
Chapter 18

"you know you're not supposed to be here," Ray told him from across the booth, "this is a private meeting with my clients."

Elias avoided his cousin's gaze and sighed. Sometimes, Ray could be a douche just because he graduated from law school.

"I told her I'd be here."

"well if she asks for you to leave, then you're out," Ray said eying his phone, "and from what you told me, she's not gonna want to see your face."

"she will want to see me, I told her that we're going to set things straight."

"after you said that you were over and after she hung up on you,"

"you don't know that!"

"you don't either,"

Elias gulped down his cold coffee and called for a refill, Ray started going over his papers. their conversation was done, Sarah will be the one deciding. But the problem is where was Sarah.

Since Sarah texted, nearly two hours ago, saying that she's going to be late, warning bells rang between the two young men. But, both her bodyguard and the officer Austin sent said she didn't leave the building yet, she and Adam were still inside, probably held up by their work, and he was worrying over nothing.

Since P.Wattani's too close car accident, he became paranoid. Seeing his superior's interest becoming more of an obsession, and how much he could do to get the plant, he wanted to take Sarah away from the mess, he told her that his boss would do anything to use their relationship to get what he wants but she didn't take it well, she was already trying her hardest to draw a line between her job and their relationship, and his words only made her fears worst. In the end, he didn't get anything out of it, except losing her.

His phones rang and he felt his throat going dry when he saw the bodyguard's ID. He looked at Ray who stopped what he was doing and stared at him intensely as he picked it up.

"Mr.Sandston, I caught Mr.Wattani sneaking out of the institute. I had to enable him, he's currently out cold." Daniel said gruffly not bothering with a greeting. The news surprised him more than it did scare him.

"what about Sarah? Is she still inside?"

"I didn't see her get out, and I have been waiting for her since you told me she was meeting you. I alerted the institute's security guard and ask him to check on her. The officer was called a few minutes ago in an emergency."

"What about P.Wattani did he tell you what he was doing sneaking around?"

"no when I spotted him he tried to get away, there was a struggle and he hit his head against a sign while trying to run away from me."

There was a helpless quality to Daniel's voice as if the man didn't know what to make out of the incident, and to be truthful it was quite funny and Elias would have laughed if he wasn't concerned about Sarah and Adam, running into a road sign and passing out while trying to outrun someone seemed like a too absurd thing to be true.

"The guard wouldn't let me inside the campus without permission, I have a bad feeling about this Mr.Sandston. P.Wattani was holding a pack of files and little bottle when I caught him... "

"I'll be right there, make sure they check on Sarah and Adam right away. I'm contacting the authorities so make sure they know that too. do whatever you can to make sure they're okay and keep an eye on P.Wattani."

Disconnecting the call, Elias stood up and left the shop, running toward the car. He didn't have to look back at Ray, the man will follow after he paid the bill.

"what's the matter," he asked in a whisper behind him.

He didn't bother answering him. He dialed Austin's number sliding in the driver's seat, the cop picked up right away for his credit. He heard noises in the background as he greeted him,

"Austin, Sarah's Bodyguard caught P.Wattani sneaking out of the institute. You need to go there."

"What do you mean he caught him. wasn't the man supposed to be missing?"

Elias felt his nerves twitching, and Ray secured his seatbelt, grabbed the side handle, and cringed. The car's motor roared almost at the same time as Elias' voice bombing and drove out of the parking lot sending the tires into a series of squeaks.

"Listen. I don't have time to go into details, by the time I would have explained everything your sister would already be out of reach, so get moved to the damn institute and ask questions later."

The silence that followed proved the extent of the man's shock and got Elias' nerves in a serious test. Ray slowly unclenched his death grip taking the phone from his cousin, his professionalism was the only way to get through this conversation

"Keissi, this is Ray Clayton. Elias is currently driving and charged me to relay the news to you. We had a meeting with your sister and she's late by two hours. You need to head out there, it seems like your sister's life is in danger."

"I'm on my way! I will send a patrol car ahead of me. this thing is bigger than I thought and I'm gonna need more manpower to handle it."

After a few words exchanged, consisting mainly of warning Elias not to do anything reckless, Ray ended the conversation and looked at him.

"He's on his way, do you feel calm enough to drive at a humanly tolerable speed now?" Elias retreated his foot from the accelerator as his white clenched knuckles started to fill with blood circulation again. Ray's sarcasm made the wanted effect.


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