
Chapter: The Beginning Of The End

Two days had finally passed since Minerva had returned to the Anunnaki base. Now, many other Anunnaki that had been overseas had finally returned to the main army— each new unit controlled by a Rank 5.

Thankfully, the Apocrypha had not chosen to attack as yet. No one knew if it was just luck or if the Apocrypha had some kind of reasoning behind their decision. However, if Kymera's intel was correct, then the Apocrypha would certainly strike the following day. 

This meant that the Anunnaki and human soldiers had only a few hours to prepare for war. This resulted in the day being extremely busy.

Zane and Minerva sat side-by-side in their respective thrones as they watched over the preparations. Minerva had convinced Zane that he should keep his act up as King Jupiter until the war was over. If the Anunnaki were to find out that Jupiter had not somehow managed to return, then it would lead to a state of distrust.

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