
Really Now...

The Duke ate some mending pills that covered up any cosmetic damage or harm that he had suffered so that his skin was back to normal... At least normal enough for no one to realize what had happened behind closed doors or further embarrass him as Duke and supposedly the most powerful man in his Duchy.

That said, the healing was mostly cosmetic and even though he was now free of his heart demon and was back in tip-top shape in terms of cultivation, the Duke was still injured and not really back at one hundred percent.

Of course, being the Cosmic saint that he was, he was sure to make a full recovery even though his heart would never fully heal.

Forevermore, he would be scarred by what had happened today and would never be able to forgive his wife, Raelyn, or the Blue-eyed Bastard.

The sad part was that he still cared for Raelyn but now knew there was no way he could ever have a relationship with her... Conventional or not.

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