
Harsh Punishment

For some reason, I was feeling kind of strange… except it wasn't like the physically inhibiting type of feeling. It was more of a… sentimental type of vibe, a profound sort of emptiness inside. 

For all intents and purposes, I just saved a life, didn't I? So why does everything still feel the same? Aren't heroes inherently supposed to feel good after saving the day? 

Either that was just a big lie, or maybe I ain't feeling as much of a hero as I thought would. I saved Harry, but in retrospect, was that really all I wanted from it, or in the midst of my nobility... was I just trying to prove a point? 

The things I've asked, the lengths I went through, was I doing it all to save him, or did I do them because I simply wanted to think that I could? To have that assurance, to gain that level of confidence?

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