


After my first afternoon classes, I take out my phone to check on my messenger and some text. And got one from Ziggy.

[Best, I feel something odd today. Are you okay? What's with you and Val?]

I'm about to brush my fingers on the keypad to text some replies when our professor enters the room. I hastily enter my phone inside my bag since he's someone who particularly hates seeing cellphone in his class. 

When the class ends, I turn out to be too busy to reply to Ziggy. I handle a meeting for all SG officers, the coming University Day. Handling the entire student's bodies, extracurricular activities are truly not that easy. The meeting ended up almost seven in the evening, and my stomach is grumbling. As I walked fast to the jeepney stop, I heard a vehicle coming. Then it squeaks as it halts in front of me. 'Uh-oh, it's Val again.'

"Hop in! I'm going to your house anyway to visit Jewel," He passes me the extra helmet I used this morning.

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