

As expected, Kat's outspoken attitude and influence quickly spread the rumors of a certain "magic pool" among the acolytes, causing rumors to ripple through the academy within hours.

Word of the pool's extraordinary effects circulated rapidly. It wasn't just helping acolytes break through their realms; there was also the increased battle power, and some even claimed an improvement in their aptitude percentages.

"No way! Increase in aptitude? How much of an increase are we talking about?"

"I gained a 1% increase! My aptitude is now at 70%! I can hardly believe it!"

"I got a 2% boost! I swear I'm not making this up!"

Such testimonies fueled the excitement, and soon, curiosity turned into a fervent desire to witness the phenomenon firsthand. A buzz of anticipation filled the halls as acolytes eagerly discussed their plans to visit Hall 120 and experience the pool for themselves.

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