
Chapter 6

Jaime Lannister was never one to fall for a lady when he first saw her, nor would he say he fell for this woman in front of him when he saw her. He would say she was merely a toy to play with at one of the dullest Tourney's he had the pleasure of attending.

Cersei wouldn't be pleased, not at all. He loved his sister, he truly did, but he was a young lord who was exploring the world, and like any young lord he was allowed the right to do just that. Though he had to give it to Cersei, she had kept him preoccupied during the entire day they had been at Harrenhal.

So when the girl chose him to greet first, his ego grew exceptionally. Though he had never doubted himself. Kissing her hand and showering her with compliments. He would not take his eyes off her dark purple ones. They were the most exotic things he had seen, so similar he noticed, too that of the young handmaiden of the Princess. But this girl looked nothing like her, not one bit.

The handmaiden, Ashara Dayne, had a mature beauty about her. Though like Arianne she did seem to hypnotize every man she walked past. Ashara Dyane was used gold to Jaime. This girl was freshly mined, and her body showed the innocence that he lacked from his sister. He wouldn't have called it love, no, more or less infatuation. He didn't forget to tell the girl to save him dance her first dance. She blushed furiously before accepting and moving on to greet Lady Olenna Tyrell, who complimented the girls dress and talked ill of her sisters. Jaime's eyes followed her all the way into her room until the door was shut and murmuring of the purple-eyed beauty who had just graced her presence in the east wing of the rooms begun.

Jaime turned to leave, it seemed he was not the only man interested in her. The Prince, whose hand was tapping furiously on the balcony, his foot restless, stared at the closed door intently. The Queen nodded her head to the gold cloaks who escorted her to her rooms and closed the door, standing in front of the door. The Prince nodded to Arthur Dayne, Jaime knew to be, and walked down the stairs of the southern balcony and made his way to the exercise yard. Jaime thought it best to join; he did not want to look weak amongst the Lords. He would keep the secret of his sudden taking with Arianne Sand, a very close secret. Cersei would kill the girl if she found out. Or she would kill him. Jaime liked Arianne alive. Jaime liked Jaime alive.


And poor Lyanna Stark, she had hoped this would be the time that Arianne would be seen as some foreigner and she would be focused on. But in the back of her mind, she knew this was going to happen.

She was left on the side of the balcony that housed Lysa and Catelyn Tully, Bethany, Maege, Lady Olenna Tyrell, Lewyn Martell, Gerold Hightower, Jon Connington, Cerci Lannister and many other ladies. Arianne had won the lottery it seemed, her room was right near that of the King and Queen the Prince and Princess, Jaime Lannister, Mace Tyrell, Lyanna assumed her brothers rooms would be there as well as there were no more available rooms in the west wing and she swore she caught a glimpse of Jon Arryn, Oberyn Martell, Yohn Royce and a mixture of Freys and Dustin's.

Lyanna had seen the interaction Arianne had with Jaime, and something grew in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't wait to meet Robert and rid herself the feelings of jealousy that plagued her. She stepped into her room, a room made for a giant, and shut the door behind her after her handmaiden had stepped in.

"Let's get ready for the feast!" the young handmaiden squealed. Lyanna sighed internally. It was midday; the feast was at nightfall.

How much getting ready would there be? She wondered.


"My lady," a timid little handmaiden had whispered behind Arianne. Arianne turned to the girl smiling.

"Not a lady...yet...it's just Arianne for now," she responded smiling at the girl.

"Arianne, follow me to your room," the girl smiled back turning around and leading the way. They were followed by a Northern guard who held Arianne's trunk with her belongings in it. Arianne bid farewell to Lyanna, who was being introduced to her handmaiden and did not bother with the other ladies, they would just ignore her anyway.

"So where am I to stay, next to my sister?" Arianne asked following the girl up the steps and to the rooms.

"Oh no, you are in the east wing. She is on the west, over there," the handmaiden said pointing to the other side of the balcony once they had reached the very top. Lyanna was being led her room. Arianne did not realize that they were mere inches from crossing paths with the lords and ladies of the South and felt herself shake under her dress.

"Are they nice?" Arianne whispered holding the girl back to make her walk slower. She could see that Lyanna was already introducing herself to Lady Catelyn Tully and Lady Lysa Tully whose rooms seemed to be right next to hers.

"Everyone is mean to a handmaiden," the girl whispered back.

"Well, they must be right old cunts to bastards," Arianne winked back. "I did not catch your name?"


"What a beautiful name. I love it," Arianne responded. As they neared the middle of the balcony, the chatter died down, and whispers began. Her stomach lurched, she knew it, her dress was too much. Her father had warned her not to be too provocative though Lilia had told her to be confident in her skin. She looked at her and did not know whether to curtsy or introduce herself to them.

Thankfully she had Olivia to guide her. "Lord Jaime Lannister," she whispered.

"My lord," Arianne shyly said, her voice surprising her. She looked to the young lord who bowed back to her. He had grabbed her hand gently and kissed it, all the while staring at her eyes directly.


"Just Arianne. Arianne Sand," Arianne responded moving her hand away from his lips. The young boy was handsome, blonde and had green eyes with golden specks running through them.

"Just Arianne Sand, it's a pleasure to meet you," he smirked.

"And you my lord," Arianne smiled back.

"Do you enjoy Harrenhal so far?" He questioned.

Arianne did not know the southern lords liked to ask so many unnecessary questions.

"I cannot tell yet, I just arrived," Arianne said letting out a small laugh.

"I wouldn't want to be the one stopping you from resting, I hope we meet again, not Lady, just Arianne Sand," Jaime smiled, his lips forming into a cocky smile this time though. The prize was in the bag. He moved closer to her and Oliva made a motion to step back to give them privacy. "Do save me your first dance. I wouldn't want to miss a chance dancing with the most beautiful lady present. I want it to be me who captured her eyes first."

Arianne blushed. Lilia did say they were good with their words. "I will try to remember." She whispered back before picking up her dress, turning around and following Oliva to her room. She could see herself falling for that one; she had to watch herself.

Only to be stopped another time by an older lady. "Lady Olen-"

"I can introduce myself thank you," The woman snapped at Oliva. "Lady Olenna Tyrell. Lady of House Tyrell and so on and so on all you need to know is that the Reach is mine. It is lovely to meet you...finally." Olenna smiled.

Arianne bowed her head. "It's a pleasure Lady Olenna. I am glad I could be of acquaintance."

"And your dress-" Olenna smiled pulling the dress from underneath the coat. "Should not be hidden underneath that. At least you have your Dornish taste I guess. Your sister was a fool to come dressed as a damn Septa." Arianne had to hold back her laughter. She reminded herself to spend more time with Olenna.

"Mother," a voice rang from behind Olenna. Olenna rolled her eyes and turned to her son.

"What? Don't you have a joust to practice for?" She questioned.

"You are pestering the girl, let her rest. We can call for tea in your room-" but Olenna cut him off.

"Tea!? And who will explore this ugly castle for me? I did not travel a month to have tea in my room. Out of my way boy, I'm going to see where Harren roasted alive." And with that, she was gone. Mace Tyrell sent an apologetic look towards Arianne who assured him with a smile that all was well.

"Shall we?" Oliva sighed looking tired of the introduction already.

"Yes please," Arianne whispered, she did not want to deal with any more charmers or formal presentations.

Oliva led her to the furthest door, the one that looked straight onto the royal families own wing and doors. They had all retreated to their rooms, and the Prince was nowhere in sight. Oliva opened the door to reveal a large sized room. Arianne knew it was far too big for one person.

"Was this built for monsters or humans?" she frowned turning to Oliva.

"I just work here," Oliva shrugged opening the windows of the great room and dragging the trunk onto the bed. "Now, for the fun part."


Catelyn had no idea why but she seemed to have a disagreeable taste in her stomach. A feeling that she was being ignore by her betrothed. The hours that he had been at Harrenhal, Brandon had not bothered to introduce himself to her. To say she was insulted was the easiest way of putting things. Catelyn had practically starved herself for this very occasion, and he was paying her no mind. She was sure it wasn't her that was keeping him, she had been reassured by many lords of her beauty.

Maybe Brandon prefers a whore's beauty to that of a ladies? She thought to herself. She damned herself; she had no right to insult those who had done no wrong to her.

"Cat," Lysa whispered pointing to the area that had been left for those that wanted to dance. Her slender finger was directing Catelyn's eyes to Jaime, who was dancing with the bastard girl, Arianne Sand. Catelyn still had no idea why the girl was even present at such an event and if that had at all insulted Lord Whent? From the looks of it though it didn't. Catelyn overheard Lord Whent's sons talking about the young girl.

"Father wants Merida to dance with the two little Stark boys first; I'm getting a hunch he wants to marry her into Stark-ism." One of the brothers said causing the others to laugh. They had been preparing for the feast in the shared grooming room that Catelyn had managed to stumble across. "I heard that the eldest was to marry the Tully sister."

"Fuck the brothers. I want their sister," another exclaimed.

"She's betrothed too, idiot."

"Not Lyanna. She looks like a boy with hair. The other one. The one they're calling Purple Maiden at the armoury yard."

"Isn't that the handmaiden of the Princess?"

"The bastard girl. Can't believe you haven't heard about her. Jamie Lannister was talking about dancing with her first, having her in his trap and charming her and taking her maidenhood. You'd think the cunt was in love."

"That whore," Lysa whispered clutching at her sister's arm.

"Enough Lysa. They merely danced," Catelyn said her voice stern. She had had enough of her sister's constant bad mouthing of the young girl. She had done no wrong to Lysa except for being more beautiful than her.

The two sisters continued watching others dance for a time until Catelyn's shoulder was tapped. She spun around and there he stood. Suddenly she had forgiven him for ignoring her and coming to introduce himself so late. She couldn't deny how handsome he looked, in a rough way.

He wasn't clean shaven, his hair was tied to the nape of his neck now, and his cloak was off. She could see the tunic that was embroidered with twirls as it stretched against his large shoulders and the direwolf metal pieces that clipped the tunic together. He was much taller than her, towering at least a foot taller and twice her size in weight.

"It seems my father has done right by me and matched me with beauty," Brandon Stark said. He didn't smirk; he didn't smile unnecessarily as the Southern lords did. Instead, he looked down to Catelyn, bowed his head respectfully and kissed her hand.

"My Lord Stark," Catelyn said taking his hand and standing from her chair. She tried to keep her voice as steady and confident as possible.

"Lady Tully," Brandon responded. "Would you do the honour of sharing your first dance with me?" He asked.

Shouldn't we get to know each other first at least? Catelyn thought, looking to Lyanna and Robert who had been held in conversation since the moment they met.

"It would be my pleasure, my lord," she smiled allowing him to lead the way to the dance space. She supposed dancing was a way to get to know him.

Brandon let her hand go and placed his right hand on her waist. They waited for the music to start and once it did, began dancing.

"You dance as if you were born to do," Catelyn laughed gripped his hand tighter; his steps were a little too big for her small feet.

Brandon smiled down at her. "You can thank my Septa threatening to tell my father of my two left feet."

Catelyn let out a small giggle. "I can only imagine you as a little boy tripping over your feet."

Brandon cringed, "it hurts when I think of my harrowing childhood."

They continued talking as they danced, Catelyn was glad they had something to distract them when the conversation died down.

"My father has mentioned we will be coming to Riverrun after this, for a wedding." He mused, bringing her closer as the floor became full of dancers.

"And who's wedding is it may I ask?" Catelyn prodded. She did speak with Petyr's whore's and learn how to flirt.

Petyr. Catelyn thought to herself.

He had stayed back in Riverrun on her father's orders, before their departure he began to act irrationally and profess his love for Catelyn at random moments. He had promised her that he would be there for the last jousting day and she had worried about him.

A small, skinny, short boy amongst all these high lords who were all much larger when compared to him. She felt for the boy, she did. But she could not force herself to love a little boy when she had a man standing right in front of her. He was her closest companion, and that is as much as she thought of him.

Petyr Baelish, my closest friend who knew everything about me.

"Some lord and lady, or so I've heard," Brandon laughed, Catelyn joining him.

"It will look very similar to this; it is a week after the Tourney is it not?" Catelyn asked Brandon, nodded. She had not remembered how close it was until she probed her mind. In seventeen days she would be a married woman. In a year she would could be a mother. Once Rickard Stark passed she would be the Lady of Winterfell.

Catelyn Stark. It had a nice ring to it.

"Then I assume it will be exactly like this. Only I'm afraid our hall is not as spectacular as Harrenhal's," Catelyn admitted. She caught a glimpse of her younger sister dancing with Jamie. She smiled inwardly to herself.

"Only we will be the main attraction," Brandon smiled. Catelyn couldn't hold back the smile that was forming on her lips. Though Brandon's was dying down. He had just spotted Arianne dancing with the Red Viper, Oberyn Martell.

Catelyn turned her head to see what had caught his attention. "If you are worried about her, do not be. She is a woman grown who can fend for herself." Understanding Brandon's worry for his little sister.

"I'm not worried about her. I'm worried about her with him," he replied sternly, almost brushing her statement off. Catelyn didn't respond. Instead, she stayed silent as she watched him watch them.

His hand clutched her tighter, and she saw the young Dornish Prince make quite a scene of himself in front of the Prince Rhaegar, fondling the girl. It seemed they weren't the only ones watching. Catelyn saw her sister free her hands from Jaime's as she huffed at him for staring at the young girl for too long, she saw the way the Kingsgaurd, Ser Barristan Selmy looked at the girl from his post in an almost longing way, she saw how Brandon stopped dancing altogether and gripped the sword that was placed at his waist and she saw the way the Prince himself, Rhaegar, gripped his chair handle tightly looking at the two dancing. Catelyn knew that Oberyn had no care that he was causing such anger in the hall and fact she wouldn't have been surprised if that was his true intention.

The song came to an end, and Brandon turned to Catelyn. "Sorry, my anger gets the better of me at times," he admitted letting go of his sword head.

Catelyn nodded in understanding. She would've been angry too if someone was parading her sister around like so. "They don't call you the wild wolf for nothing," she said, holding back a stiff smile.

"I hope to see you soon future wife," he whispered gently kissing her cheek. "For now, I must keep up appearances and make sure my bannermen are behaving themselves."

"You know where to find me," Catelyn smiled bowing to him and heading back to her table. She was sure her face was as red as the wine that was being served.

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