

"Daddy?" Darkness filled all around me as I began to panic. I didn't understand what was happening, one minute I was talking to Kamari and now I'm here.

"Flower?" I heard as my eyes immediately welled up with tears since the only person that called me was my mom, "Mama?!" I yelled as my voice echoed around me, "Where are you, mama?!" I continued to yell as tears streamed down my face, "Follow my voice, my little flower," the voice said as I immediately began running. I ran and ran, but it felt like I was running in the same place, which made me cry even more, "I can't mama, please, I need you," I cried as I stopped feeling tired.

"Don't give up, little wolf, push harder," I suddenly heard my dad's voice saying, causing my face to light up with a gasp escaping my mouth, "Daddy?!" I called out, "Run Rosalie, run, we're waiting for you, little wolf," my dad said as I began running faster and faster until I saw a light, "You're almost there, little flower," my mom said as I continued running, getting closer and closer to the light until, "Jump little wolf, jump," And I did, I jumped before gasping as I felt like I was falling into nothing, "I've got you, little wolf," said my dad as I fell into a pair of arms.

I looked up locking eyes with the replica of mine before I followed the rest of its features. I gasp loudly, realizing whose arms I was in, causing a choked sob to escape from my lips, "Oh my god," I cried, stepping back to look at my parents.

"Hello, little wolf," my dad greeted with a smile on his face, "Daddy?" I whispered, cupping my mouth in disbelief, "Look how beautifully you've grown, my flower," my mom said with a teary smile on her face, "Mommy?" I called out before running into their open arms, "You're here, you're here," I said, pulling back to see their faces as a smile appeared on my face.

"We're here, little flower," my mom said, placing her hand on my cheek as I smiled, "B-But how, I thought I wasn't ready?" I asked, as my father raised my chin, "We wanted to visit you, to give you that closure, but you had to do something first," he said as my eyes widened in realization, "Kamari?" I asked as they both nodded, "How about we go for a run, you want to run like the wolves, my little flower?" My mom asked, before stepping back, they then phased right in front of me as I gasped. Their wolves were huge and beautiful. Mom's wolf was silver white and Dad's was charcoal black.

"Wow!" I gushed in awe before flinching as I heard chuckles in my head, "Mom, Dad?" I thought, "We can hear you, little wolf," my dad said as I smiled, "Your turn, flower," my mom said as I grew afraid, knowing that my first shift was painful, which my parents figured out from the look on my face, "It's alright, Rosalie, the first shift is always the most painful, it'll get easier afterward, just give into the shift," my dad explained as I nodded before thinking about Kamari, and before I knew it, a heat wave flowed through my body before it stopped.

"Oh honey, you're so beautiful," my mom complimented as I opened my eyes to realize that I had already shifted, "I-I didn't feel a thing!" I excitedly exclaimed as my dad walked towards me before nuzzling against my fur, "Good job, little wolf," he said as my tail wiggled in happiness, "Come on, flower, let's go for a run," my mom said as my dad ran off, followed by my mom and then me chasing after them.

As we ran, I was able to take in my surroundings. It was beautiful, an endless field of the greenish grass I've ever seen with flowers of different sizes and colors. The sky was clear blue and the wind was chilled and fresh as it blew through my fur.

"Keep up, little wolf," my dad said as we ran towards a forest, none like I'd seen before. I ran faster to catch up with my parents and we then ran into the forest. It was similar to the one back at home but this one was more perfected and calm.

I followed my parents as they led me through the forest before stopping at a passageway. I was confused at first, but then, I gasp, "Is this the hideout?" I excitedly asked, as my mom giggled, "Kind of," she said before walking through, behind my dad and I immediately followed. As I entered the hideout, I was left speechless, my mom was right, it was kind of like the hideout back at home, but it was so different, so hard to describe, but it gave off a peaceful vibe that makes me want to stay.

As I walked further behind my dad, my mom brushed against my fur, I smiled before realizing that we weren't alone, other wolves made me a bit nervous as I cuddled close to my mom, who licked my snout, "Don't worry, honey, they wouldn't hurt you," she said as I sighed in relief, "What is this place, mom?" I asked, "It's something like the afterlife for wolves," she replied, causing my eyes to widen, "Am I dead?" I asked in disbelief as my dad chuckled in front of us.

"No, you're just asleep, but your soul traveled, and your father and I just led you to us," she explained as I nodded, totally shocked to realize how calm I was about all of this, but maybe I was just glad to see my parents. Soon we stopped by the waterfall, where we then lay down, me in the middle and my parents on both sides of me.

I sighed in contentment because for once in my life, I felt complete, at true peace, "It's been so rough without you guys," I said as my mom whimpered, "I know, flower, and it hurts us to not be there for you," she said as my dad sighed, "Especially around this time, I never wanted you to find out the way you did," he said as I quickly nuzzle into him, "It's alright dad, but were you ever going to tell me?" I asked as my dad sighed, "I was, but not at the time that I was supposed to because I had left that part of my life behind, I wanted you to be a normal child, but I realized too late that you're never going to be a normal child," he replied as tears welled up in his eyes.

"I'm not mad dad, I know that everything you do is to protect me, and you and mom are the only two people that I trust the most in this world with the life that you gave to me, but you get the point," I said as they both chuckled, "And I think that I would grow to love this side of me," I said as my tail began wiggling.

"I know you will because you're in good hands," my mom said as I hummed, "Yeah and they miss you very much," I said as they both nuzzled into me, "We miss them too," dad said, "But I'm afraid that something is going to happen," I said as my mom whimpers, "We know and it's going to be tragic," dad said as my heart sunk, "Will anyone die?" I asked in a panic tone, "Unfortunately, we can't tell you that, little wolf, but you must prepare and be aware of those that surround you," he said as I nodded before looking around in confusion, "What's happening?" I asked as my parents sighed.

"It means that it's almost time for you to wake up, little flower," my mom said as I whimpered, "Oh," I said, realizing that I may never see them again, "Will this be the last time that I see you like this?" I asked, "Unfortunately, yes, but we'll always be here when you truly need us," my dad said as I sighed, "This was something that I truly needed, thank you," I said as my parents stepped away from me before phasing back.

"You're welcome, sweetheart," my mom said before I also phased back and ran into their arms, "I'm going to miss you," I cried into their shoulders, "We'll miss you too, little flower," my mom said before they pulled away and grabbed my hands, "Come on," my dad beckons as we walked closer to the waterfall before walking behind the water.

Behind the water was a cave, the cave was pitch black, and you couldn't even your hand, it reminded me of when I first got here, "Where are we?" I asked as I felt a hand hold mine, "This is how you'll go back to reality," my dad replied as his voice cracked, "I love you," I said before I was pulled into a group hug, "We love you too, Rosalie," my mom said before I felt a kiss on my cheek as she then moved away before I felt a kiss on my forehead, "Listen to me, Rosalie, you need to let us go," he said as I frowned, "What? I-

"Remember that we'll always be there, but you have to let us go, remember what I said," he said, when all of a sudden, my vision became brighter and brighter.

"We love you, Rosalie."

My eyes slowly opened as I realized that I was back in my bathroom. Tears flowed out of my eyes as I remembered my dream. I finally saw them, they finally came to me and gave me the closure that I needed, and now I felt that heavy weight lifts off my shoulder. I sighed with a growing smile on my face until I remembered my father's words.

"Remember that we'll always be there, but you have to let us go."

I was a bit confused by his words as I drained the tub before jumping into the shower. I couldn't wait to tell my grandfather and Melody, they would be so happy.

Exiting the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. My eyes uncontrollably moved to the shelf above my bed, where my parents' ashes lay and that's when everything clicked.

"You have to let us go,"

He wants me to free their ashes. A weak smile formed on my lips as I thought about freeing their ashes. Before, it would've been difficult for me to do, but now that I know that they're at peace, I'm okay with letting them go, "I promise dad, I promise that I'll set you and mom free," I said before getting ready to head downstairs.

It was quiet as I descended the stairs. It was still very early, so I didn't expect anyone to be awake. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I glanced into the kitchen, which was closest to the stairs to find no one present. I sighed before moving to the living room, I froze in my tracks when my eyes landed on the twins, who were on the couch asleep. They were covered in white bandages and looked a bit pale.

Seeing them in this state made my heart ache. They looked so calm and peaceful while they slept. I moved towards Genesis, who was closer to me as I kneeled beside them before gently caressing his face, trying my best to avoid his bruises.

"I'm sorry that this happened to you, the both of you," I whispered before gently leaning over to kiss his lips as he sighed slowly in his sleep.

"What about me, don't I get a kiss?" Giovanni's sudden voice asked, startling me as I turned around to see that he had woken up, "Hey," I greeted, walking to him before kneeling beside him, "Hey beautiful," he greeted back as his hand reached up to caress my cheek, "How are you?" He asked as I frowned, "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I asked as he smirked, "You're worried about me, Rose?" He asked He teased as my eyes glossed over, "Of course, I'm worried about you, you could've been seriously hurt," I said as his smile dropped before he nodded, "I know, I'm sorry, but I'm fine, I am, are you?" he said before asking as I nodded, "I'm fine, but I'm more worried about Genesis," I said as Giovanni sighed in defeat, "Me too," He said as I immediately cupped his face.

"It wasn't your fault, so don't believe that it was," I said as he nodded, "I know, and I'm not," he said as I nodded before leaning down to kiss his lips and pulling away, "Good," I said as we grinned at one another.

"Look who's awake," Giovanni and I flinched as we heard my grandfather's voice. I turned around to find him at the entrance of the living room with a grin on his face.

Upon seeing his face, I immediately remembered my dream. I got emotional as I walked up to him before sitting in his lap to cuddle in his neck, as I then began sniffling, "It's alright, baby girl, I got you." he whispered while rubbing my back.

I saw them, papa, I saw my parents."

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