
Chapter-49 : FNGA's surprise



Hello again everyone.

First of all, I am very sorry for the delay... I had some matters that needed my attention.

Secondly, I have corrected the previous chapter. It was 1993, not 1995.


I repeat,


Thank you for supporting me...



-NOTICE ends-


There is a common practice that if an original game, film, or other entertainment programs gets popular, the producers try to cash the franchise through making sequels.

After all, sequels are profits.

This thing didn't escape Ric's mind. <The Lost Viking> is making a good profit. Ric has more than just a plan to cash on that.

Seeing the popularity of the game, Ric taking the lore, wrote a book. Not just any book but the first part of a series named <The Vikings>.

This series not just a book series but the lore for the future sequels of the game and settings for future movies.

But Ric didn't stop there. He outlined the series as a part of the same world as his other ongoing series <The Percy Jackson>.

Making that series to have access to enter the game industry.

Looking at the path, it is safe to assume Ric is making one large franchise.

In fact, he is making a large franchise, but how large is it...

15 November 1992,

Many might not understand the implication of this day. But for gamers and the game industry, it is the day FNGA has marked its dominance.

The game industry is changing. It is changing fast. Computers, software are becoming more powerful as time passes. It pushed the industry surrounding it to develop as well.

Thanks to the push, the game industry is also developing. It's not been few years that the console's entered the era of 16 bits. But people are looking for a powerful or advanced version over time.

And sooner or later, the 4th generation consoles will be outdated. And a new generation of consoles will emerge.

According to the development speed, many in the industry estimated that the new generation console would enter the market around late 1993 or early 1994.

Even this estimation is taken as earliest the product will come to the market.

Due to the establishment of CD technology in recent years, such as CD ROMs and CD recordings. Many companies are already at a stage where a new console is being developed or researched.

An inside source from Sega can be heard that a new generation console will be ready for market by mid of 1994.

The same type of rumors can be heard from Nintendo as it is cooperating with Sony.

But they were wrong. So very wrong. It was the moment when FNGA launched the presentation of a new advanced console. It left the whole industry jaw dropped.

The program was scheduled to start at 5 p.m.

When the clock hit 4:30, a lot of people were already present in the venue. Taking excitedly among themselves, predicting how the product will be like.

There were gamers, reporters, employees of different corporations, game developers present in the program.

Among this gossip and discussions, the program officially started. But what they didn't expect was seeing a least expected person to host the show.

When the final prototype of the console named G-Nest was made, Ric was invited to attend the final testing. After a series of testing, they gave this model the green light for mass-producing.

After finishing the testing, they in a meeting to determine the date of the console's release. And after some discussion, they decided to hold a product presentation on the day of release on 15 November.

<FNGA>'s CEO asked Ric to host the console presentation. Later accepted as he didn't have any plan on that day.

On the day of the program, when Ric took the stage, the entire venue became silent for a few seconds like they were stunned. Then a deafening roar erupted in the entire venue.

Seeing the excitement among the crowd, Ric laughed and raised both of his hands in a stopping motion while saying,

"Thank you... Thank you... Thank you.."

After the audience calm down, he said

"Good afternoon, everyone."

They shouted back in response. Hearing them, He smiled and joked,

"Looks Like I don't need to introduce myself."

He got a lot of laughter in response while many shouted his name.

"Welcome to the new console presentation of FNGA, and today I will be its host," said Ric while getting thunderous claps and many whistles from the audience.

Ric smiled with all of his teeth shown and continued,

"We all know the game industry is advancing. 3D is slowly taking its root in games. But as games become sophisticated older consoles become obsolete."

Ric paused for a moment and looked to the now silent audience, then continued,

"For smooth game-play, we look for better consoles. But there isn't any in the market.

And to reduce this dilemma, FNGA brought you a new generation console. A console that is far better than its counterpart in the market. A console that runs on 32 bits."

Ric then went to the table beside him and took hold of the sheet covering an object. He then pulled the object while saying,

"Ladies and Gentleman, let me present to you G-Nest."

What the audience saw was a white rectangular box with two consoles of a unique design.

{A/N: design of PS console.}

Later, Ric continued describing the features contained in this new console.

Among the features that attracted the audience's attention the most was the dual input features of CD and Cartridge other than the 32-bit processor.

This feature allowed it to be easier to play both the CD and Cartridge games.

After telling the features, Ric demonstrated by playing a 16-bit game with the console.

This made the audience cheer. Seeing your favorite Celebrity playing games is a surreal feeling.

After finishing the demonstration, Ric said,

"As you have seen, the game-play is much smoother than playing in 16-bit consoles.

Besides this, the console can be found in three different colors back, white and blue."

By the end of the show, Ric said that the G-Nest console would be found in all the stores of <TechMart> and <Feather's Nest> flag shops with a price tag of 299 dollars.

The program was a success as, by the end of the day, a 1000 set of G-Nest console was sold. And by the end of the month, the sale rose to 3000.

It was not just the marketing but also the positive review the console got from the players that helped the console be popular.

Not only that, just like a grand scheme, many game developers also injected 32-bit games as well as many remastered old cartridge games in the market, further increasing the G-nest's popularity.

This level of popularity showed its result as, by the end of the year, 100,000 consoles were sold globally, and the number is still counting.

The emerge of G-Nest made every console making companies stagger. They were shocked by how FNGA made a goal in the open field.

And if they scramble something up to enter the competition, it will at least take the mid of 1993 to enter the market. Even then, the quality will also be a problem.

This move of FNGA was a big blow to both SAGA and Nintendo. Because by the time they enter the market, FNGA would have already fixed its position in the market's dominance.

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