
Chapter 36

Young Li Xiaolong just woke up when the sun hit him. She still seemed dizzy as it rubbed her pair of eyes.

"He's awake Night Spider!" Simple utterance of a familiar voice. Li Xiaolong knew it was his Ate Jianxin's voice.

Young Li Xiaolong immediately woke up as he quickly looked at his own and he quickly looked at the two creatures in front of him.

"Or you're awake young Xiaolong." Night Spider simply said.

"What was the result of my re-examination Kuya Night. Did I pass ?!" Young Li Xiaolong said as he could be seen wanting to know his own re-examination results.

"Ah ... Eh ... I'm sorry Batang Xiaolong but the result of your re-examination is that you didn't pass. You're still a 2nd Grade Martial Talent." The man said Night Spider.

The girl Li Jianxin glared at the man Night Spider.

The Night Spider man just sighed.

"It's okay Little Xiao². We'll just go back to the Li Clan. At least you tried." Maiden Li Jianxin comforts young Li Xiaolong. He is saddened by the result of the re-examination of young Li Xiaolong's Martial Talent.

Young Li Xiaolong was just silenced on the side. But unbeknownst to them, he was not really too sad because of this incident. He was still holding on to what seemed strange to him when he allegedly fainted and was unconscious earlier.

"Uhm, okay Ate. Honestly, I also don't want to expect a lot given that my Martial Talent is so low and I also don't want to be away from my father and mother and even my brother. I still don't ?! " Young Li Xiaolong said. It seemed like the sadness was gone from its face and it was smiling now.

The man Night Spider was surprised but he did not show it. This kid is really special but it's just sad that he's the only one with 2nd Grade Martial Talent. Even he has loosened his grief and he will feel guilty because there is a part of him that feels that the child has been pressured but it turns out that it is not. The children were so transparent that he knew what young Li Xiaolong was saying was true.

Night Spider was just quiet on the side.

The girl, Li Jianxin, immediately confronted him and spoke.

"O Night Spider, we're leaving. Just lend me your horse, maybe you know how to go home alone, right ?!" Li Jianxin said as he asked more of the latter.

"Of course. You just clapped three times and my horse will leave and come back here." Night Spider said to the girl Li Jianxin.

"Until again!" Li Jianxin said and led the young Li Xiaolong.

"You go first Ate, I'll just talk to Kuya Night Spider." Young Li Xiaolong said to his Ate Jianxin.

"Okay, just don't procrastinate. We're going to travel a long way back to the Sky Flame Kingdom and I'll be leaving the other day." Beautiful maiden Li Jianxin reminds young Li Xiaolong.

"Yes sister, I promise I'll follow and it's easy." Li Xiaolong said to his Ate Li Jianxin.

The girl Li Jianxin immediately walked away to where the horse was. He knew it was a smart and extraordinary horse, another one was also well-trained.


"Oh Young Xiaolong why are you still here? I thought you were coming home ?!" Night Spider said to Li Xiaolong standing in front of him.

"Ah eh brother, it's about the money you just spent on me -------!" Young Li Xiaolong said as the man Night Spider quickly cut him off.

"What kind of child are you, don't bother with that. I gave it on my own and I think I should apologize to you because I made you hope and I also hoped that I was just wrong." The man said Night Spider.

"Is that so, Kuya Night Spider doesn't exist. You didn't miss me. Besides, that's not the reason why I want to talk to you, kuya." Young Li Xiaolong said.

Night Spider frowned.

"Eh what do you want to tell me Young Xiaolong?" The man, Night Spider, seemed surprised.

"Ah eh, is Giant Boulder always there at the Open Ground Stadium in its place ?!" Young Li Xiaolong.

"Haha ... I was nervous there. Don't you know that no one can move or move that Giant Boulder ?! That Giant Boulder has been in the center of the Open Ground Stadium for a long time. Why did you ask Batang Xiaolong? ! " Night Spider said as he looked at young Li Xiaolong.

"Because I saw my brother that there was a strange scratch on the side of Giant Boulder especially between the cracks. Please just take a look because it might help you a lot." Young Li Xiaolong said while smiling.

"Huh ?! Eh ... All right, I'll check that out." Although the man Night Spider seemed confused, he quickly agreed to the wishes of the boy Li Xiaolong.

"Oh he's older brother, I'm leaving. Maybe Ate Jianxin is already waiting for me. Thank you very much. See you again!" Young Li Xiaolong said and quickly ran away.

"Hahaha ... That boy still hasn't changed." The man Night Spider just laughed in his mind at the behavior of the boy Li Xiaolong. He could not change the result. He looked at the receding figure of young Li Xiaolong. He still remembered the last thing he said, he was a bit wrapped up in curiosity at what he said. What could be that to bother young Li Xiaolong to tell him.

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