

Emery got off the carriage and stretched his neck in an attempt to see the top of the three majestic buildings of the Apothecary Institute. The two buildings on the front were for the artisans and masters alike while the apprentice level had its own building behind the two.

Once he was inside, Emery walked up to a dwarf sitting behind a large table that had the signage receptionist on it. He then laid down the emblem, which had a triangular container and a number one on it, to the dwarf, and explained to the receptionist if he could see Master Grom. 

The badge was enough to show Emery's association with the Apothecary Institute, but the dwarf didn't seem impressed as he unflinchingly told Emery the highly-respected apothecary alchemist was preoccupied at the moment. The dwarf also mentioned Master Grom had a busy schedule and if Emery wanted to meet with the master, he would have to make an appointment. 


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