
Chapter 45: Bonds

A few nights prior to the events of the Nerima raid, Satsuki and Chizuru decided to walk home together after a long and grueling battle training session. It had been hours past dusk when the two friends started heading out to wrap up the day. Magically lit street lights were already remotely summoned by the city's mages while the last of the market stalls closed. Only a few horse carriages coming in and out of Fujiishima for the last trip filled the roads with sounds, preventing a deafening kind of silence.

"Satsu-chan, wasn't Seijurou with you?..", asked Chizuru while she walked side by side with her red headed companion who was currently tinkering with a ward sheet.

Upon hearing Chizuru speak, Satsuki put the small piece of paper inside one of the pockets of her school uniform and glanced up at her taller friend. "He said he'll stay for a little longer to practice this new 'art' of his, Chizu-chan.. dunno what it is since he wouldn't tell.. why?"

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