
Curse | JJK

Autor: likgguk
Musik und Bands
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"This place, It's cursed" *** "Fuck Off" I cursed under my breath. "Girls like you shouldn't curse...." Jungkook trailed off brushing my hair strand behind my ear. Which made my heart beat loud enough for both of us to hear. "Instead they should get fucked" with that he kissed me. *** Sa Bina comes back to Seoul after one year of going to Busan. And when she comes back she notices strange things starts to happen like teenage girls goes missing and found dead in a haunted villa. Which made her and her friends to find about the cause of the reason. But little did they know that they are involving themselves in serious danger. *** Cover credits goes to one of my friends in wattpad. Yep this story is published in both wattpad and webnovel.

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Chapter 1Puberty Really Does Changes

Sa Bina's Point Of View :


I looked at the direction from where the familiar voice called my name. A small smile made it's way as I looked my best friend approaching me with my parents.

"I missed you hon, It's great to have you here again" saying that Mum engulfed me in a bear hug. Even though it's suffocating, I missed her so much. So I hugged her back with same force.

"So how is my little princess?" Dad asked me kissing me on the forehead.

I grinned.

"Good as my Dad" I replied hugging him.

"Are you still not going to hug me?" I asked Jimin pulling away from Dad. As I stretched my arms asking for a hug.

He came to hug me but I crossed my arms with a smirk,which made him roll his eyes.

Atlast I hugged him, which made him smile and hug me back.

"Anything new?" I asked him looking at him from top to bottom. He changed.

"Why are you staring at me like you have seen a ghost?" He asked me with a smirk knowing I was checking him out.

"Puberty really does changes" I said as we walked towards my Dad's car.

My answer made jimin chuckle.

"I too had same thought because my little pup became beautiful in 3 years" Jimin replied knowing I don't like being called pup.

"But you look ugly like a blob fish" I smirked. His face filled with disbelief.

"Am I?" He asked me pointing to his face with a pout.

Oof...that pout really makes me loose all my grudges againist him. He does know I can't resist at that.

So I choose stay silent.

"What cat got tongue?" He gave me a smirk.

I was ready to fire back at him but Mum cut me off giving us a stern looks.

So we both silently sat in the car.

I'm really excited as I looked around. Seoul is my hometown but due to my Aunt I was dragged to Busan. In one year I missed everything and also changed myself.

Sorry, I didn't done my introduction right?

I'm Sa Bina. People calls me Bina. While my bestfriends calls me Pup. Even though I act like I don't like it, I like that name very much.

"Bina, we are going to Jung's farm house." Dad said looking at me from mirror.

"What? You could have warned me before. I would have dressed nice." I almpst yelled at him.

I heard Jimin's laugh, I punched him on the shoulder.

"You look beautiful hon, almost like a--" My Mum trailed off as she looked at Jimin who continued her sentence.

"Badass, with a black ripped jeans and blackshirt paired with a brownjacket."

I rolled my eyes, I hate that I wore all black today.

"We are here"

Dad announced which made me look outside. Nothing changed except for the garden which is now filled with flowers.

"Does everyone knows that I'm joining them?" I asked no one in particular.

"Yeah, actually I think you are going to get into trouble." I groaned at Jimin's words.

Ofcourse my friends are angry for not informing them while I left. Even though we still talked through phones I know they are hurt. Especially Hobi. He only talked with me when I tripped and got into an accident.

Taking deep breaths I followed my parents with Jimin beside me.

"Is Hobi still angry on me?" I asked Jimin.

"No, He is hurt that you left us behind." Jimin replied with a soft smile.

"What about you?"

"Nah...I can't stay angry on my little sister" he side hugged me.

"Why are you acting like you are hiding something from me?" He became stiff at my words.

"Am I? I don't think so." He replied in a hurry.

Before I can open my mouth, Some one engulfed into a bear hug which made me take some steps back.

"Can't... breath.." I said as I tried to push the person away from me.

"Pup I missed you"

"Hobi I too missed you" I said still struggling in his arms. He chuckled and pulled away from me.

"Sorry, I never intended to leave but I left." I said looking at him who had a bright smile on his face.

"Apology accepted" Namjoon's voice rang behind Hobi.

I smiled as I looked at my other friends who are approaching me. Wait I find two new people whose backs are facing me. Who are they?

"You changed" Jin commented hugging me.

I smiled.

"Puberty really does changes" Jimin quoted my line mimicking my voice. I glared at him.

"I know right, You guys too changed looking more hot except for Jimin who looks like a smurf" I said which made Yoongi and Namjoon to laugh while Hobi and Jin tried to stifle their laughs.

While Jimin fumed with fury. I'm in great trouble.

"Oops...I think I should go for a run, meet you later if I still stay alive." I started running inside the house followed by Jimin.

"Binaaaa" he shouted as he ran behind me.

I giggled as I hid behind Mrs.Park, she too giggled looking at Jimin. There is only person whom Jimin fears most and I'm hiding behind her.

"Mum you should not support her, she called me smurf" Jimin whined, I giggled.

"But what should I do Jimin, I like her so stop bullying her." Mrs.Park replied hugging me, I stick out my tongue at him.

To which Jimin sighed in defeat.

This is why I miss Seoul so much, but I made one mistake which made me run away from here.

And this time I won't do that.

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