

(A/N) I changed the number of people trapped in SAO due to me realizing that there weren't enough people for a specific arc I have planned later on. This arc will play a large part of the Original SAO arc and maybe more if I do decide to go in the other arcs.


*Kage POV*

Kage and Kaen stared warily at S as he slowly walked up to the three of them before stopping a few feet away.

"What do you want you, rat-looking bastard," Kaen asked S as she glared at him.

"Why you have my poor partner tied up and you're asking what it is I want," S replied calmly with a roll of his eye as if the answer was obvious. Kaen was about to lunge at him but was held back by Kage.

"Why do you keep stopping me from hitting these assholes," Kaen snapped at him.

"You mean other than the fact that it wouldn't help, oh I don't know how the fact that the moment you lay a hand on them in a SAFE ZONE you will become an orange player," Kage said already regretting asking this girl for help.

"I didn't turn orange when I jumped and tied this guy up though," Kaen shot back. This made Kage pause because what she said was correct. She should have become orange the moment she jumped O but for some reason, her marker was still green even though she had clearly hit the NPC.

"Ah yes that's right, you damn fakes usually get punished for stuff like that with normal people," S said while laughing.

"What do you mean, fakes?" Kage asked.

"All of you who aren't real, the ones who just appeared one day and now think that they own our world, I believe you call yourself the players," S said with a sneer.

"You don't like the Players?" Kaen was a bit shocked that an NPC seemed to have such distaste for the players.

"Of course not they are a parasite on this land that need to be culled," S said.

"Sounds like those nutjobs that Kirito and Rem are following," Kaen whispered to Kage who nodded but was still trying to figure out how Kaen was still green.

"So you going to just keep yapping or are you going to get me free," O asked his partner with a glare.

"Ah yes I suppose I should do that," S sighed and drew out his knife.

"You can't hurt us here in town," Kaen told S though she didn't sound too sure.

"Who says I can't," S said with a maniacal grin as he charged at the two of them.

Kage and Kaen drew their own weapons reflexively and got ready to defend themselves but were surprised when instead of attacking them S simply jumped over the two of them and went straight to O.

He quickly cut the ropes on his partner and grabbed him by the shoulder and yanked him to his feet. Kage and Kaen stared at the two, ready for a fight.

"Relax, we have no desire to fight you now, children," S said.

"Like hell we don't," O said to his partner as he drew his ax.

"No, you fool this is only supposed to be a covert mission, one we have already failed" S snapped at his partner.

"Like I give a damn about that," O shot back.

"We have our orders and we won't go against them unless you want the boss even angrier at us we need to retreat now," S hissed.

That made O pause and Kage could see the hesitation on his face.

"Fine," O huffed as he lowered his axe a bit.

"We shall be taking our leave now," S told the two players, "till next time."

Both S and O jumped off the walls and disappeared over the roof.

"GET BACK HERE YOU BASTARDS," Kaen yelled at the two.

"Relax they are gone and that's good for us," Kage told the angry girl who kept screaming at the two.


Kage just sighed and started to walk away, already done dealing with the white-haired girl's attitude. He walked out into the street and just ignored the screaming coming out from the alleyway behind him.


Kage went back to the inn for the night and thought about recent events. First, was how Kaen was still a green player. Then was the whole ordeal with the king and his lover then the two guys who followed him.

"Why didn't Kaen turn to an orange player after she attacked an NPC inside a safe zone, it would make sense if she was a part of my quest but she isn't." Kage wondered

"Maybe a glitch or they arent normal NPC's," Kage thought, "They certainly acted differently from normal NPCs I've come across." Kage thought before shaking his head. This matter wasn't as important as the thing about the king.

"Is it true what they said about the king, and if so why did the king want me dead?" Kage wondered to himself.

"Maybe he thought I was a spy or something, but if that was the case why did I get a quest saying to take the lett- shit." Kage cursed as he realized something. He never got a quest window making this a proper quest to accept.

"How did I not realize that I didn't get a stupid quest prompt to accept, That means all that I have been dining isn't even realized by the system as a real quest, "Kage couldn't believe that he had made such a stupid oversight.

He could only lay back in his bed and groan.
