
Ch54. Scandal?

Pepper walked into Tony's room in a huff and instantly cringed from the intense musky smell of sex that engulfed her and overpowered her sense of smell to such a degree she barely kept herself from gagging.

She quickly ran towards a window without even gazing at the two figures peacefully sleeping on the carpet, cuddled together, and opened it wide, causing a warm breeze to enter the room.

The angry ginger turned towards the sleeping figures with a scowl on her face. She was about to scream them awake but a piercing feeling of discomfort stopped her short.

Pepper tried to find what gave her this feeling when her eyes landed on two green orbs watching her with blatant displeasure written in them. For some reason, Pepper found herself subconsciously taking a step back as her mind screamed at her 'danger!'.

"Mrs. Hogan," An even voice full of irritation entered Pepper's ears, "May I inquire what are you doing here?"

Natasha was not amused. She had barely two hours of sleep behind herself when the ginger woke her up. She felt sore, the good kind of sore but sore nonetheless. Her body was overly sensitive and her inner pervert demanded her to continue having sex while her mind wanted her to continue sleeping, the two refusing to compromise and making a mess in her head.

And now she had to deal with the clearly irate ginger of strictness? Natasha inwardly groaned, wanting nothing more than Pepper getting the hint and going away.

But that was obviously not happening so Natasha did the best thing she could in this situation. She put her hand on Tony's shoulder and shook it, waking him up so he could deal with his friend before she laid on his chest and closed her eyes again.

Fuck Mondays and fuck Pepper Hogan.

The only good thing about the whole situation was how warm and full Tony's lower part was making her feel, still deep inside of her.

Tony groggily woke up, certain there were massive black circles under his eyes if the way he felt was any indication and tried to raise the upper part of his body to a sitting position but he found out he couldn't.

The reason for that became obvious when his muddled mind cleared a bit. Natasha was still using his chest as a pillow so Tony just put his head back onto the carpet and sighed while his right hand found its way on the top of Natasha's head, affectionately stroking it, causing Natasha to snuggle closer.

A small smile appeared on Tony's lips but it froze the second he heard someone clearing her throat behind him. Tony inclined his head back and his eyes landed on an upset upside-down Pepper with her hands crossed on her chest and looking at him with the same look she loved to give him when he caused some kind of a mess...

'Oh!' Tony's mind finally caught up, 'I publicly declared Natasha as my fiancee.'

He inwardly cringed. In hindsight, that was reckless as heck and spur of the moment thing but it gave him the best night of his life so... there was that, he guessed?

Just a pity it led to clearly upset Pepper woking him up at this ungodly hour.

"You know it is rude waking people up so early in the morning?" Tony dryly asked.

"It is afternoon, Tony." Pepper replied, her tone even less amused.

"How can that be? I just woke up. Of course, it is morning. And I feel tired so it must be early in the morning." Tony complained.

Pepper sighed but her lips twitched. That was a good sign in Tony's books. She was amused which made her less angry and less angry meant less probable to scream. Meaning less chance to get a headache.

Tony was actually proud of himself to come up with that reasoning on the fly.

Pepper felt as if the wind was taken from her sails and she deflated, "Believe it or not, the world doesn't revolve around you."

"Huh? Really? The last time I checked I could swear..." Tony trailed off as if he just discovered some profound secret and Pepper shook her head at him.

"You promised me no more scandals, Tony." She sat on Tony's bed, intending to continue speaking but when she felt her butt settle in something wet, she shuddered and instantly stood up with a disgusted expression as she understood why the two slept on the carpet.

Worse yet, her posterior was now completely drenched!

Tony knew this coincidence was his chance to properly calm Pepper down and assuage her worries.

Pepper usually did not care about all the scandals he made. She was his assistant and was supposed to clean up after him, so to speak. Sending home his one-night stands was her regular job.

She never complained and just did her job. After doing it so long, it was her comfort zone and there was no need to get angry just because Tony did something again.

But when she became the CEO of Stark Industries, she suddenly found herself with more responsibilities and it was driving her sparse. Tony could understand it. This happened to Pepper in his past too. She was very easily irritable and demanded he stops doing idiotic things because it was she who had to deal with the aftermath.

In his past, it made sense. Him doing something outrageous would affect the stock value. It always did. But now he owned so many stocks of his company that it didn't bother him in the least. Not that Pepper knew that.

Nevertheless, Tony knew she would calm down eventually. This initial freak-out due to her position as the CEO would cease and Pepper's temper would even out.

It just needed time.

"I didn't cause a scandal, Pepper. I just made fun of Jamie Hammer!"

"It's Justin. But that's not what I am talking about." Pepper frowned, "All major media are printing stories about your engagement to Miss Romanoff here!" She agitatedly pointed at Natasha who was peacefully lying on Tony's chest, not bothered by the conversation in the least.

Tony could feel her very slightly rocking her hips, causing him slow jolts of pleasure so the little minx was definitely not asleep.

"Do you have any idea what kind of repercussions there will be because of this? Tony Stark marrying an unknown woman who is also his personal assistant? Not only will Miss Romanoff be accused of being a harlot who seduced her boss but you will be hounded by media for months! And that's only how it will affect you!" Pepper ground her teeth, "What about me or the Stark Industries? I had to swim through a veritable sea of reporters this morning! Would it have killed you to tell me you are planning to do something big like this first? Or is this some kind of revenge for forcing you to attend the party? God, Tony, I hope this is not some kind of joke or I will-"

"Whoa, Peps. No. It was kind of a spur of a moment thing. I am sorry for making your life more troublesome but I won't regret it. I love Natasha." Tony said and something in his tone apparently forced Pepper to stop her tirade.

She looked at him as if searching for something but after a while, she only huffed, "Fine." And turned to leave while muttering about troublesome inconsiderate bosses.

Well, there was nothing she could have done anyway so she probably just decided to take her loss and retreat. Pepper was smart like that. A good CEO material, really.

When she was finally away and the door closed behind her, Natasha finally deemed it safe to open her eyes, much to Tony's exasperation.

"You love me, hmm~?" She licked her lips and the rocking of her hips got more intense.

His exasperation quickly faded...

Despite being tired, the two didn't fall back into the sweet embrace of sleep for quite some time yet.

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