
Chapter 105 Green past

Lily continue.

"Now that you know we can't say anything in a scientific approach i will let green say how she survive at a black hole."

i look at her without understanding. And i remember, I say that i come from a black and it's because of that that i exist. At this time it was the best easy way to explain my existence.

"Yes and no, First I will inform you that I'm a special case. I lie to you, sorry, because it's more easy to say that I come from a black hole. Know that I didn't come from a black hole. I use a theory of the black hole because I can't say where I come from. A Theory about the distortion in space and time, like that you can think i come from the past or the future… But to be franc I don't come from the future but more from the past. The starship come from the past. But The AI , so myself and the system come from neither of them. I can say that I'm a unique existence.

So basically i didn't survive of a black hole."

"Oh sorry I didn't know. But if can you say us if other species like you can exist?"

"No they can't. I'm an error of multiple error that didn't exist in the first place. But don't worry I rest your starship."

To stop the bad feeling that we all have Nemo speak.

"Concentrate in our riddle or a scientist approach or anything like legend. Nobody had an idea to know what is this black hole and how we can increase our probability of surviving if we chose to continue the mission. "

We all try to think about a solution. But nothing come about an hour after Nemo announce that we will chose a path at diner this day.

I was about wake up of my seat when i hear Kenny whisper jokingly .

"If the first sentence is a black hole the second can be a white hole. "

I stop the other.

I think I know the solution.

"Guys i think i find a solution to the riddle and a scientific theory at the same time."

They all look at me. They know what a black hole is and they know space rule more than me. But how can i have understood.

They all seat and wait for me.

I take a slip of tea and explain.

"Just now Kenny make a joke."

They all look at him and he look at me like I make a joke .

"Yeah you say if a black hole exist why not a white hole."

They look again at me and Kenny say.

" Yes, but it's a joke. A white hole didn't exist i didn't hear o this thing."

He look at the other. " Did you have ear of a white hole?"

They answer that it didn't exist and nothing is find in internet if they search white hole . I confirm it with the data base of the academy that I steal.

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