
Chapter 115

The young boy Li Xiaolong's entire journey went well. They traveled for almost more than two hours. It's a good thing that they were already on their way before dawn, otherwise they might have arrived here at noon because they might stop by the houses they pass by.

He was currently standing in front of the big door of the big branch of the Feathers Guild inside this town. Every area and corner of the town is so beautiful and so lively that it seems like it can be said that no problem has been felt in the said environment where it is now.

The young boy Li Xiaolong was able to say goodbye and thank the said salesman that he rode on his horse. He can tell that he is very kind and he can tell that he is really working hard in life.

On the other hand, opposite to the Feathers Guild, the said branch only stands in a quiet corner of town. It's not without attention because it can be said that this part of the area is rarely visited and it seems that only a few people choose this route.

For the second time the young man Li Xiaolong will come here. He didn't have any treasure with him but just a piece of paper that seemed to be very old and he could tell that no one would be interested in it because it was just ordinary paper nowadays. If someone grabs and takes it from him, he doesn't know how to react.

"You can do it Li Xiaolong. Even if you don't have any money with you, what about hmmm..." The young man Li Xiaolong said as he could see how much he was encouraged.

As soon as he entered the said large establishment of the Feathers Guild, the beautiful interior of the said lucar was revealed. Screaming luxury and sophistication. Who would have thought that the thing here held such incomparable value.

How can he tell? He's not stupid enough not to know this. In the way the beautiful woman said that the interior of the extraordinary place is very strong nv said Feathers Guild that this probably is in luxury it does not let up.

Quickly appeared in front of him a woman wearing a sky blue uniform similar to the other people coming and going here who were also wearing the same.

He was worried that those who assisted him were wearing this. Even the badge hanging on its left chest is exactly the logo of the said Feathers Guild. He can't be wrong because he is an employee of this place who assists any customer who comes in here.

"Good day kid. What can our Feathers Guild help you with?!" The beautiful woman in front of the boy Li Xiaolong smiled and said.

"Good day, too, Miss. I just want to speak with the highest-ranking person in the Feathers Guild. Can I?!" The boy Li Xiaolong said directly after he greeted back. He can say that the things that are happening and that he wants to happen seem to be fleeting. He should also get help from the Feathers Guild.

The beautiful woman assisting the young man in front of her seemed surprised but she quickly smiled.

"Ah eh, can I know your name kid?! Besides, what you said surprised me a bit. May I know why you want to talk to the highest official of the Feathers Guild?" The beautiful woman assisting the boy Li Xiaolong said politely. Even if he was shocked or surprised by what this young man said, he could not get rid of his unprofessionalism.

"Ah eh, I'm Li Xiaolong by the way. Can we talk in a private place? We're going to talk about something too delicate if we talk here hehe..." The boy named Li Xiaolong said awkwardly . It seemed that he did not answer the last question of the beautiful woman in front of him.

"I'm Lu Lan. You can. Come and follow me. We can go to the interrogation area hehe..." The beautiful woman said as she smiled at the boy named Li Xiaolong. Surprisingly, he didn't want to be rude here.

The young man Li Xiaolong just nodded at the beautiful woman in front of him.

He walked quickly into the said Interrogation Area.

It seems that the people inside the Feathers Guild are wondering. It seemed that there were so many Martial Artists that went within the Feather Guild that were here.

When they saw the boy following behind the said beautiful woman assisting those coming here, they quickly murmured.

"When did this become a place for these kids?!"

"Yes, of course, I didn't know that you could bring a child here or allow children to enter here."

"Hmmm... I do agree with what you're saying. How did a pimply kid get into the Feathers Guild?!"

"This should be reported to the manager of the Feathers Guild. The kid can't just wander around here."

"It's my first time to come here but the boy can come here!"

"Please keep your mouth shut because they might hear you!"

"Hmmp! Please? Are you crazy? I've been coming to this place for a long time and I just saw a child."

"Yes, this place is very strange. Does it look like a playground?!"

"You said, this place is too unprofessional."

"It's my first time coming here but this is the only thing that will open up to me?!"

"Me too, this is a place for important information but it shouldn't be turned into a kiddie area."

"That boy's clothes are very old. He looks like his parents have neglected him."

"You guys are so annoying, maybe its parents are neglecting it. Why are the employees of this place entertaining it?!"

"Their work is very unprofessional. Disappointing!"

It seemed full of negative statements suddenly echoed after they witnessed this event. It seems that these things can be said to have a negative impression on the martial artists who are here, especially since they are experts.

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