
chapter 18: days preparing for battle part 1

I stared off not seeing any traits of the bandits. From the watchtower I looked at the fort seeing is that they were ballistas when I last checked there were six ballistas finished the sixth one being on top of the tower where Luna likes to hang around. I could also see that Grimm was doing as I instructed. Which was one thing taken off my mind I noticed a group of men were coming to the village.I would begin to walk down the stairs of the watchtower my hand gripped around the swords handle. When he reached the bottom of the watchtower he saw the gates open and let them in. It was a group of heavily armored soldiers Jack released the handle of the weapon on his back and began to approach them.

"What business do you have here oh and my name is Jack I'm protecting this place."

Jack noticed they were carrying a cart like they were either protecting something or they were going to imprison someone. Jack's hands were ready for a fight in case it was him after all he did openly admit in town that he was going to build an empire. Amana approached me from the group who seemed to be the leader of this group.

"Will greetings Jack me and my boys are looking for a quiet place to rest our heads for the night. Do you think you could help us out with that?"

Jack said silent for a bit as he rubbed the hair on his chin.

"We haven't finished constructing the tavern yet but we do have more houses so I suppose you all could sleep in those for now. And I would give it about a week before it's finished."

Jack says as he eyes the rest of them counting about four heavily armored soldiers besides this man.but then again jack could take care of all them considering they're wearing metal armor and he can use electricity to conduct and cause massive damage.

"I'm guessing there's more than five of you?"

This made the guards on edge when I mentioned the carriage but the captain look at them and they seem to relax as the captain would look at me.

"Yeah we're just transporting some prisoners necromancers they are."

And with that Jack the known necromancy was looked down upon and even a crime but then that could play in his part he used his link with parthenx to get all the undead soldiers to approach as then Jack would whistle loudly

"Well you all rest here we can leave those necromancers in the sales in the fort. Sounds all right hell you can stay inside the fortress to add a bit more security to the town."

The captain of the guards had a smile on his face as he slept the back of my shoulder with a smile and chuckle

"Well that's quite kind of you I think we'll take you up on that offer"

Jack Van use the mental link he had a parthenics to prepare some poison of food for these guards their armor would be useful to them and their bodies would be even more useful. But to keep up the song Jack would laugh as well

"Well of course you're helping keep this land safe from necromancers why wouldn't I offer what I could?"

And he said this heavily armored soldiers which were his undead servants came from the fort

"These soldiers of mine will help keep them in check as you transfer them to the cells I need to take care of some things right now but I hope my men will supply with the proper hospitality since you are guests."

The captain of the guard and his comrades nodded as they began to move the car to inside of the fortress with my soldiers accompanying the cart as soon as they were out of earshot Jack would say

"I have a question system"

System popped up into my view

"What is your question?"

I smiled as I cleared my throat

"What happens if I encounter another necromancer?"

System knotted as she would then explain

"As you are the chosen of aldwin the god of death they could immediately tell who you are just by looking at you and they will be more cooperative with you than they would someone who wasn't you."

This made me smile as I heard this it means I could recruit them to my army and increase my army size rather quickly because they can cast their own spells not to mention I had gain access to high level necromancy spells thanks to parthenax being a Demi-lich. and at the current time I can have a maximum of 200 undead minions. I would begin to move around the village to make sure everything was ready in case we were attacked. Several hours later

It was around 8:00 p.m. as Jack entered the fortress the poison food was being served to the five guards and it looked like they haven't begun to notice it was poisoned Jack quietly made his way towards the cells where the necromancers that these girls are transporting we're being kept also Grimm and his family were on the battlements working on ballistas meaning they were inside the fort yet main hall. They were only take Jack a few minutes to get to the necromancers as he made a coughing sound all of them looked at him they look of disgust turned to all as one of them spoke up.

"Champion of alduin. We are honored by your presence but what are you doing here?"

I laughed a bit as good questions amused me

"Well you are inside my fort and do not worry those guards will be dealt with soon enough but I'm here to make you a deal join my army and I guarantee no one would have found out you've been here ever."

As I say this the looks on their faces were enjoy I noticed three of them were normal humans while the other three weren't human one was a lizard man another was an elf and the last one was an orc and the one who was speaking to me was the lizard man. He then spoke of

"Well of course champion we will join you and accept this deal is the purpose of all necromancers to serve alduin."

Jack heard groaning coming from behind him as he looked behind him the captain of the guards stumbled in clenching his stomach he looked to be in pain as the necromancers mouths dropped.

"Jack salty was in the food help me."

Jack unsaved his sword kicking over the captain of the guard and shoving it into his chest as he wasn't wearing his armor which meant he was in playing cloth clothing the look and the captain of the guards eyes was one of grief and sadness and Jack had nothing in his eyes No remorse nor compassion for the person he just killed and betrayed.

"The other 4 should be dying by poison any second now."

Jack with them begin to release the necromancers as he would then step in front of them as they all sat in the room.

"I plan to build an empire that will stand for all of eternity to never fall but for that I need an what better way than to make an army of the unmet well of course I have living people joining this army as well because I need to keep up the facade I have been keeping up with but I would like you all to share what you know necromancy with me now.

Two skeletons came into the room and picked up the captain of the guards body begin bringing it to the body room. The lizard man smiled as he would speak.

"Well champion we would all be honored to join you on that quest and about our knowledge of necromancy we know a ritual that can curse the ground under us to make undead stronger and as well we all specialize in rituals which is why we are covenant."

Jack was playing with his facial hair as he listened in closely he then opened his mouth to speak

"How about a ritual that can corrupt the minds and spirits of people men elf lizard dwarf any of the living?"

This made the necromancer's look at each other they were curious on why I wanted such a ritual done or even want to know if one such thing existed the lizard spoke up with a curious tone

"Why would you want such a thing?"

I had such a smile on my face that could even disturb oh well seasoned necromancer.

"well to corrupt the minds and souls of the people in this village so I could keep my undead soldiers out in the open and as well it will prove useful in the future when I want to corrupt an entire city."

Their eyes seem to widen as I spoke well my site stayed fixed on the leader of this necromancer coven.

"I think that is a fairly good reason to want such a thing. And besides if there's a ritual that will constantly raise the freshly killed then any attack on us will only make us stronger that's also another thing I want you all to do but the corrupting the minds and spirits of the people comes first."

As I said this I began to walk away the lizard spoke quickly

"It will be done champion"

as I made my way into the armory I noticed some of the undead were pulling and suits of armor which made me smile and we had new suits of armor made by Grimm and his family which meant he could have all of his undead suited up and heavy armor parthenax was in there making sure everything was organized he turned around and noticed I was in the room.

"My Lord"

I smiled as I spoke

"pause the next there are more necromancers now wandering this fort they serve me I would like you to teach them some more advanced spells not all of what you know just some but only if I deem them worthy of it. Now on to more pressing matters I want you to gather up all the necromancers inside the body room after they're done with their ritual"

Parthenx knotted as I got a notification it said 'congratulations Parthenx is able to evolve into a lich and a lich Knight' I smiled as I heard this but then there was another notification. 'congratulations parthenax has gained the perk quartermaster' I looked at the quartermaster perk and it seems like he is 25% more effective than other people when it comes to keeping things organized and making sure everyone is well equipped and it had three tears to this perk each level increased by 25% meaning at max level 75% more effective as I look at the two evolutions a lich is a spellcaster which can't wear armor but they can float over water and the ground then I looked at the lich Knight which is basically a battle mage necromancer they are efficient in both casting spells and fighting with weapons and armor equipped and have marshall training meaning the weapon they prefer they would get advanced training at which increases their damage and attack speed. I pointed my hand at parthenx he was still looking at me and I had a smile on my face

"Parthenx evolve into a lich Knight"

As I say this parthenax began to Glow with a black energy it's surrounded and engulfed him as it began to subside he came out with his armor being completely black and glowing red dots where his eyes would be his armor seems to also have spikes on his shoulder pads his knee pads his gauntlets and his leg armor he also seemed to have gotten a foot taller and he had a mace in his hand and it looks fairly dangerous he kneeled before me.

"You honor me in evolving me I am forever loyal to you my Lord as always."

This mean Jack smile as he wasn't expecting such dramatic changes to Parthenx. But it did make him smile

"Good now go on and carry out your orders I need to get some rest for tomorrow."

As I said this I began making my way to my bed chamber. That way I can go to sleep and be ready. As soon as I arrive to my bed chamber I open the door and then close it behind me I began to take off my armor and began putting it on an armor stand near my bed I would grab the sword off my back and place it in the armor stands hands I inhaled in an exhaled honestly it feel amazing to have the armor off of my body every once in awhile I begin to get into my bed and slowly began to fell asleep. As I began to dream I could see a large undead dragon standing before me sitting upon a mountain of Bones. It gazed at me and spoke.

"My champion it's been quite some time since we last spoke. We have much to discuss."

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