
Chapter 26

The doors leading towards the Great Hall burst open, with a chittering Cersei Lannister glowering down at the pageboy in charge of opening the door. ...disgraceful..." she whispered, her voice echoing into the quiet room. Aerys had chosen to only have his closest companions present at the particular hearing. Tired of the heat that the excessive crowds brought along with them and saw no point in their presence. Behind him, stood Rhaella, Rhaegar, Arianne, Elia; holding her son Aegon, Oberyn, and his Kingsguard. The gallery where the lowest ranking usually stood was empty and the floor was quarterly filled with Steffon, Stannis, and closer houses. There couldn't have been any more than twenty people in the entire hall.

He wondered what the young girl could possibly want, a residence at the Keep? Something she could have with the snap of her fingers. No. He thought to himself. A Lannister does not waste their Kings time for such a meager reason. Aerys promised himself that he would see to it that she and her entire family burnt if Tywim had sent her to propose a betrothal. He knew Cersei was waiting for the chance to bring Rhaegar to her arms, and he had no doubt that she would die trying to marry him. Aerys felt himself grow angrier by the second, every step that her heeled shoe took made his blood boil.

"Your grace," Cersei smiled once she had reached the marked spot. Not too close, but close enough to be heard. Cersei looked up at the King, respecting his authority but wanting to assert hers. She was here for one thing and one thing only. The very seat he sat upon, and everyone in the room knew it; subconsciously or not. Aerys let out an mmh recognizing her presence. Cersei slightly tilted to the queen, "your grace," she blinked at Elia, "your grace," and then to Oberyn, whom her eyes lingered on, "Prince Oberyn," she glanced at Arianne, who had been stood next to Rhaegar and looked straight past her instead bowing her head low for Rhaegar. "My Prince."

Rhaegar looked down at the daring girl in disbelief, it was no secret that Cersei had been vying for his attention for a time now. He noticed it especially at the Tourney when she would shamelessly stare towards him every chance she got, but he did not think the girl was downright stupid enough to speak in ways in front of his father.

"My prince," Elia whispered to Oberyn, who in turn held in a laugh and covered it with a loud cough.

Aerys waited for her to address Arianne, and when she continued on presenting herself he cut her off. "I think you missed someone."

Cersei, who had been very used to the King's angry outbursts and saw what the slip of a tongue could bring upon a person smiled stiffly. "Prince Aegon," she smiled nodding her head. Aerys glowered down at her, his head shaking violently and fingers tapping impatiently on the throne. "What shall I address her as? She is certainly no lady," Cersei pointed out.

"Lady would be good for now," Rhaella responded, not wanting to hear what Aerys would've said.

"Lady Arianne," Cersei seethed not even looking at Arianne as she did so. "May I continue with my proposal, your grace?" She asked, looking towards Aerys.

"Get on with it then, fuck," Aerys whispered. How did my Jo birth this evil creature? He asked himself, unsure if Cersei had been given to witches as a youngster or if she had inherited Twyin's irritating traits.

Cersei cleared her throat and straightened herself. "After the most unfortunate events at Harrenhal, may they all rest peacefully," Cersei dramatically said.

Oberyn snapped at the young girl, "mind yourself Lannister." Elia shook her head at her brother, wishing he had some sort of filtering process in his mind. Rather than think, speak approach, Oberyn seemed to speak and then think some few hours later.

Cersei raised a brow towards him, as if to say be careful, and continued. "I understand that potential competitors for the much wanted roled as a Kingsguard are especially needed."

"Lannister prisoners are to be sent to the wall," Aerys snapped back. The nerve!

Cersei feigned hurt. "My dear brother? A prisoner? Oh no your grace, I can assure you that my Jaime is the best swordsman you will find, with a good name-"

Rhaegar moved his hand from Arianne's and went to protest. "My lady. He is the first son?" The statement came out more like a question.

"And he would fall on his own sword if it meant saving his kings life, your grace. I-we, came here offering our loyalty to you. A sign that the Lannister name will forever be under yours." She continued, ignoring Rhaegar's continued cries of no's.

Aerys looked down at the girl as if she was the most foolish thing to grace the world with her presence. Did Twyin know of this? Better yet did Jaime know about his pledge? Aerys let out an uncanny cackle. Oh, how he loved stupid little girls. He turned to Ser Barristan, "it looks like we won't have to send out those ravens, after all, Barristan."

"Thank you, your grace, you won't regret it." Cersei smiled, curtsying and turning to leave making sure to emphasize the sway of her hips as she did so.

Elia rolled her eyes, put Aegon down took his hand in hers and led him out of the Great Hall through the back doors. Arianne craned her neck to get a look at the child, but it was no use. She had caught a glimpse of his mop of dark hair and had heard him squeal in delight once he had seen his father but Elia and made sure not to show her the slightest bit of his face.

Rhaella looked after Elia and shook her head. "She is just on edge. They all are." she smiled indicating to the empty seats of the parlour and small crowd in front of them that had begun to whisper to themselves.

Rhaegar shook his head after the girl and turned to Arianne who shrugged at him. "Tywin has many cousins and nephews that could take after him."

"Since when were you so educated on the family history of the Lannister's?" Oberyn voiced sounded behind Rhaegar.

Rhaegar rolled his eyes and turned to the older Prince. "Since when were you to barge in on private conversations?" He asked, not bothering to turn around and see the nasty expression etched on Oberyn's face.

Oberyn let out a small laugh. "Your conversations stopped being private the day you first learned to speak, Rhaegar." He reminded him. "Besides, I came here to ask my lady for a walk-."

"She's already seen the gardens."

"I have a voice thank you very much." Arianne gave a side-eye to Rhaegar and huffed. "I'd love to go for a walk, fresh air is something I'd welcome greatly."

Oberyn followed her gaze; it had been on the mounted skulls and skeletons of dragons. "Indeed," he said raising his brows in an exaggerated manner.

"I'll see you at lunch, your Kingsguard will bring you," Rhaegar muttered, placing his hands behind his back and leaving them alone.

After his departure, they were the last two left on standing behind the Iron Throne. Arianne looked at Oberyn awkwardly and gave him the are you going to start talking or shall I look. Oberyn cleared his throat, "I wanted to begin by apologising. My behaviour, my sister's behaviour, Ashara's behaviour, it isn't right. We have forgotten what it feels like to be away from family for the first time, but for us we had each other to turn to but you have no one-,"

Arianne scoffed, "thank you for the reminder." She folded her hands neatly in front of her and led the way to gardens, but rather than leave through the back doors as the rest of the family had, she made her way to the large black doors of the Hall.

Oberyn wanted to remind her that it probably wasn't right that they leave through there, but by the look on the few high lords and ladies scattered in the Hall, the sooner they left the sooner everybody else could and a delay would not be apricated.

"I understand your anger, I am apologising nothing more," Oberyn pointed out.

Arianne scoffed once more. "It's been months since I have seen my family, you see yours every day. My companions are a little gutter boy and handmaidens whose family probably despise me." She pointed out.

Oberyn grimaced as they made their way outside. The sun had been hard at work and left the Red Keeps surrounding areas with a light hue of illusion waves. "If it's of any use, I hardly ever see my sister. Nor my uncle. Both are too busy pleasing the royal family to find time to spend with me."

"They're still here. My brother got married and I wasn't even there to see it. My sister is to be married soon and my poor Lilia is all alone in Winterfell for another few months. I just want to go home. Betrothals are long affairs and I-I don't know if I can wait any longer before I see my family," she blurted.

"Elia spent three years here, alone. No one from Dorne was here then, so it was her and them basically."

"Elia doesn't want to talk to me. Just like you didn't want to talk to me," Arianne snapped back.

Oberyn let out a small snicker. "Elia is not angry at you. Sometimes she does show her...worst side to the wrong people. But don't let that discourage you from trying to get to know her."

"So, she is rude to me, shows me no respect yet I must try to make her happy?" Arianne asked. She began to feel uncomfortable under the sun and looked for one of the many shaded seats.

"She is your Princess," Oberyn chuckled. "You know I didn't mean it like that Arianne. I don't want to tell you that everything will be alright because it won't. And I wouldn't be holding grudges against those who want the best for you especially now that Cersei is here. More of her kind will follow once the King makes that betrothal announcement we are all dreading.: Oberyn said stopping in his tracks and bringing his hand to hers.

She felt her cheeks flush. "I am a bastard Oberyn, everyone keeps talking of a betrothal. Let us be honest, I'll be lucky to be Rhaegar's concubine if anything." There was a short silence. "Besides, I'm not the one who held a grudge Oberyn, that was you," she pointed out; frustrated more than anything. Figuring out by now that he had been skirting around something. This was Oberyn Martell. He doesn't just talk to you for the sake of talking to you. She thought to herself.

He let out a nervous chuckle. "I do apologise for that. Rejection is not something that comes naturally to me."

"Mhmm," Arianne muttered. "What do you mean more of Cersei's kind are on their way?"

"Well...Cersei has always thought herself to be Rhaegar's. Some fantasy of hers that a witch or some sort told her of. Once people find out that the King doesn't mind giving his son concubines," he let out a sigh, "let's just say I'll be having a wonderful time." Arianne let out a scoff. "And your Rhaegar is getting no better either."

Arianne frowned up at the young man in front of her. "Is something on your mind Oberyn? You're overtly intrusive today."

Oberyn let out a groan and pointed her towards a shaded circular table where two young boys stood holding plates of golden glasses. "Leave us," Oberyn ordered. The boys scattered away and Arianne tutted at Oberyn. They sat down and he pulled out a small rolled up piece of parchment.

"Is that one of Rhaegar's plans?" She asked, suddenly very intrigued.

Oberyn shook his head. "No of course not. He never writes anything down. Rhaegar keeps his plans little girl, all in here." He tapped his head and winked.

"You're still not on my good side, it'll take more than a wink and double-edged compliment to get me to forgive you for leaving me to fend for myself all these weeks," she said feigning a glare and snatching the scroll from his hands.

Oberyn moved closer to her and he glanced sideways at a passing couple. "Don't – don't read it out loud. It's...serious."

Arianne blinked at home shocked. "Okay." She whispered back holding back her laughter. God, how could he make me feel full of rage and still make me laugh?

She opened up the scroll, glancing up at him one last time, just in case her judgment would change after she had read it.


I am truly sorry for the atrocities that befell you, your family and the Royal family. I am not writing to you this time to beg for forgiveness, I know you will give that to me when we see each other again. I know that nothing, not even the Frey's could keep us apart. I am writing this letter to implore you, beg you, to come to your sense and convince anyone with the power to, to take the Frey's out of my home. My mother is travelling to Kings Landing as I write this, the only thing holding her back was the-

The handwriting of the first part became blotchy and what were once wet spots obscured some words.

-wedding of my cousin.

"This is my sister's hand!" Arianne squealed excitedly pushing Oberyn's chest.

Oberyn sighed. "Keep reading it, it gets worse."

She is coming to ask the King for a pardon and a small army to retake our castle. Lord Tully and Lord – her voice rose – Stark, both, tried convincing her against it but she wouldn't listen. My brother's, we do not know if they are dead or prisoners and Lord Frey has said that if we wish to see them once more, living or dead, I must marry one of his sons. I cannot do that. This is my third time telling you my love, I would surely hang if I married one of the Frey's and my child came out looking more Dornish than Westerosi. Please respond to my ravens, I will not stop writing them. Not until I die.


Your Merida.

Riverlands - Riverrun

"Shella, I cannot let you go. You have a home here. The Frey's cannot touch you here!" Hoster shouted, taking hold of Shella Whent's small shoulders and shaking her senseless.

Shella pushed her good-brother off her. "You don't understand. I have to go. I have to get my home back Hoster. If Riverrun had been taken from you and scum threatened you, daughter's and son, wouldn't you do anything to-"

"Of course I would!" Hoster defensively snapped back. "But I would never go near the capitol. I would look to my friends for help, and I am your friend."

"Oh, he can't make her stay!" Merida cried out, looking down the balcony at her mother and uncle arguing.

Lyanna and Catelyn glanced at each other shortly, unsure of how to comfort her.

Lysa you selfish cow where the hell are you? Lyanna thought to herself, almost letting out a grunt.

Catelyn twirled her ring between her middle finger and thumb. "I'm sure father will be able to convince her, she just needs to think rationally."

It seemed she had spoken too soon, for Shella had already been helped by a servant onto her horse. The same servant got onto his own horse and waited for her nod to lead them out of the castle. The soldier at the top of the drawbridge tower looked down at Lord Tully for an okay to bring down the bridge. Shella didn't bother to turn to him to ask him to approve of it, knowing he knew what she was doing was something even Hoster couldn't keep her from doing.

"Oh, will he?" Merida glowered, watching as her mother crossed the bridge from the castle to ground. She looked at both girls disappointed that they had given her false hope, and rushed back to her room.

Catelyn looked after her grimacing, "she'll be fine." She shrugged, knowing all too well she wouldn't be, but not knowing exactly how to deal with her cousin. "Tea?" She asked Lyanna.

"Cake?" Lyanna responded she had been craving sweets ever since the wedding and lack of sweet foods present.

Catelyn let out a low chuckle. "I can ask for some to be made? It'll take a while though, father had us stop eating sweets a long time ago."

Lyanna scowled. "Not even lemon cakes?"

"I'm sure Lysa has them made regularly; with all the damned tea parties she hosts in the gardens with gods know who."

Lyanna felt her mood lift once more as they entered Catelyn's room. "Fantastic."

They sat down and Catelyn pulled a small string by her bed that Lyanna assumed went down to the kitchens because it was marked TEA TIME. Catelyn gave Lyanna a pointed look.

"What?" Lyanna smiled, playing with the braids in her hair. She had grown very close with Catelyn, unable to leave the older girls side during her stay at Riverrun. She dreaded the day that Catelyn had to leave Storms End for Winterfell. But she knew it was inevitable and they would see each other soon enough at Kingslanding. Lyanna pushed aside the thoughts of seeing her sister soon, feeling guilty for not pushing her family to visit Kingslanding before her wedding. She knew it would be met with backlash from her brother and father, as they wanted to move her wedding along quickly.

"Did you talk to Robert at the wedding?" Catelyn asked Lyanna, wondering why she hadn't seen the two together during the ceremony.

"No, I avoided him like a deadly illness," Lyanna responded.

"Why?" Catelyn pondered.

Lyanna shrugged. "I feel selfish. Here I am prancing around while my sister is with a-a madman!" She felt her voice grow as she said her thoughts out loud. "How is it plausible for me to fall in love while she is alone. No family. No friends-"

Catelyn tutted and gave Lyanna a cold look. "Your sister is one of the most sociable people I have ever encountered. And how is her situation any different from ours? We marry men we did not choose. We move away from family. Better yet she is a guest of the royal family.:

"I think we should all feel sorry for ourselves," Lyanna pointed out thanking her good sister with a gentle touch to the palm.

"Well, I'm not that sorry for myself," Catelyn smirked looking up at the high ceiling in a cheeky manner.

"Spare me," Lyanna said, feeling herself grow nauseous at the image.

She wasn't left with it too long though, there was a brisk knock on the door, and before Catelyn could say her usual come in it was pushed open.

"I beg your pardon!" Catelyn said, standing from her seat ready to give whoever had intruded into her room an earful.

Merdia looked at Catelyn with bloodshot eyes and threw a piece of parchment onto the tea table. She pointed to Catelyn to get an ink tube and gave Lyanna her quill. "Write as I speak." She instructed. Lyanna opened her mouth to object but looked down at the shotty handwriting and couldn't find it in herself to object.

Oberyn? She thought to herself, reading the letter quickly before Catelyn handed her the ink tube.

"Write - She is coming to ask the King for a pardon and an army - no - small army to retake our castle. Lord Tully and Lord Stark, both, -"

Lyanna had to cut her off, "My father and brother never tried to-"

Merdia hit her across the head, "so will they help raise this child? No, fantastic, continue writing."

Catelyn tried to object her actions but assuming by what she just did to Lyanna didn't want to come between a determined girl and her letter. "Baby? Merdia are you-,"

"And suddenly everyone understands basic human physiology. Please write for the love of the seven - they tried convincing her against it but she wouldn't listen. My brother's, we do not know if they are dead or prisoners and Lord Frey has said that if we wish to see them once more, living or dead, I must marry one of his sons. I cannot do that. This is my third time telling you Oberyn - no don't write that put in - my love, I would surely hang if I married one of the Frey's and my child came out looking more Dornish than Westerosi. That or I hang myself."

"Merida I'm not writing that," Lyanna whispered, unsure if the girl had heard her. She opted out of writing it, unsure if Oberyn was as unstable as her.

"Please respond to my ravens, I will not stop writing them. Not until I die. Love, your Merida."

Your Merdia, Lyanna thought to herself as she finished the letter and let Merida sign her initials M.W at the end of it.

"Now if I hear a word of this letter or this baby or Oberyn outside of these four walls to anyone else, let it be Lysa or your fathers or your husband I will turn to black magic to doom you all," and with that, she was gone as briskly as she had entered.

Catelyn stood from her seat and rushed out after her. "Merdia we can help you, please wait!"

almost there wow

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