
Chapter 4- Tempting wanted feelings


I am not made of titanium. As much as I pretend to have everything sussed out, I don't .

I have my own demons to fight everyday . I try my hardest to be a father and mother to my son, but I seem to fail him every time I snap or react in a situation.

Last night was no different and the girl I've fallen for was there. One minuet we were preparing to have dinner the next I was telling my son to say goodnight and that he couldn't stay up any longer even though he didn't have school .I pulled him away from Cleo and when I returned she was gone .I had to settle on having dinner with Nicolai my right hand man, friend and above all a man I loved like a brother. My son had eaten earlier last night and wanted to play match maker.

When I went to sleep last night, all I could think about was Cleo.

Funny enough that's who I've been thinking about for the past two weeks until I saw her on Monday and held her only for a little bit last night. Truth be told I want her so badly it hurts; mentally, emotionally and physically. It's bad enough that my boy is giving me the silent treatment . This morning before I headed out for work I asked for a hug; he turned around and ran to his room crying. When I asked him what was wrong , he just shook his head and said good bye.

I drove to work early because my father had told me that Miss Locket takes advantage of his kindness . He had said that he suspected that Cleo was doing her work for her . When he mentioned the weekend of the party and how she worked for a full day and left later , I wanted to see it for myself . I also wanted to see Cleo and her office was at the corner it overlooked the pond and flower garden . Exactly at seven in the morning . I was already in the building, I headed straight to the Communications Department and no one had arrived , but the lights were on. Something in me told me to go to Cleo's office and when I opened the door my heart did an instant somersault . Cleo was in a Navy blue A line long sleeve knee high dress kitten heel pumps, black stockings and she wore her glasses. I hadn't seen her in a dress before , but she looked hot, I couldn't bring myself to stop staring. She was on the phone and didn't notice me at the door.

" Thank you for last night B. Are you home safe?"

I stood at the door listening in on a conversation I shouldn't be listening to .

"I don't know how I'm going to tell Angelo that Ruth fired me last night after I walked out on him . How do I tell he m that she threatened to go to HR and lie saying I was fucking him. Did we eye fuck each other and did he fuck my mouth the other night with his tongue yes and did I love kissing him ... Yes and that's as far as it will go . I'm trying to leave before everyone arrives and since I do Ruth's work for her while she strolls in at twelve and does nothing for four hours everyday. I need to give Blake a list of things to do and get over my loyalty being thrown back at me. My interview is at 10am she's seen my work and she's in love. She's willing to pay more."

I put my briefcase down and saw her smile her eyes lit up and she took a seat leaning back and taking her glasses off she rubbed the side of her forehead.

"I will tell Gio when I see him. He can make a mean meatball sub . We did talk but I can't help but feel he's gone through something traumatic and when Gio wanted to stay up and he wasn't having it . I'm almost too afraid to ask and if I push I'd be opening old wounds and rubbing salt into them."

She turned around and saw me. She shot me a look of betrayal and surprise.

"Buddy can I call you back . Okay bye ."

" Cleo . You're not going anywhere. First of all why are you doing Ruth's job for her."

"First of all Angelo I'm leaving. I just came in early to clear my stuff. Ruth doesn't like me and her behavior started showing me flames after Monday's meeting. She told me to stay away from you indirectly."

I closed the door and locked it wanting privacy I saw the electric shutter switch by the light switch and pressed it .

"See that's never going to work because; I like you and well Gio and Nicolai like you too. I want you here not working for some other company."

I walked closer to her desk and she took her box walking away heading for the door but I blocked her midway taking her box and putting it on the desk making sure she doesn't run I lifted her and sat her on the desk. She looked up at me with fire in her eyes. The kind of fire that made my heart beat faster.

"You just want me where you can keep an eye on me. You didn't decide to spend a week in the other departments .Why this one?"

I started having flash backs to the other night in the club and I smirked.

"Isn't it obvious..."

"No and wipe that smirk off your face. You can't look this hot in the morning."

She had her legs crosses with her palms flat on the mahogany wood desk .

I placed my palm on her face and gently kissed her forehead and locked eyes with her . She looked well rested compared to yesterday.

"I'm sorry about last night . You were Giovanni's guest. I snapped and believe me been paying for it all morning."

"Its okay. If it will make you feel better,I feel bad for leaving without saying goodbye properly and you deserve a chance . "

"I will sort out Ruth. Don't leave that's all I'm asking ."

Cleo closed her eyed and opened them again. She was afraid .

" I feel like running. You're making me feel , feelings that are foreign."

"Run to me. I haven't felt this connected to someone in a while. Its become almost like a craving that's insatiable. I'm falling ... For you. "

" I'm trying to dig into whatever is left of my self control reserves. It took everything in me not to kiss you senseless just now."

"I'll make it easier for you ."

I leaned in to kiss Cleo and she kissed me back slow and sweet. She slid her hands up my torso over my pectorals and stopped at the crook of my neck and pulled away shaking her head. She kissed my neck and jumped off the desk.

I reluctantly pulled away breathless. My body was on fire and I wanted more of what she gave because it made me feel alive.

"No . I can't do this .Not now. Not here."

She started getting the shakes and in turn it worried me.

I gave her a hug and she went lax in my arms .

"Okay Bella." She went quite.

"This is the part where you call me Blue."

She stepped back and slapped my arm hard...

"What the hell are you. You're evil. I have never lost control at work at seven thirty in the morning. "

I sat down on the office chair to look at her .

"I'm not evil . I'm human and I'm in love... With you. I had a dream just last night ... We were making love ."

" I am not staying and people are coming soon. Massa you can thank Ruth for me leaving. What the jelly beans just happened... I can't catch feelings .I'm all hot and bothered and its soon early."

Cleo walked to the door and unlocked it . I walked to her chair behind the desk and held up her car keys and purse.

"Miss Kwena where are you going? "

She locked the door and walked to where I was calmly.

"I'm not kissing you again..."

I moved back and laughed, holding her keys I challenged her.

"I dare you not to..."

© #KCMmuoe

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