
Chapter thirty

Jada woke to a soft weight pressing down on her chest with masses of brown curls spread across her chest. She lay motionless not moving so as not to wake the sleeping head while she caressed the hair in a soft stroke a contended emotion on her face. Though Jada has not been able to sort out what she really feels for the woman in her arms she was content to take one day at a time.

She continued to move her fingers through the hair till she felt a staring halting her movement as the head on her chest raised up and she was staring into two chocolate pools softened by sleep.

"Morning," she murmured softly with a slight smile

"Morning," Avery responded with a wide smile, feeling happy and satisfied, the events of last night all but forgotten, as she basked in the scent of the woman lying beneath her.

"Do you have classes this morning? " Jada asked leaning the kiss on the face staring adoringly at her.

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