
From Author

Hi, It's my first work so I know there is some room for improvement though with the help of you all, I'll try my best to bring you most of it.



This world is based on post-medieval and before the industrial revolution time so you may hear terms that are a bit modern for Magic but there's no modern industrial stuff in this world.

Magic is fueled by Mana Essence and it replenishes overtime via Ley Lines in the world. There are Gods and Demons and even Devil along with species like Elves and Vampires so you can expect a diverse world full of variety though who's good who's bad is what the story tell as it progresses.

Looking forward to interacting with you all though it won't be easy as I don't get notified for comments. I'll try to go through them every now and then so you can expect improvements as the story progresses.




Now to the story we go...

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