
Chapter 81

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

As Arceana and I appeared outside the room where Arthur was stationed, we immediately felt a horrendous pressure bearing down on us. Gritting my teeth at the sudden force place up my body, I looked to see several guards, servants, and attendants were all being forced onto the ground. Moving towards the door, the ceiling and walls could be heard cracking from the strain they were under.

Arceana moved in front of me as we both used our magic to open the door and resist the unknown force. "WHERE IS SHE!?" Arthur's voice bellowed as we opened the door and made me wince from the sheer volume and force. "WHERE DID SHE GO!?"

This was not good. "Arthur!" I called out loudly.

He clearly remembered Ayda was at fault, but my eyes widened at the state of the room when we entered. Blood pooled on the floor as doctors, and healers alike, were almost forced down into it face first. They all struggled in vain to get to their feet, and even Typhon, along with Cassidy, did the same. If not for our magic, no doubt my sister and I would be in the same situation.

My eyes drifted to find Arthur with his hands around the throat of an Elf, who was being lifted off the ground like it was nothing, but also under the strain of Arthur's magic. Arceana and I both activated our magic as it wrapped around it. The Elf kicked his legs wildly as he shook in Arthur's grip. Pulling him back and away from the Elf got his attention.

Arthur fought back against our magic without even looking towards us. "Arthur! Stop! Ya gotta calm down!"

"Enough of this!" Arceana raised her voice with magic and shouted. "Unhand him, Arthur!"

He turned to us, and his eyes widened before he looked down with a conflicted expression on his face. His eyes grabbed our attention. We saw his one eye during our bout in the forest, but it would appear both eyes now held that strange symbol. Tossing the Elf aside, he rushed out the window, which startled all of us.

"Stop!" I began as I gave chase. "You need medical attention, Arthur!"

Our Knight paid me no mind as he ran outside the Temple and looked out across the area. Once out in the streets, Arthur came to a sudden stop as many of our guards looked lost and unsure of how to help him. Arthur panted heavily as he looked around with a pained expression on his face. I thought it was due to his wounds, but it seemed something else weighed heavily on his mind.

Arceana stayed behind to take care of those looking after Arthur, while I watched him bleed all over the street. He fell to his knee and brought a hand up to his chest where he was injured. Moving towards him slowly, I tried to be careful. However, my eyes widened when he lifted his free arm, and fire began to gather in front of his palm.

"Arthur, sto-" I began as I teleported beside him and reached for his hand, but it was too late.

A fire spell, that melted some of the stone under him, shot off into the distance over the Hollow Forest. Confused as to why he would do such a thing, I looked to him to see a smirk on his face for only a brief second before he looked down in disdain. His eyes quickly glossed over not soon after, and he passed out as I held him.

Guards rushed towards me, and I spoke. "I am unaware of what Sir Arthur has just done." As I said that, an explosion could be heard in the distance as a large cloud of dust could be seen from miles away in the middle of the forest where his spell hit. "Whatever it was, I hope he got it out of his system. We need to return him to his room. Some of his stitches were torn."

Ready with a stretcher, a few attendants had followed me and laid him down carefully before carrying him back. Sleep spells were used this time to make sure this did not happen again. I watched as he was taken back into the Temple that had been heavily damaged as it was the main building under Arthur's magic. If not for all the enchantments, it is probably that it would have collapsed from the strain.

"Then again…" My eyes darted to the streets where large cracks could be seen. "Maybe the entire mountain was lucky…" I stated as I moved towards the top rung's railing and looked down the mountain at the damage.

As I used my magic to help with the damages, my sister came outside and made her way to me. "It would appear that Sir Arthur is not too happy with our student." She stated.

"To be fair, I am unhappy with her as well. Her recklessness knows no bounds." I replied evenly.

"Ayda is talented and eccentric, which can cause these types of situations. However, I agree that she will need to be punished for this. If for no other reason than to make sure our dearest knight refrains from beheading her like his most recent dealings with our nobles." Arceana replied. "Although, this has also made it clear that we have not said no to her enough. That will also be changing."

"Cassidy and Typhon were the only two who tried to help Arthur as well. I believe Floyd and Kine should also be reprimanded."

My sister looked at me with a quirked brow for a moment before nodding. "Very well. They will also be addressed, but not as heavily as Ayda."

Looking back at the Temple, Alwin rushed inside. "Alwin will not like this." I commented.

"It is not his place to like our decisions but to carry them out as ordered to. Besides, he will agree to punishing her, as will her parents."

I nodded in agreement. "Yes, I am positive the General will be pleased that his sister is not being tried for attempted murdered."

Arceana looked at me sharply. "Ayda is young and powerful!" She began in a firm tone. "This was not attempted murder, but merely an accident! We should treat it as such, and Arthur will do the same. Our student will be punished for her misdeeds! We will leave it at that!"

Staring back at her, I replied. "Careful, Cea. I am not one of your beloved subjects. Remember who you speak to."

Bringing a hand to her forehead in exasperation, she sighed. "Of course. Apologies, Elincia. Things have been a bit…"

"I know." Was my softer response.

Turning to return to the Temple, Arceana stopped after a few steps and then looked down at the ground. "Elincia, I do have a favor to ask of you." Quirking a brow at that as I looked at her, she continued. "Please make sure the seal over the mountain is still in place."

"You think Rudnurth's seal has been weakened?" I asked back as I looked down at the cracks shooting through the street.

"If Rudnurth were capable of escaping, I am positive we would know by now, but I would rather be careful than assume it is still fine."

Pausing at that, as I looked at the mountain with a frown, I nodded. "Very well. I shall go to inspect his seal myself. I will return momentarily."

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Hope everyone is enjoying the story! Got more plans in developement and mystery shrouded in confusion! Lol.

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