
Chapter 29

Yesterday was such a fun day I laughed so hard I cried. Been with Blake brings out the childishness in me. He makes me loose myself around him

"Good morning" I cheerfully greeted the people in the elevator. Some responded while others just kept mute

Finally at our floor I went to greet my employer/boyfriend!

I opened his door yes I didn't knock

"Hey girlfriend" he greeted while standing up from his seat

Girlfriend! I still can't get enough of the title.

"Hey" he came around and kissed me making my response more inaudible

"You look beautiful" I know I do

"Of course I do" I responded with some sass and he laughed. "Well right now we are at work, and we have to be professional. You can't distract me from working so no cheeky comments and stop that smile" I cried. How someone can smile so beautifully baffles me

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