord Dovahkiin in the future, of course after I quit my job as minister. Who didn't want to work for the richest man in the world.

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