
Chapter 21

Walking to the cafeteria, Shinso enjoyed talking to Axel, Kirishima, and Mina. Though he couldn't show it since he was never in this type of situation in middle school.

" I wonder what Lunch rush has for lunch? " Mina thought out loud as she thought about Lunch Rush's delicious food.

" Doesn't really matter, considering it will taste delicious. " Kirishima said.

They went to the line and stood behind an orange-haired girl with a ponytail to the side and a blonde-haired boy.

" Kendo. " Mina said as she approached her friend. Axel and Kirishima stood back questioning when she made friends with her but let it go. This is Mina.

" Oh hey, Mina. Congrats on getting to the final round. " Kendo said as she saw Mina. She was saddened by the fact she didn't make it to the final round, that doesn't mean she isn't happy for her friend.

" Thanks. I saw you during the cavalry battle. You were so cool. " Mina said as she talked to Kendo.

Axel, Kirishima, and Shinso watched the interaction before Kirishima looked at the blond-haired guy in front of him.

" Oh hey, we meet again. " Kirishima said as he tapped Monoma's shoulder.

Monoma flinched as he turned around with a strained smile.

" Yes, we meet again. Hello. " He said.

' Why are they here? To gloat that they won?! I won't give them the satisfaction. ' Monoma thought.

" Your quirk is so cool. " Kirishima said. Copying another person's quirk is a really good quirk.

Monoma froze as he looked at Kirishima and stared intensely. He was cautious as not many people would so his quirk was cool.

" He's right. " Axel said as they looked at him.

" There are a few limitations to your quirk but if you train hard and overcome the limitations, you would be extremely versatile. " Axel said as he thought about the possibilities.

" See, even he thinks it's cool. " Kirishima said with a smile to Monoma.

Mina was happy so she ruffled Axel's hair. She hasn't seen Axel speak so much to a stranger before.

Monoma was surprised as he didn't expect this. He was ready to get teased or called out for all the smack talk he did during the cavalry battle.

" Uh...thanks. " Monoma said slowly as the words came out of his mouth.

Kendo then started to giggle as did Mina and Kirishima while Shinso and Axel just stared with a bit of surprise.

" Why are you laughing? " Monoma asked.

" When you spoke just then... your voice went to a really high pitch. " Kirishima said in between laughs.

" It was like you inhaled helium before speaking. " Mina said as she wiped a tear.

" I didn't know your voice could go so high. " Kendo said.

" Yes, I can do that. So stop laughing, please. " Monoma said with gritted teeth.

" By the way, how did you know I had a copying quirk? " Monoma asked as he looked at Axel.

" When I stayed back in the obstacle course, I saw you use a quirk similar to someone else's. It was obvious. " Axel said.

" Makes sense. " Monoma said with a nod.

" By the way, what are your names? Including you. " Monoma asked while pointing at Shinso.

Shinso was mainly silent during the whole exchange. He didn't know how to interact with them so he decided to stay silent and watch.

" Sure. I'm Mina Ashido. "

" Eijiro Kirishima. "

" Axel Black. "

" Hitoshi Shinso. "

" Monoma Neito. "

The 6 of them went and took their lunch, finding a table, and started to chat.

Mina, Kirishima, and especially Kendo were surprised at how Monoma wasn't acting like an asshole to get a rise out of any of them.

" I can act civil. Pick up your jaws. " Monama said as he looked at the gaping mouths as of Kendo, Mina, and Kirishima, who only knew about the fact he literally just likes to antagonize them.

Lunch ended as they had to go to their respective class placement seats in the stands.

The 1v1 matchups would begin soon.

Axel walked with Shinso as Mina and Kirishima went on ahead after finishing their food. Monama and Kendo just ate at their own pace since they don't have any matches.

A comfortable silence rained over them as they walked to the arena.

Shinso was looking at his hands while mentally preparing himself for his fight against Midoriya. Axel just stayed silent as he continued to walk down the hall.

" Hey, what do you think about my quirk? " Shinso asked. Everything that happened in the last few hours was a massive surprise for him.

He didn't expect any of this to actually occur. The memories of being ridiculed and called a villain were in his mind. He still didn't trust the words Axel said as well as others.

Axel stopped and looked at him.

" Your quirk is brainwashing, right? " Axel asked. Shinso just nodded his head. Axel sighed as he gave Shinso his answer.

" Your quirk is extremely useful. You can use it to make villains turn themselves in, control civilians to get away from a fight so they wouldn't get hurt, and depending on if your quirk can do it, make villains give out information. " Axel said.

Shinso's eyes widened to the fullest as he smiled at Axel's words. Axel didn't lie and spoke the truth. He felt happiness swelling inside him.

Axel watched and waited for Shinso to say something, giving him time to collect himself.

" Thank you. " Shinso said gratefully.

Axel just nodded as they walked.

' You aren't a villain Shinso. This world isn't black and white as society makes it out to be. It's just a dull shade of grey. Hero and villain are nothing but titles in society.

More than anything else, hero or villain, we are all human. Whatever action we take, we have a reason behind it. '

Axel and Shinso separated as they went their separate ways. Axel went to the stands where his classmates were sitting and waiting for the next event to begin.

Shinso sat in the waiting room, his match with Midoriya about to begin. He took a deep breath as opened his eyes.

' I will win. '

" Welcome back everyone. Here it is the moment you all have been waiting for, the 1v1 battles. " Midnight yelled as the audience cheered.

" The first match of the 1v1 battles...

Izuku Midoriya vs Hitoshi Shinso. "



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Axel making a friendship with Shisno and Monoma. Next chapter, Shinso vs Midoriya.

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