
Painted Ashes

Going down the elevator I had time to consider just what was going on. There was nothing to indicate the relocation of any of the Ascended, and yet this one, at least, is missing. So, what could've happened to them? They could all be with The Elder, though I can't be sure, we'd have to hit another pyramid, maybe two to properly be sure of everything going on.

I stepped out of the elevator instantly into a firefight, Estelle found herself right in front of me, her back to the wall of the corridor leading to the Elevator. "Elias! Where have you been?! Was the target up there?!"

I ran up to her, pushing my back to the wall and readying my pistol for combat. "No, they weren't here. Strikes me as odd. What is the situation down here?" I stepped in front of Estelle's body and took a peek out, only to quickly recoil at a round zipping past my head.

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