

I've finally built a laboratory. It was surely a tiresome job. The acid spitters have terrible hostility towards me Since I've almost cleaned up their mother races to build up the base of Obscure sublimity. If I have to explain it in a simple way about how I've invented it. I mixed up various DNAs of monsters and other races including humans and created an artificial monster with a soul intact.

I named it a Doom ultimatum. Doom ultimatum...He was really a cool kid. I mean he was the epitome of necessary destruction.

Well, as an infant he was a terrible beast that went berserk bringing down thousands of acid spitters and Fire moths. I survived the madness though. As the inventor, I should have looked forward to it. I'd have been dead by this evening. Blood is dripping all over my body and I am terribly tired... Guess I'll lose my sanity by this night and regain it after the next four weeks until then I bid you farewell.

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