
Chapter 49 - Flashbacks


We've all at some point have had trouble sleeping . We either have trouble with sleeping because we; worry too much, struggle to let go, or in is some cases anxious about what tomorrow brings. Sleep is important it gives you a chance to recharge, and dream ... More importantly it gives your sub-conscious to get rid of what's bothering you, so that you're in the right state of mind when you're awake.

Sometimes it feels like you've been asleep forever and would like to wake up. You can do that ... Only when you're not sedated or hit lights out and don't know what's going on.

I don't know how long I've been out for and in my heart I know my babies are okay . I really want to wake up but my body won't let me . I feel like I've been in a never ending dream. What's strange is that I feel like an outsider looking into the interesting saga that's called my life .From the time I met Angelo ; to the time he saved my life at the club and later on in my office at Massa , and everything else in between. All I know is that I fell in love with a man I loved and still do; but it hurts how he decided to walk out on me instead of giving me a chance to explain myself or the situation. I knew about Angelo's temper we had talked about it lots of times.

I don't know what day it is but Wednesday night was playing like a video in my head.


I had just finished reading with Giovanni about the ocean and the different sea creatures . He had fallen fast asleep midway through the chapter; I tuck him in , gave him a kiss on the forehead,and said goodnight.

I had long day and I was thankful that it was coming to the end .

Angelo was mad at me . I knew Angelo was angry at me because; when I

came walking in the entertainment area , that had a retractable cinema

screen , with pillows and chairs around including Giovanni's toys

lying around , I found him arguing with Giovanni about who the best

team was and it was well past Gio's bed time ... well make it thirty

minutes passed because he has school tomorrow I don't want him falling

asleep in class. It was half past eight and I had missed dinner with

the family and I forgot my phone in the home office so I couldn't call

in to say I wasn't coming through. When Gio saw me at the door he ran

and hugged my leg greeting the twins and then greeting me. I saw a

ghost smile on Angelo's face but it quickly faded when he locked eyes

with me . His dark blues looked stormy and his hair was messy he

didn't even acknowledge my presence. He just kissed Gio good night

and as soon as Gio left to get ready for bed; he knelt down pulled

up my top , kissed my belly and both our babies who weren't kicking

started kicking . He placed another kiss sending my heart rate up in

a good way and the babies stopped and started moving around normally.

I couldn't touch him so as soon as he stood up I walked out and I

heard him let out a groan of frustration just as I turned the corner

. An hour later after Gio was asleep, I walked to the main bedroom

and found him all dressed up and ready to go out. I walked in and he

shot me a look of betrayal.

" Don't look at me that way."

" How am I supposed to look at you Cleo ? Tell me."

" I am so sorry."

" Sorry for what? Sorry for the fact that you left without a word a

couple of hours ago and you ignored your phone when I called you , or

that you took the car that didn't have a tracker and left without

security causing me to worry that something might have happened to

you, or that we haven't touched each other properly or that you

have been distant."

I wiped a tear that had escaped away from my cheek because he was

telling the truth and it hurt.

" All the above except my phone. I forgot it ..."

" I don't want to hear it . You won't tell me what's wrong like I

might hurt you or something . Who is it?"

I took a deep breath and locked eyes with him and started to cry .

" It's your mother ."

"What are you going to blame my mom? She has been nothing but

supportive and kind to you."

" No she hasn't and I don't want you to pick sides or choose . It

wouldn't be fair to you or the babies ."

"You're lying . I can't stand you right now . "

" Angelo don't ... be so mean to me ."

Angelo grabbed his car keys and walked passed me like I wasn't even there .

" I'm glad we aren't married . When our babies come I'm suing for full custody."

" where are you going ?"

Angelo looked at me smugly .

" Who me? I have a dinner date with Jane . Oh and since you have mommy

brain lately . Your ex best friend who used to be my girlfriend who

wants me in more ways than one which is less than I can say for you.

Don't wait up for me ."

After Angelo drove out ; my head was spinning and I was feeling dizzy

falling back on the edge of the bed , and I had a crying session . I

wasn't feeling well and whatever I ate came out with a vengeance . I

wasn't feeling well and Angelo wasn't around to help. I waited a

while before slowly walking to the office and when I reached my phone

I saw Angelo's thirty missed calls. I sped dialed him and he sent it

to voice mail five times. I ended up calling doctor Raphael who

wasn't available too . I called Clara and left a message because her

phone was off , eventually when I called Paul he came through to help

me. He was a block away driving to the house because he wanted to

talk to Angelo. When he arrived he helped me clean up the mess I made

and carried me to bed . After tucking me in I told him everything

including why I was worried . He stayed with me until I was in lala

land and feeling a bit better .


I was woken up by muffled sounds outside the guest room and I was too

tired to get out of bed . I heard Nicolai saying I will drive you to

the cottage and Angelo grumbling again in frustration and swearing in

Italian. I heard right outside the door and I reached for my phone and

called Angelo but he didn't pick up again . I knew he was outside my

door . I saw a message alert from Jane and opened it only to see a

picture of her and Angelo Kissing. My heart started breaking and

just when I was going to see if Blue was okay but he came stumbling

in looking like hell.

" Blue?

Angelo looked at me in disgust and anger which in turn set off alarm bells.

" Don't call me that. You are nothing to me."

" please leave . Until you're e sober . Don't talk to me ."

He started moving closer and I started moving back on the bed until I

felt the head board on the back of my head. It was wooden and not

soft and cushioned like the one in the main bedroom . He grabbed my

arm and I tried to snatch it away but he tightened his grip. I

looked away. He reeked of wine and other things making me feel sick


" Look at me ."

I raised my head and he looked like a different person .I was scared .

" don't hurt me. "

" you're the one whose leaving . I want you out and I don't care if

you are pregnant . I want nothing to do with you . I can kill you and

get rid of your body . oh and those babies won't be a problem ."

Angelo started moving his hand towards my neck and started strangling

me . I tried to grab the lampshade post to hit him with but I was too

far .

When he loosened his grip I coughed

" Massa stop .The twins did nothing to you ."

I lifted my knee and kicked him . He fell back and I grabbed my phone

quickly calling Nicolai. He picked up on the first ring


" Nicolai help me!"

The line went dead and when I looked at Angelo had already gotten up

stalking towards me . He was looking at my belly and I felt uneasy

. I needed to save my babies . They were up too and they were really

active. I moved out of his way and he fell down. I ran to the door

opened it I tried to walk as fast as I could to the kitchen and

press the emergency button ; however I couldn't move fast half way

outside Angelo's study I stopped to take a breath . I heard the

kitchen door open and I breathed a sigh of relief. I tried to walk

but I was pulled back by Angelo causing me to fall back.

"where do you think you are going Cleopatra? You are mine no one can have you ."

He started punching my stomach .Oh my word no , no ,no who is this

monster he was going in for a second blow to my other side when

Nicolai got him off me and knocked him out cold . Paul was right

behind him and he ran to me . My heart was beating so fast that I lost

consciousness and the last thing I remembered was the man I called the

father of my unborn children on the floor out like a light.

© #KCMmuoe

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