
Kanto - Indigo Plateau

Sho, "You know I want to battle you again!"

Ash, "Sure! It was fun battling you."

Sho, "I'm gonna go meet my Uncle and I'll see you around."

Ash waved him farewell before looking at the other battles, he noticed some familiar faces facing each other and some unfamiliar. Berk was going against Gary and Misty was going against a trainer in yellow jacket called Casey and her Beedrill. Ritchie and Zippo was going against someone called Tommy and his Swampert in the water arena.

Berk, "Use ember, Cinderace."

Gary, "Arcanine extreme speed, followed by crunch!"

Ash gaped, "When did Gary get an albino Arcanine?"

Pikachu, "Pika Pika?"

Lucario, -He has been holding out on us.-

Ash, "How exciting! I hope we get to battle them!"

Arcanine used extreme speed to dodge all the ember attacks before using crunch on Cinderace who gave a shout. Cinderace gave a pained hiss, as he felt the dark type attack affect his health and retaliated using double kick. Arcanine dodged before the attack could hit him and gave a growl at his opponent before promptly sitting down. Cinderace looked a bit confused before his eyes widened and he fell to the field. Lucario sweatdropped as he heard Cinderace curse colourfully. For someone who looked really adorable and sweet, they sure had a potty mouth. Arcanine just sat wagging his tail, satisfied with his win as the announcer announced him the winner.

Gary, "Good job big boy."

Arcanine who was twice Gary's height jumped on him basically covering him, "Arrrfff!"

Gary, "Easy big boy! You are no longer a pup!"

Arcanine whined, "Arrrr!"

Ash met him as he joined the centre, "That was an awesome win Gary. Great battle too Berk. Why didn't you tell me you had an albino Arcanine? He's so handsome."

Arcanine who heard the praise barked happily even though he didn't move from his place beside Gary. Gary just gave a smug grin at that before heading to the counter. Misty's battle was going on in the television against Casey.

Gary, "It was a surprise."

Berk, "Took me by surprise alright. He is quiet a looker."

Gary was quite smug, "That's my boy! Misty is doing well."

Ash nodded, "Yeah, she froze in the start when Beedrill appeared but she pulled through."

Berk, "Her Staryu is doing well."

Misty, "Rapid spin."

Casey, "Agility!"

Misty, "Double team."

Staryu used rapid spin and double team simultaneously making Beedrill look at the multiple illusions annoyed. The large bee moved to attack only to hit an illusion over and over again.

Misty, "Now Staryu use hydro pump."

Staryu attacked Beedrill using hydropump from behind him. The bug type fell to the field unconscious.

Announcer, "Beedrill is unable to battle, Staryu is the winner."

Misty, "We did it, great job Staryu."

Staryu gave a proud cry, "Yu!"

Ritchie was going against a trainer from Sinnoh called Conway. Surprisingly he had shorter hair and oval shaped glasses instead of the square shape Ash remembered. His Venomoth was battling against Ritchie's Butterfree and the two Pokemon were very evenly matched. It was a battle of stamina instead of strength, they had previously fought using Conway's Dugtrio and Ritchie's Sandslash. Sandslash had won that battle before loosing to Venomoth, now it was the last battle. Ritchie had gotten the Normal type arena this time and was focusing on the battle before his eyes lit up.

Ritchie, "Happy use agility followed by shadow ball."

Conway, "Teleport don't let him catch you."

Ritchie, "Fly up and use sleep powder."

Happy flew higher and used sleep powder to cover the arena. Despite using teleport Venomoth still ended up in an area with sleep powder and was affected. Happy watched as his opponent became slower in teleporting before he shot the shadow ball at him. The attack hit and Venomoth went down.

Announcer, "Venomoth is unable to battle, Butterfree Happy wins the match."

Ritchie whooped, "We did it."

Butterfree eye smiled as he flew around his excited trainer who soon enough rushed to the Pokemon center. Ash had already left by then to get a few minutes training done, he had a suspicion which field he would end up with later. Although he was not sure who his opponent would be, there were many trainers from different regions taking part. So best to train instead, he would learn tomorrow who he was battling against. And just like Ash had thought, he ended up getting the grass arena and battling a trainer called Jeanette.

Announcer, "Welcome to the last day of the double battle elimination rounds. After this rounds are over, we are happy to announce there will be a ball held tomorrow night. So trainers, get your best dresses ready. And you are allowed to bring a plus one with you who is not a trainer. Now let us welcome the first two battlers of the day."

Misty, "Let's go Cloyster."

Arata, "I choose you Lucario."

Misty's opponent was a young teen from Unova called Arata. He had a red cap, blue pants, blue hoodie over a black T-shirt and black and blue shoes. He also had spiky brown hair and Ash peered at his neck, was that a mega evolution stone? He wondered if he'll see a mega evolution that is if Arata has a Pokemon for it. Banette saw the stone and got excited getting his attention.

Ash, "What's wrong Banette?"

Banette pointed at the stone then himself, "Ette!"

Ash's eyes widened and bowed down to whisper, "Are you saying that's a Banette mega evolution stone?"

Ash looked back as Banette nodded, "This has become interesting. I wonder if he has a Banette."

Ash, "A red and black Lucario?"

Lucario, -He is scarred up, poachers!-

Gary who had joined them frowned, "What are you talking about?"

Ash pointed at the battle, "That Lucario has marks of collars on his paws and neck. I don't think Arata would ever do that to him. So we suspect poachers."

Gary looked at the battle carefully and he grimaced, "He is like my Seviper. Poor guy!"

Ash, "I think Misty realized it too. Look she changed her strategy."

Gary, "Well she has experience dealing with other hurt Pokemon thanks to her Blastoise and knows how to deal with Lucario after training with you."

Misty won by a close margin and only because her Blastoise stayed up longer than Samurott. The Samurai seal slash dog Pokemon had fought hard against Blastoise but Blastoise was no pushover either. There was a reason Blastoise line was highly desired by water Pokemon enthusiasts and considered almost pseudo legendary. Their tenacity and perseverance in battle was the highest among all water Pokemon, not to forget they lived longer then even some dragon types.

Ash, "My turn!"

Gary, "Mine too! Good luck."

Ash walked to the grass arena touching his pokeball, 'Yup just like in the anime. Although Jeanette looks a little different.'

Jeannette was wearing normal teen clothes compared to the traditional dress she wore in the anime. She was wearing a modernized kimono dress with embroidered petals that went up to her knees, green stockings and brown shoes. The announcer gave a similar speech as before when Misty was battling before asking both sides to choose their Pokemon.

Jeanette, "Go Parasect!"

Ash, "Let's do this Venasaur."

Announcer, "Begin!"

Jeanette, "Fury swipes!"

Ash, "Lightscreen ready vine whip."

Venasaur put up a lightscreen just as Parasect attacked him but he was not affected by it much. Parasect managed to break through the defensive shield only to be greeted by a vine whip to her face. She stumbled backwards from the attack before shaking her head and attacked again.

Jeanette, "X - scissors!"

Ash, "Venasaur vine whip to the ground."

Venasaur used vine whip and propelled himself upwards very easily getting a surprise look from Parasect.

Jeanette, "Be careful Parasect. Be ready to fight back."

Parasect got his X - scissors ready and shot it at Venasaur who was coming down again.

Ash, "Body slam!"

Jeanette, "Parasect look out!"

Parasect panicked and was late in avoiding the fall and Venasaur fell on top of her with a loud and heavy slam. Venasaur moved away soon enough and started to use aromatherapy on himself and Parasect. Despite that Parasect did not wake up and was still unconscious.

Announcer, "Parasect is unable to battle, Venasaur has won the match... And is healing Parasect."

Venasaur moved away and nodded, "Saur!"

Ash smiled, "Your aromatherapy has become stronger."

Venasaur gave an eye smile, "Saur!"

Jeanette, "Return Parasect, thank you for the battle, beautiful girl."

Jeanette looked at Ash and Venasaur, "Ahem! Thank you for healing her! But now let's go Victrebel."

Ash, "Venasaur return, I promised Miltank a battle too."

Venasaur nodded as he was returned and Ash took out another pokeball, "Let's go Miltank!"

Miltank appeared ready to fight, "Millll mil."

Announcer, "Begin!"

Ash, "Defense roll!"

Jeanette, "Sword dance!"

Miltank rolled around the grass slash poison type before heading straight towards them and clashing. The two Pokemon separated before rushing again and hitting each other hard.

Jeanette, "Acid!"

Ash, "Counter with icy wind!"

Miltank took a deep breath before releasing a compact form of icy wind towards the acid attack. The acid froze and fell to the ground in sparkling chunks of purple and greenish poison. Which was a little odd, usually mature Pokemon who used poison attacks had singular colouring.

Ash, 'Victrebel evolved just recently.'

Ash, "Use growl!"

Victrebel froze at that and Jeanette tried to call them, "Victrebel, snap out of it."

Ash, "Fire punch!"

Before Victrebel could shake off the effect they were hit by the fire type attack and fell unconscious. Ash gave a sigh, the Victrebel really was newly evolved probably just a few days ago.

Announcer, "Victrebel is unable to battle, Miltank wins the match, Ash Ketchum is the third trainer to fight among the top sixteen."

Ash blinked, 'Ah! Gary probably won. I hope.'

Ash saw Gary and Jessilina at the centre and the two Sevipers besides them. He wondered what happened but decided to get his Pokemon checked first. Jeanette joined him a while later.

Jeanette, "Excuse me Ash."

Ash, "Yeah? Oh Jeanette, what's up?"

Jeanette fidgeted, "I was with if you could help my Parasect learn aromatherapy. Your Venasaur's aromatherapy was really powerful."

Ash, "I'll be honest, I was not the one to teach him that."

Jeanette's face fell before she smiled, "Oh! I am sorry to bother."

Ash held his hand up, "But I know someone who can. They were the ones who taught my Venasaur. Just wait here for a minute okay."

Jeanette watched as Ash went off to meet a Nurse Joy and came back with her and some papers.

Ash, "Jeanette meet Anna she is one of the Nurse Joys in charge of education. Miss Anna, I believe you have another student who is interested in learning."

Jeanette watched wide eyed, "Oh! Oh! I am thankful for the help."

Anna smiled at the starry look, "You just need to fill up these forms here. Once it's done it'll take three days to be processed. Make sure you leave your correct mail, we will inform you through mail about the next class. Before you ask yes Ash here is one of the trainers who participate in this as well. Having a Pokemon who can heal in your party is actually beneficial if you plan to train for days in the wild area."

Jeanette nodded and filled out the form before handing it in and turning to Ash, "Uh.. What are the classes like?"

Ash, "It's interactive. I learned which plants to use as medicine and which ones to avoid while Venasaur learned how to heal. Venasaur however had to stick around the Pokemon centre more in order to master the moves he learned while I traveled. Of course the Nurse Joys kept me updated on his progress and how much he advanced."

Jeanette, "So I might have to leave Parasect at one point."

Ash, "I would suggest you register her pokeball as a learning nurse. It's what I did and it kept other trainers from trying to get my Pokemon. No one messes with Nurses after all, they are terrifying when pissed off. Oh and you can officially apply for your Pokemon to be a professional healer after two years if you take part in this program. My Venasaur just completed six months so one and a half year left to go."

Jeanette giggles a little at that her worry lessening, "Thank you, I'll go do what you suggested right now."

Ash, "Good luck Jeanette."

[A. N.: Okay!

Elimination rounds are done!

Now top sixteen battle coming up.

And it's raining heavily out here which sometimes cuts off my network connection.

Ah well!

Has anyone watched the new Conjuring movie? It's really cool.]

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