
Chapter 153 Huang Gou Heng2(A World Without Zhou Hua Fan)

After an uncomfortable silence, the doctor spoke again this time a bit more severe than earlier. "Gou Heng, maybe you should get a real check-up at the hospital after all." Huang Gou Heng was quiet for a bit longer taking in his slightly bewildering situation before rejecting Liang Zhong Zemin's suggestion. "There are more important things." Unhappy with his choice Liang Zhong Zemin was about to scold him but a beep from his waist had him conflicted as he hesitated to reach for the pager. But as it became more insistent the doctor could only give a heavy sigh again and scowl at Huang Gou Heng who didn't care for his predicament and had already gone back to work. Very obviously dismissing him once he got what he needed.

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