
Pulling The Veil

I didn't get much sleep last night… and believe you me, it wasn't for the lack of trying or wanting. Early morning, I tried to play it off otherwise, but Amanda was just far too sharp wit to be hoodwinked by it, that, and eyeliner wasn't exactly the best excuse to explain away the black bulging wrinkly bags I had under my eyes.

Maybe if I was emo it'd fit, perhaps she might have helped me darken it blacker too… damn, why do I have to be so boring?

Home was but a long, silent carpool away. Amanda and I didn't talk much throughout the journey, last night's incident was still too much of a lingering imprint afresh in our minds. When we drove by the park, none of us two could resist briefly sifting through the shrubbery and trees for any sign of a distinct purple flutter amiss within the greens.

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