Drew, Sam, and Terry entered the old hospital as darkness fell upon the land. Paranormal activity was always higher after dark, so the team always conducted their investigations at night. At first they searched the rooms on the ground floor, moving from room to room searching each with the FLIR to look for any cold spots. Drew would ask questions and turn on the spirit box but would receive no answer.
Hope but also disappointment stuck the team as they continued to find no evidence. Hope that they were not in a terribly dangerous situation, but disappointment because deep down they enjoyed the thrill of a real ghost hunt. This continued for hours until the clock struck twelve and the moon was at the apex of the sky. Suddenly out of nowhere they heard the front doors to the hospital slam loudly.
"Alex." Drew radioed. "Was that you?"
"Was what me?" Alex radioed back. "Did something happen?"
Drew smiled with the revelation of activity and turned around to face the camera. "Alright everyone we just experienced our first bit of paranormal activity for the night. Something has slammed the front doors of the hospital; we are going to head back to see what we find."
As they walked back through the hospital a strange sound could be heard in the distance. IT sounded as if a knife or a piece of metal was being run along the wall. The same sound Terry calmed to have heard earlier.
"See!" Terry said. "You hear that right! Terry is not crazy!"
"Shhh!" Drew said. He continued to listen to the noise as it slowly got louder, as if it were moving towards their position. "Sounds like it's coming this way."
"It's a damn ghost!" Terry shouted.
"Hey guys." Alex radioed. "Someone is wrong with the camera in the hallway that links to yours. I don't know what happened, but it suddenly just went all wavy."
"It's coming!" Terry shouted. "We need to get out of here man! Like now!"
Sam turned the camera off for a second and lowered it to talk. "I agree with Terry. We need to get out of here, we have no idea what we are dealing with and I would like to avoid another ranch situation." She said. "After she finished talking, she placed the camera back on her shoulder and resumed filming.
They moved swiftly to the entrance in an attempt to outrun whatever it was that was chasing them. As they reached the doors Drew pulled on them with all his might, but they would not budge no matter how hard he tried. "Well folks, it seems like we are trapped in here for now." He said to the camera. "I am going to try a spirit box session now." He took the spirit box out of his pocket and turned it on. "Is there anyone here?!" He shouted into the darkness. He waited for an answer.
[Run] popped up on the screen of the spirit box and a robotic voice followed. "Run"
"Why do you want us to run away?" Drew asked loudly. "You trapped us here after all."
[Run] The box repeated. [He comes] Showed up next on the screen.
"Who comes?!" Drew asked.
[Death] The box said. [Run] Was the next word. Followed by [Now].
"Terry thinks we should leave!" Terry shouted.
The sound of the metal continued and got louder and louder.
[Run, Run, Run, Run, Run] Showed up on the screen as the noise suddenly stopped.
"Let's boogey!" Terry yelled as he darted into a nearby room. Sam and Drew followed him to find Terry desperately trying to open a window to escape. "This damn window won't budge!" Terry yelled.
The moonlight lit the room enough to see another exit on the far side of the room, the trio rushed over to it and out of the room into an adjacent hallway. "We need to keep ahead of whatever this is." Drew said. He then turned to the Camera, "we are running from some unknown force, that seems to be after us." He picked up his radio as he continued down the hall. "Alex, we need your help!" He said.
"My help?!" She radioed back surprised.
"We need to find out what kind of ghost is chasing us here, I am sorry, but it is important." Drew replied. "Look for a ghost that moves objects and creates phantom noises as well as disrupt electrical equipment."
"On it!" Alex replied.
As they moved down the hall the doors at the end slammed in front of them blocking their path. "Shit!" Drew said as the metal sound started back behind them in the hallway. He scanned the dark hall with his flashlight and could not see the source of the noise as it got louder and closer. Finally stopping as it sounded like it was right on top of them. In a flash a large man appeared before them holding a rusted machete in his hand.
The man raised his blade to strike Drew. Drew flinched fearing the impact, as the blade fell both the blade and the man disappeared in a puff of smoke and the door opened behind them. Drew patted his body all over to make sure she was okay. "The hell just happened?!" Drew asked.
"Fucking ghost just happened!" Terry replied. "Terry thought for sure that fatso was going to kill you!"
"I did too." Drew said still in shock, I wonder what made him stop.
"Who the hell cares!" Sam said, putting down the camera. "The door is open, let's move damn it! Before he decides to attack us for real!"
The trip ran down the newly opened hall with all they had hoping to evade the man. The voice box was still running and said a word. [Safe]
"You think it's over?!" Terry said loudly.
"I don't know." Drew said. "It might just mean we are safe for now, whose is to say for how long."
"Let's talk to it." Drew said. "The helpful spirit talking to us, I mean." He cleared his throat and prepared to speak. "Are you one of the doctors or nurses that were killed all those years ago."
[Yes] The box replied.
"How many spirits are in this building?" Drew asked, curious to know how many ghosts inhabited a building such as this.
[Many] The box answered.
"Well I guess that's something." Drew said.
His chat was cut short by the familiar sound of metal on the wall.
[Run] The box said. [Now]
Well, this isn't going well. Drew sure did get lucky that the ghost didn't kill him... Wonder why that happened...?
I hope you are enjoying the story so far! Please let me know in the comments and grant me those beautiful beautiful powerstones! I read every comment and powerstones make me smile!