
Enemy of the Law I [Perez]

I had told you some tales about the beauty or the horrors of the world. today's tale is especial to me. it is a tale about a man's journey to a path of destruction.....

some of my tales are about evil or good. villains playing heroes, or bad guys who don't know they are the bad guys. but this one is especial.

as for this tale it is about a righteous man dealing with the biggest choice of his life. he has to decide between dying an honest man, or going to the corrupted rotten side of the law and the government.

he can either became a fallen figure, or a symbol similar to a martyr. but before I can tell you more about him lets go to the beginning.

everything started with officer Miguel Perez. an honest cop with dreams of becoming a symbol of justice to the city. a man who wishes to protect. a man who is too innocent and naive for his age.

Miguel is turning twenty nine years old on two months. he is about 5'6 ft tall. he has short bright black hair. his skin is of a light brown tone. his eyes are black. he has a huge mustache that looks ridiculous on his skinny face.

Miguel Perez is the third child of a family from Colombian-Mexican roots. Miguel just became a cop four years ago. he feels joy and satisfaction with his job. there is nothing of which he can be more proud than for his job.

Miguel was a child when his mother was killed in a Hit and Run. the person driving was a drunk child of a corrupted sergeant. an honest and good cop helped them till the end. ever since then Miguel dreamed about becoming a cop.

Miguel's father became sick last year. there are times on which Miguel visits on his free time which is not much. Miguel fears for the worse. his father's condition has become worse on a short period of time.

Miguel is right now driving on the night. he then receives a call from his girlfriend, ups excuse me, I meant his fiance. they will become a married couple in fifteen months. Miguel can't believe how perfect his life is.

the night becomes more lively. there is less secrecy. the people become more bold and audacious on the lights of darkness. there is a smell of lust and wilderness.

it is now that Miguel's time on the streets ends. he drives back to his home. on the way he looks at a diner open. it is called 'Pepe's midnight soup.'

strangely enough the owner's name isn't Pepe, nor are they Latinos. and even more strangely that place isn't known for their soup. the soup is okay mostly, but what makes them outstanding is everything else on their menu.

Miguel stops to get a bite. he orders Volcano-Lava-Mucho fries, a cheeseburger, and some sweet nuggets. the fries are called like that because it has a lot of cheese and four different types of chilies. there is powder chili, liquid chili, hot sauce, and more.

Miguel notices an old man siting two tables on the left. he is an infamous gangster who went to jail a lot time ago. he came out of prison some years ago. the man looks old, but he doesn't look either innocent, nor weak. he is between his 70's.

that man is no other than Terry Davis. the right hand of the Fierro family, if he is here then that means that he is here to represent the Fierro family. he is here as their messenger and representative.

Miguel is unsure if he should ignore it, he is officially off service. he can risk so much if he dares try to play the hero. Miguel is a righteous man, but even he knows that there is a time to play the hero. and there is a time to pretend that you didn't saw anything.

as Miguel is on an inner battle with his morals. Terry Davis stands up. he walks towards Miguel and he sits next to him. Terry asks for another cup of coffee and a croissant. the waitress attends him right away.

"listen up kid. I like you. I like your attitude. but in here nobody builds statues to Heroes. they use their money to pay for bribes."

"how? how did you know I was a cop?"

"kid. when you do what I do, you learn what a cop smells like. and you smell like a cop."

"thanks for the advice sir."

"whenever you feel like in need of another advice, you already know where and when to find me. I love to keep myself entertain with conversations."

Terry Davis payed for his food. he payed for Miguel's food. and then he left. he may be an infamous gangster, but he is no madman nor blood thirsty.

Miguel is left thinking about Terry's words. he stands up. he goes to the bathroom. Miguel smokes two cigars before leaving.

once again he is on the road. Miguel is driving with direction to his home. he deeply cares about the badge and what it represents.

for a moment Miguel thinks about his family. about the advice he received from his uncle when he was a child. there are many things on Miguel's mind.

Miguel chose to use a dark road that is mostly empty. a road with barely any cameras. a road from a seedy side of the city. Miguel felt nostalgia looking back at the streets on which he grow up until he was eight.

out of nowhere a red sports car comes from behind. the car accelerates to a point beyond the speed limit. there is a huge sound similar to an explosion. Miguel didn't notice when the sports car crashed with an older rusty car.

Miguel is in shock. he stops driving. he walks slowly towards the scene of the accident. the guy driving the sports car was some daddy's boy with money and power. somehow he made it out almost unscathed. he leaves the car complaining. he is clearly drunk.

on the other car was a family. a father and his two daughters. for the broken objects on the ground covered on blood we can assume that they came from a party. today was probably the birthday party of one of the girls.

the father's body is impaled on the windshield. part of his skull was fractured leaving some hollow areas on his head. part of his brains are scattered all around. the lower jaw has some fractures. while the superior jaw was almost completely destroyed.

one of the girls seems to be about seven years old. the girl is on the ground about a meter away from both of the cars. her legs and arms are twisted on inhuman ways leaving some tiny bones exposed. her neck broke leaving her face looking at her back.

the other girl is about fourteen years old. she had her seat belt on. that was probably what saved her from dying. the girl had some cuts on her face. her left arm is bleeding. her right leg is bleeding. but she is breathing.

with the scene alone you can tell that the smallest child didn't had her seat belt on. the seat belt of the father probably burst as he tried to save his youngest child. on such a tragic night under the moon a tragedy happened.

the rich daddy's boy is about twenty seven. he is talking with a friend showing off that he survived a violent accident while driving drunk. he doesn't seem to care about the corpses on the road. nor about the girl that is now an orphan.

Miguel calls an ambulance. he then calls to a local news channel. he tells them that Church's son had a car accident while driving drunk.

Miguel looks at his phone. he then looks at the moon feeling nervous. he knows that he is crossing a line right now. he is getting on the bad side of powerful people.

he knows that his superiors will do the impossible to keep the rich asshole out of jail, in order to stay out of the father's hit list. but if the local news channel gets solid evidence, it won't be that easy.

Miguel knew that this wasn't brave, it was stupid. he is basically killing his career for some strangers that he has never met before. but it was so much disgust that Miguel felt for the rich asshole's reaction that he couldn't hold back.

the daddy's boy is no other than Frederick H Church. he is the son of congressman Howard Church. Church is not only a powerful politician, he has money on casinos. and lastly he is friends with Daniel Grinberg, the local gang lord.

now with the full picture everything about Miguel's reaction feels wrong. not wrong in the sense that he is doing something bad, but wrong on the sense that something bad is about to happen. a bad omen was created the moment Miguel took action.

the older sister was unconscious. she wakes up. she calls for her family. Miguel immediately covers her eyes. he whispers on her ear trying to calm her down. he lies to her as he holds his own tears.

the ambulance finally arrives. they take her out of the car carefully. then they leave.

at that moment the news reporters where already on the scene. they caught on camera Frederick's face and reactions. the little girl and her family were also recorded. sadly Miguel wasn't able to escape the camera.

Miguel could already tell that his career as a cop was over. but he was too innocent or naive to know then that his whole life was ruined.

Miguel calls his girlfriend. he tells her everything that happened. Miguel pretends to be fine while he feels fear. there is no denial that he just walked on a mine. a metaphorical mine that is worse than a physical one.

after that long graphic night Miguel found his way to his home. he fell on bed. there he was trying to sleep. he was looking at the ceiling. Miguel thinks carefully about everything that can happen tomorrow.

the night felt even longer the more Miguel tried to sleep. his body was tired. jet he was awake out of fear for his life. some important people called. he ignored all the calls. there was nothing he could said.

what is done is done. you can think about something all you want, but by just thinking nothing can be solve. to solve something you must act. and to act you must have knowledge of the smallest detail.

sadly at the time Miguel didn't knew anything about life, not really. all he knew was an idea he had about how the world works. but to know you need years of experience, something that Miguel clearly lacks.

early on the mourning Miguel received a call telling him about the girl. he was told that she was doing fine. she asked for the cop. she wanted to talk to him. Miguel took a cold shower before leaving.

Miguel drove towards the hospital. he bought a hot coffee on the way. in twenty minutes he was already on the hospital.

it took him some minutes to find the room in which the girl was staying. the girl was feeling lonely and sorrowful. she smiled the moment she saw Miguel.

the little girl cries as she lets Miguel know about her story. her mother died last year. and the little girl doesn't have any other family. she is all alone now.

Miguel felt a connection with the little girl. she reminded him of his past days. there was a parallel between his past and her life. there is no way that he can ignore the little girl. from him depends the girl's future. he can either be her savior, or executioner on a way.

Miguel can't stop thinking about the cop who helped him on his youth. the cop is still alive and working. it has been too long since the last time Miguel called him. it looks like Miguel will need an advice from that old cop.

Miguel looks at the contacts on his phone. he calls a number. no one answers. he calls again and again until a rusty voice answers.

"it is me sir. yes, I am a whole man now.... I am on some kind of situation right now. I think I will need of your help sir.... to put it simple I am on your shoes. it's about a girl."

Miguel ends the call. he puts the phone on his pockets. he receives more calls. Miguel ignores every damn call. Mr. Church will do everything to get his head on a silver plate.

If I am honest, this is my favorite story out of the four. it is brutal at times, but not too brutal.

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