
Chapter 38 - Navigating Angelo's heart

Chapter 38


The past few weeks have been emotionally draining; considering what's been happening and how I've been feeling. I hate being passive aggressive and sometimes falling victim to Angelo's temper tantrums , luckily this morning we sorted things out civilly. There was no shouting or stones been thrown. He didn't get head from Sophia and he admitted to having me followed. I understood that he was still wounded about losing Giovanni. I wonder how Cuddles is doing...

I was already up and about getting ready to go for Saturday evening Maas it was still a bit cold because of the rain last night , but I had the perfect blue and white floral maxi spring dress and a pair of white sneakers. By the time I was done with dressing up; I walked out the bedroom through to the lounge where I found Angelo staring out the window , rubbing his temples looking all sorts sad. He's eyes looked glossy from where I stood .

Angelo comes across as strong both physically and emotionally. He's the strong silent type of guy who would rather suffer in silence, than let anyone know that he's in pain... I know this because I've watched him pretend everything was okay when it wasn't ,I've heard him cry and I've seen him completely lose his temper and go rogue .

The Angelo I've known for the past couple of months has been sensitive caring. He's there but I know something's eating him up. I walked up to him and gave him a hug and kissed him slowly . He responded by kissing me back and holding me close.

"What's wrong ?"

Angelo shook his head, sat down, put his hands in his palms and started crying.

"What do you call what we have?"

"In terms of what ?"

I sat next to him and he wiped his tears and he looked at me.

" Our relationship."

Oh my word he's going to end us and if this morning was the last morning we had together as a couple so be it .I will let go... Its going to hurt .

"We are fairly new and you knocked me up. I may not be sure about a lot of things but I know I love you."

" I've been through a lot the past couple of weeks and things have been changing .I don't like change I can't cope with it."

I took a deep breath and tried to understand. What was going on.

" I know . Are you talking about my suggestion this morning?"

"No. Home is a rare feeling and I feel it with you. "

"So you're not breaking up with me ?"

Angelo turned around to face me and this time his face was full of tears.

"No Bella I'm not. Have you any idea how heart broken I was last night .I only fell asleep this morning after our makeup session. I'm not letting go of you. Never."

"Oh. That's enough reassurance for now. You don't wear make up; so its called a love making session."

Angelo pulled me in for a hug and I hugged him back .

"I'm more afraid of you leaving me. Ha ha and as far as love making sessions go ... You deliver all the time."

"Well the person I love making love to makes sure I'm satisfied and if I'm not he'll make sure he does a great job fucking me thoroughly ."

"I need to make sure she doesn't stray."

"I'm not all your exes rolled in one . I know it's hard for you to trust me completely."

Angelo pulled back and looked at me all sorts of panicky .

"Cleo I trust you completely , you've proven your loyalty to me on more than once my babe."

I looked down and twiddled my fingers.

"So where do we go from here ? You're already seeing Dr Carlyle and you do realize we need to both see him."

Angelo lifted my face and kissed me.

"Okay ."

" you're not going to argue?"

"Do you want me to argue when you're right?"

I shook my head and kissed him.

"No Blue. I love you ."

"Thank you for loving me. "

"Thank you for showing me how to navigate your heart."

My phone rang and I stood up to go answer it .

"You look beautiful by the way. I love you in Blue. "

" I love you in white.

Thank you."

I blew Angelo a kiss and he threw his head back and laughed.

"I'm thankful for you."

"I'm thankful for you too."

I smiled and answered the oncoming call .

"Cleo Kwena speaking ."

"Massa not Kwena !"

I shushed Angelo and listened to the person speaking.

" Hey Carl ."

"Hey Cleo is Angelo with you ?"

Carlo sounded nasal and that didn't sound good .

"Yes he is .What's going on you don't sound like yourself . "

"Were you two going out or something?"

"We were headed to Mass and then dinner with Mr Massa ..."

"Cancel any plans you have ."

"Why? "

"There's been an accident involving my father and Angelo's father. "

" what happened ?"

" I can't tell you over the phone Dr Raphael is in the O.R just please get here with Angelo okay."

What could be so serious ...

"We're on our way."

Angelo looked at me all sorts of confused.

"Bella Mia. What is it, what's going on?"

"We have to go to the hospital. Mr Perelli and Massa were involved in an accident."

"Oh my word what!"

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