
Chapter 15: Mated

I walked towards the forest, sulking in the memories of the mistakes I made at dinner. What was I thinking?

Out of nowhere the alarms went off. The piercing wailing sound filled the village. People ran into their homes, screaming in fear. I looked around to find the danger but I was spotted by Dylan.

"Cole, get back to headquarters!" He shouted from a distance.

"But I want to help. I'm soon to be alpha. I need to protect the pack!" I hollered in response.

"But you're still injured. We can handle it this time."

I grumbled and headed back to headquarters. He was right; I'm still in recovery. It was surprising that I even went to dinner but I just want to take care of my pack. It's my job. I opened the door to the headquarters. I looked around and only saw Allison. No Penelope. I closed the door behind me.

"Where's Penelope?" I asked her.

"Oh, she's out helping the others with the attack." She replied calmly.

"What!?! No, she should be here!" I said, being scared of Penelope being out of safety.

"Don't worry, Penelope is skilled in combat. She can hold her ground. Trust me." Allison tried to reassure me but it had no effect whatsoever.

I went upstairs and plopped myself on my bed. Why did she go out there? What if something happens to her? I don't want her to get hurt. I was filled with worry. I should be the one out there. It was too much. I have to be there for her. I hopped out of my bed and swung myself onto the tree outside my bedroom window. Once I was down the tree, I transformed into my wolf. I sprinted towards where my instincts insisted. It didn't take me long to find the fight. I looked around desperately to find her but with no success.

"Cole! What are you doing here? I told you to stay at headquarters!" Dylan scolded me. I simply ignored him.

Out of nowhere a wolf leaped onto me. We rolled a few times and he ended up on top of me.

"Aahh just the wolf I was looking for." I growled at his mockery. "I will say I'm slightly disappointed. I thought you would be bigger, considering you're next in line for alpha."

I snarled at him and batted my claws in his direction. We wrestled each other; I struggled because of my already torn up figure. I saw a flash of color and the weight against me was lifted. I heard a growl and a whimper. Above me was Penelope, growling beneath her breath and gazing at the wolf she had flung not so far away. The wolf slowly stood up with a chuckle escaping his jaws. I rolled out from under Penelope and stood my ground next to her.

"Who's this? Your mate? She looks like a street dog! Might as well take both of you pathetic fur balls!" He cackled.

I wasn't amused. I growled deeply from the back of my throat. He whimpered and shied away. A smile crept on my face until I heard a loud growl behind me. My father. The enemy wolves fled in fear of my father's dominance. I looked over to Penelope, who had her head hung low.

"Pen-" I was interrupted by my father's booming voice.

"Cole!" I shamefully turned to him. "What are you doing out here? You couldn't even walk this morning!"

"I'm sorry, Father. I just couldn't stand by."

"Go back and rest." He demanded sternly.

I bobbed my head and walked away. I looked to where Penelope was but she was already gone.

(??? P.O.V.)

After the Alpha showed up, we fled in a hurry. It was fine. I had information to bring back to my Alpha so I'm not going to be empty handed. I arrived at the headquarters and swiftly made my way to his office.

"Alpha, we failed to capture him but I come with inforemation,"

I bowed, as I entered.

"Continue." His back was turned towards me, as he spoke.

"The Alpha's son is injured. Also he is smaller than I would expect. Well, compared to you."

"He will only meet his full size once he is promoted to his position."

I nodded.

"I believe he also has a mate."

"What is her appearance?"

"Oh, she is very skinny. Definitely hasn't been fed for some time so she is most likely new to their pack." He nodded as I spoke. "Her fur is a mess. No particuler color. Really quite hideous, if you ask me. Oh, and her eyes. Her eyes are two separate colors; brown and blue."

He turned towardsme when he had heard my statement.

"Brown and blue?" His voice echoed in the room.

"Yes, Sir."

He walked out of the room and of course I followed him. Once he stopped in front of the door, he unlocked it with his keys and walked in. The file room.

"I'm looking for a file labeled, 'Penelope Sampson'" He said without even glancing back at me.

Without hesitation, I started reading the labels on the boxes.

(Cole's P.O.V.)

It's been a few weeks. Penelope hasn't talked to me but her training is going so well. She's gained a lot of weight and it really looks good on her. I only get coldness from her and it's really taking its effects on me. When she first came, I felt so light and happy but now I'm just back to how I was, hard and stern; emotionless. I miss her. I miss her looking in my eyes with lightly blushed cheeks and a small smile gracing her lips. Oh those soft panda eyes; please come back to me.

Since we last visited the Blue Rose pack, Penelope and Allison would occasionally visit them. I think Penny just wants to tease Allison but everytime they come back, I smell Aiden's scent smothered on her. I hate it. I hate smelling another wolf on her. But who was I kidding? She doesn't even want to be around me. What gives me the right to be mad?

Allison, Penny and Caroline walked into the living room, where I was sitting on the couch. They seemed to hang out a lot. I could smell Aiden on Penny and Collin on Allison. I wonder what they do when they are there. I growled under my breath, thinking about Aiden on her.

"Are you alright, Cole?" Caroline asked me.

"I'm fine."

"Your tone says otherwise. You've been so mean since you had that dinner at the Blue Rose pack."

"No, I haven't." I groaned.

She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Let's just go, Caroline. He's just a grumpy grouch." Penelope moped like a toddler, heading for the kitchen.

"Don't leave." I whispered to myself, a lump forming in my throat.

"What, Cole?" Caroline again spoke.

"Ugh, oh my god! Who cares?" Penelope groaned, flailing her arms.

"Penelope!" Allison turned to her, "What has gotten into you?"

"Nothing, I'm just hungry." She shrugged.

"Or you don't want to be around me." I muttered. "You'd rather throw yourself all over that Aiden trash."

"What was that?" Penny got agitated.

"I said, you'd rather hang out with Aiden than me!" I lashed out at her, as I stood from my seat.

"Damn, right!" She yelled back. My chest throbbed. I couldn't breathe. My eyes watered.

"Ok," I barely could speak.

I walked away; up to my room. I layed in my bed, gasping for air. It was like my body was being filled with rocks and there was no room for my lungs to expand. I was weighed down, sinking into my bed. I wasn't sure how I would be able to get up when I felt this heavy. I closed my eyes. Liquids squeezed from them. I heard a knock on the door but I had no response to it.

"Cole?" Carolines voice stumbled. "Are you okay?"

I couldn't utter a word. My speech had been taken away from me. Everything has been taken away from me.

"Please, answer me." I heard her lean on the door. I don't know what to say. "Cole, I'm serious. You're scaring me."

"I'm fine." My throat barely let the sound out.

She opened the door. I didn't want her to see me in this state.

"You're not. What happened? You and Penelope used to be electric."

"I offended her. It was an accident. It was a misunderstanding. I don't know how to explain it to her."

"Allison told me something went wrong but she didn't think it was her place to tell her."

"I hate the smell of Aiden on her." I huffed.

"I know. It's obvious. But I'll tell you this, there's nothing between them." I felt slightly relieved. "They are just friends. She doesn't look at him like she does at you."

"She doesn't even look at me anymore."

"Uh yeah, she does." Caroline laughed a little. "She just denies it because she's trying to stay mad at you."

I got up and hugged her. She was always there for me when I was on the edge. I guess you expect that closeness with twins. She hugged me back, comforting me the best she could.

"I know it's gonna be hard, Cole. But you need to talk to her." She patted my back. "You guys are meant for eachother. I can tell." She patted my back.

I sighed as she let go of me and walked out of the room.

(Penelope's P.O.V.)

"Nothing, I'm just hungry." I said, trying to avoid the real reason I wanted to leave.

Cole. I had been trying to escape him, overwhelming my mind. I tried to avoid him. I tried to do everything to distract myself from him. I pushed myself hard in training, trying to make it the only thought in my mind. But, no. Only Cole's lips on mine. That memory wouldn't go away. I tried so hard because Cole isn't good for me and I'm not good for him. He confuses me too much. I don't know how he feels. And he's soon-to-be Alpha. He can't be with me. I'm disgusting. I heard Cole mutter something. Something about Aiden, who I had grown to be friends with.

"What was that?" I questioned.

"I said, you'd rather hang out with Aiden than me!" He lashed out and stood up.

"Damn, right!" I yelled back. What did I just say?

"Ok," He looked crushed. What have I done?

He walked away. His upper limbs slouched forward. Caroline followed him worridly. I knew I just messed up.

"Penny, why did you say that?" Allison said, sounding kind of sad.


"He thinks he kissed you," she interrupted me, "At the dinner he choked because the memory came back to him. He was surprised cause he didn't think he would act on his feelings or something like that. He told me after the dinner. I wanted him to be the one to tell you but I can't watch you guys be apart anymore. I see the way you look at him. You want him."

"I can't have him." I muttered, closing my eyes in disappointment. "An Alpha needs a better mate than me."

"Penny, we don't choose our mates. Our souls do. Not only has your soul chosen him, but your heart has." She pointed at the center of my chest, "He needs you. Your souls are connected."

Caroline walked in then straight out the front door. Allison followed her, leaving me alone. I heard footsteps come down the hall and I looked towards them. My eyes met Cole's. I hadn't looked him straight in the face in weeks. He looked a wreck. His hair was all frizzy and wild and his eyes had deep dark circles beneath them. He looked sad. He grunted and looked away from me. He tried to walk past me but I blocked him. I looked him in the eyes again, lifting my hand to his soft cheek. He just stayed still and watched my movements. I closed my eyes and threw my arms around him, hugging tightly around his neck. He hesitated to hug me back but soon his strong arms met my waist.

"I missed you" He whispered.

"I'm so sorry." He squeezed me tighter, taking in a whiff of me through his nostrils. I heard a small growl escape his lips. "What?"

"You smell like Aiden." He growled

"Jealous?" I chuckled.

He picked me up abruptly. His strong muscles bulged around me. He carried me upstairs and placed me infront of the bathroom door.

"Wash it off." He demanded.

"Only if you help me." I smiled mischeviesly at him. He chuckled under his breath, sweeping his hair back with his hand.

"You don't want that."

"But I just asked." I pouted.

He pinned me to the door, his face coming inches towards mine. His breathing was heavy.

"Stop giving me ideas." He growled.

"I'm not sure what you mean?" I stared him straight in the eyes.

"I wouldn't want to hurt you." His voice was breathy and deep. I looked at him up and down; chest heaving up and down, avoiding eye contact with me and his pants stretched tight around him. I picked his chin up, looking in his bright green eyes. Without a warning his lips devoured mine. He pulled me from the wall in one arm, opening the door with other. We turned inside the bathroom and he shut and locked the door, slamming me into it.

"You'll regret tempting me." He looked me in my eyes, his eyes glowing fiercely. You know what happened next.

Later, I grabbed some of his clothes from his closet and laid in his bed. He laid next to me and pulled my air through his nose.

"That's more like it." He pulled me close to him.

The door slammed open, revealing Dylan.

"Cole!" He paused. "I-i'm sorry. Nevermind."

"You seem urgent. What is it, Dylan?" Cole huffed.

"Your uncle is here."

"Alright, I'm coming." Cole slowly got up.

I didn't want him to leave. He turned to look at me for a second. He then left with Dylan. After a few minutes of sitting and staring at the wall, I got up because I was still hungry from earlier. My legs felt sore but it was nothing I couldn't handle. I walked downstairs. I heard arguing from the office hallway. I just ignored it and headed to the kitchen. I searched the cabinets but there was not a lot to eat or really anything I was in the mood for. I heard a loud huff behind me and turned around. I saw Cole sweeping his hair back, looking frustrated.

"What's wrong?" I caught his attention.

"Oh, hey. I didn't see you." He walked up to me and hugged me. "My uncle is just being difficult."

"Oh, sorry I guess."

"It's fine." He chuckled, reaching behind me and grabbing some cups. "I got to go back in a sec."

He filled the cups with water.

"Here, let me help you carry those." I said picking up one of the cups. He shook his head.


"What. I just want to help you. You only have two hands."

Suddenly two men came in. One being Cole's dad and other I didn't know.

"You were taking too long so we just came here." The stranger said. He laid his eyes on me, making me uncomfortable. "That's her"

Cole got infront of me.

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