
New strategy

"Are you done now? Watching you butcher those humans isn't the most fun to watch."

"I'm just trying to enhance the goblins' combat potential so that they become more useful. Let's head for the next group."

Guy shrugs and walks off. How can he stomach to cut apart a human? I can kill them sure but I've killed all my life. However, to take them apart...

The rage that had been boiling in me cooled down a bit at the memory of Guy getting those bones.

We move through the tunnels and set a second ambush. The group this time consists of four swordsmen. Talk about unbalanced. What were this world's people thinking when sending complete newbies in here?

<They just want to clear the first few floors. Expending a few newbie adventurers for this is a rather cost-effective method.>

So they are essentially expendable pawns used as cannon fodder. They should train more before entering a dungeon. Being able to use basic attack skills is the minimum requirement!

<You realize that it would make your life much harder if they did as you said, right?>

It would, but it's already too late for them.

They only have a single torch to light their way and Guy's first javelin is of course aimed at the one carrying it. Same as last time their reaction was to blindly charge into the darkness ahead leaving their wounded member behind without a second thought.

I use the goblins as cover to approach them since my sanguine-red scales are still rather visible once I get close to them. One of them trips over the rope and falls, the second one jumps over the rope and falls into the shallow pits. Only the third one manages to get through without falling by expertly keeping his balance and making a smooth landing.

That's the one I go for. He looks to be the most skilled of all the swordsmen and will kill the most goblins if left alone.

Who am I even kidding? I just want to rip the strongest one into pieces so I can see the others fall into despair. I activate my sanguine boost and use one of the goblins to fling myself at the swordsman.

The swordsman instantly notices me and tries to slash me out of the air with a clean cut. Nice form but against a former sanguine swordsman like me it won't do him any good. Before the blade reaches me I whip out with my tail and hit the flat side of the sword to change its trajectory.

The sword sails past me and I reach the swordsman. I try to wrap around him but I can't get ahold of his sword arm. Before he can recover from his failed slash I bite down on his sword arm as hard as possible. The padded leather he's wearing absorbs some of the force behind my bite but I can see the pain in his face.

He tries to stab me with his sword but since I'm wrapped around him there is little force behind his stab and I just move aside.

"Dammit, die you stupid snake!"

He's clearly angry but I only answer him by biting his neck. Now while some men may enjoy being bitten in the neck by a gorgeous woman this one certainly isn't enjoying the experience. Sure, my current appearance and sharp, venomous fangs may also be the reason for that.

He soon succumbs to my venom and continuous bites.

<Congratulations on participating in killing four swordsmen. You have received a large tremendous of EXP. You've reached level 2.>

All for at once? I look around. Guy finished off the one with the torch and the others fell victim to the goblins. Giving those goblins weapons was the right decision after all.

Guy immediately starts to make more bone clubs and collects all the swords to arm more goblins. Since we now have more weapons than goblins some of them even get to dual wield.

<Good job so far. I really hate to stress you but two groups just entered the second floor so you should hurry up.>

Not efficient enough, huh. That means no more ambushes but instead FRONTAL ASSAULT! I can't help but feel a little giddy.

Guy frowns deeply so he must have heard the same as me. Based on his actions so far he seems to be the cautious type so he dislikes what's about to happen.

We choose the closest group to our position. The five red dots are only two tunnels over so we move to attack their rear. Having the map and enemy positions in this place gives us a huge advantage.

Our group of goblins isn't very good at sneaking and the adventurer party is already facing our way when we come around a bend in the tunnel. A big globe of light is suspended slightly below the ceiling making any surprise attack pointless.

Looking at them the three in the front are shield-bearers and behind them are two mages. Great, just great. A party that's good at crowd control right when we try to stop our tactics that would be effective against such a group.


One mage seems to be focusing on holding the light globe while the other uses offensive spells. The fireball he shots is only the size of an apple but you still don't want to get hit by that. I move to the side and slither toward the shield-bearers as fast as I can in hope of getting past them and taking out one of the mages.

The goblins are riled up by the fireball that thankfully didn't hit any of them and charge. They might distract the shield-bearers so I slow down to coordinate our arrival.

The shield-bearer closest to me is having none of it. He devoted his entire attention to stabbing me with his short sword while holding the goblins off with his shield. This, of course, was only made possible by the other two that fought more aggressively.

That dumb armor really pissed me off. My bites would be entirely useless!

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