
The Truth

Menedelia closed her eyes. She finds it hard to look at the unbearable pain plastered on Tony and Aron's faces. She lowered herself on the couch beside Angela, busying herself by rubbing the girl's back to console her.

A few moments later.

Zero and Nini descended hurriedly down the stairs.

Nini's face broke into a happy smile after she saw her sister in the living room. She flew into Angela's arms. "I'm so happy to see you again, sis!"


Angela's response was a loud sobbing.

Nini's brows furrowed. "Why are you crying, sis?" she asked. Then she looked at her father and brother Aron. They wore the same miserable expression on their faces. "What's going on!?"

Angela looked at her sister sadly. "In order to save me, Mother offered herself to the guy who abducted me," she told her sister.

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