
"Accept me"

Rose raised her hand and touched Aaron's forehead.

"You're not sick are you?"

Feeling ignored by Rose, Aaron suddenly stood up using his hands to place both her right and left cheeks, then he shouted, "Lily-Rose Johansson, I'm serious about you. Do you want to be my wife?!!"

After Aaron's first shout, the people, who were also on the balcony like himself and Rose, immediately turned to them, not to mention the people who were around the hotel, their eyes were all fixed on Aaron, who was still about to shout again. Finally, Rose pulled Aaron into the room as he shouted for the second time.

"Aaron, don't be crazy!!"

"What's wrong? I am serious with what I said, but you think I was joking, so I had to do it so the universe could by the witness of how serious I am with you," said Aaron quickly.

Rose's face reddened at Aaron's words. "Why bring the universe? You're too much."

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