
Absolute Rage

Zeus pupils shrank as the world went in slow motion for him.

Just as Kaido was about to slam Bonney with his tail, Bonney was pushed out of the way towards the crew to safety.

Persephone had pushed her!

Persephone smiled and looked at Zeus before smiling beautifully and getting hit. She flew through the air and smashed into the wall before slumping to the ground and coughing out a mouthful of blood.

Zeus' eyes turned red and he slashed Tengoku in rage at Big Mom, sending her flying before flashing next to Persephone.

His eyes dimmed and tears pooled in them as he held her, she smiled weakly and looked up at Zeus as she said "Hey Superman.." she lifted her hand and wiped his tears as she said "You're not supposed to cry.. You never cried before.."

Zeus trembled and whispered "It's you.." Persephone smiled and said "Yeah.." she coughed and said "I remember everything now.. You finally got your wish eh?"

Zeus shook and pulled her closer as he said "Why.. Why didn't you tell me before?" Persephone smiled sadly and said "I thought... you would push me away... after you moved.. I never.. saw you again.."

Persephone coughed out more blood and continued "I thought.. my superman.. left me.." she smiled warmly and said "I never stopped.. loving you.. those days at the park.. and in school.. were.. the best.. days.. of my life.."

Zeus touched his forehead with hers and Persephone smiled before closing her eyes, hot tears falling onto her face and sliding to the ground.

Zeus looked up and roared an extremely loud dragon roar.

Lightning crackled off him and blasted everything around him, except Persephone to ashes. His Conqueror's Haki exploded out from his body and covered the entirety of Wano.

The sky turned blood red and heavy rain started falling as blood red clouds rolled in, dropping thunder everywhere.

Zeus screamed "KAIDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" as he body hovered off the ground and started changing slowly.

His dragon horns grew out and turned into red crystal horns and an arc of lightning crackled between the tips, his reverse scale turned crystalline as well.

His claws gained an extra finger, making it 10 per claw and his tail grew before forming a red crystal in the shape of a feather at the end. The rings on his wrist and ankles directly went from 1 to 2 and on his tail from 3 to 9.

2 red rings appeared on his neck, above and below his reverse scale and red lines grew from his horns, over his eyes, around his mouth, to both sides of his neck, ran along his shoulders down his arms, and connected to his wrist rings.

Zeus body expanded and he directly transformed into his giant 1000 meter dragon state.

His body was pure white as before but now had red lines, connecting his rings, running along his body. Every red part of Zeus' body was crystalline and his white scales gleamed. Zeus opened his eyes and they were filled with only red, lightning wisped off the sides and 3 rings appeared on his back.

One red, One black, and One red and black. The red was the outer ring and spun clockwise, the black was the middle and spun counter-clockwise, and finally the half red, half black ring was the innermost ring and spun clockwise.

Zeus roared and incinerated the roof, dropping everyone below as he shot to the skies. The storm getting extremely intense as thick red lightning bolts crackled in the air and struck Zeus' body occasionally. The rings were spinning extremely fast in different directions on his back and Zeus glared at Kaido with pure rage.

Everyone on Onigashima was stunned, Bonney ran over to Persephone and checked her pulse before letting out a breath of relief, she was till alive! Just unconscious, naturally Zeus was unaware. Chopper ran over and checked her over before treating her, severely injured but still alive.

Luffy looked at Persephone before looking at Kaido enraged.

The Scabbards and the Minks were startled at the new dragon.

Law, Kid, and the rest of the allies were looking at Zeus in awe.

Zeus growled and spread his claws before shooting towards Kaido. The rings on his neck produced electric rings and shot forward, in front of Zeus, making a rail gun for him. Zeus shot through the rail gun rings and disappeared.

He reappeared slashing at Kaido, the rings on his wrists, making railgun circles and his arm disappeared.

Kaido, in dragon form, went flying and had 10 big gashes on his side. Zeus wasn't done yet, however, and shot forward again, through the rings, and biting into Kaido instantly, passing by him with a thick chunk of flesh in his jaws.

Zeus swallowed the flesh and charged at Kaido again. Kaido, reacted this time and caught Zeus claws with his own and the two dragons startled fighting in the air above Onigashima.

The crew surrounded Bonney and Persephone as Luffy looked at Big Mom and growled angrily before changing into Bounceman and shooting towards her and punching at an incredible speed. His fist slammed into Big Mom's face and sent her flying across Onigashima before he followed after her.

The Scabbards and Minks started to fight the newly arrived All-Stars of Kaido's crew, along with Big Mom's children, who had finally made it to Onigashima.

Bonney teared up and felt like everything was her fault, if she just stayed in the ship, none of this would've happened! Suddenly, a man with blue Phoenix wings for arms landed next to the crew and said "Looks like I'm a little late to the party-yoi"

Jinbe said "Marco!" Marco smiled and said "Hey-yoi, long time no see!" Jinbe smiled and slapped a Beast Pirate that was coming at him.

Marco looked at Bonney and said "Another Phoenix? I thought I was the only one-yoi!" Bonney was distraught and Marco looked at Persephone and sighed "Are all the women around that kid monsters?" he clicked his tongue and said "Double devil fruits for all three of you! I'm jealous!" as he placed his hand on Persephone's stomach and wrapped her in his blue flames.

The flames subsided and Persephone opened her eyes saying "Did I die again?" Bonney ignored her and said "You're alive! I'm so sorry! Wuwuuwuw" before crying.

Persephone sat up and patted her head with a smile before looking around and seeing Marco, she smiled and said "Thank you, Marco." Marco grinned and said "No problem, kiddo. You created a monster though-yoi" as he pointed up.

Persephone looked up and heavy love appeared in her eyes.

Zeus was still fighting Kaido as a whirlpool of lightning swirled in his rings, constantly feeding him and re-energizing him. Zeus whipped his tail forward and it turned black, leaving a trail of Haki as it sliced Kaido's scales giving him a large gash right on his chest.

Kaido roared in pain and bit Zeus arm, where the scar from Sakazuki was. Zeus roared and bit Kaido's neck while clawing at his body with all four claws, completely black.

The two separated and Zeus was covered in blood all along his body, but Kaido was the same. Kaido and Zeus opened their mouths and blasted their lightning and fire breaths at each other.

The lightning and fire collided and formed a giant circle in between them before exploding and creating a cloud of smoke.

Rings appeared in front of Zeus and he shot through them, instantly disappearing into the smoke, leaving a hole in the smoke sphere and head butting Kaido, sending him flying away.

Rail gun rings appeared in front of Zeus right arm as Zeus clenched his fist and punched through, shooting a Shigan through the rings and created a loud boom as it broke the sound barrier and pierced into Kaido's flesh leaving a fist-sized hole in his body.

Kaido roared in pain and said "Damn WORM!" as he roared to the sky.

Black clouds collided with the red ones and pushed the red back to about half before fire rained down from the skies. The kanji for 'King' lit up on Kaido's head and burst into flames as orange streaks appeared on Kaido's body, forming crack-like patterns that also burst into flames.

Kaido shot forward and slammed his tail against Zeus, sending him smashing down into Onigashima, causing the entire island to tremble. Zeus roared and shot into the sky, the Kanji for Wrath lighting up on his forehead, in between his horns, and glowing red.

Zeus and Kaido shot forward and collided heads, coated in Haki and creating cracks to appear between them. Zeus slammed his chin on Kaido's mouth and a sphere of lighting charged between his horns before shooting at Kaido and blowing up in his face.

Zeus' left claw turned black and he pierced it into Kaido's body before ripping out a chunk of flesh. Kaido punched Zeus away and created distance between the two.

Zeus growled at Kaido and devoured the flesh in his hands, enraging Kaido, who shot forward and startled a brawl again.

The fight under them ramped up in intensity and even Shiruton joined in, fighting alongside Kid against Kaido's 'Numbers' and Apoo. Hawkins, Law, and Drake teamed up and fought against the Tobiroppo.

The Minks and Scabbards fought against the All-stars and Big Mom's kids with Marco and some of the crew's help. Persephone along joined in the fight, killing Beast Pirates that got close to Bonney.

Chopper, Nami, Robin, and Franky surrounded Bonney on all sides and used whatever means they had to provide aid to the others who were fighting.

Yamato was directly smashing groups of enemies away with her mace and Jinbe was aiding the allies.

Bonney was in the middle of the group in her full phoenix form. Shooting fireballs from her mouth at the Beast Pirates.

The rest of the crew were directly fighting the All-stars with the Scabbards, Marco, and Minks

Luffy was pummeling Big Mom at the moment, she already had significant damage from Zeus before and now Luffy was finishing her off.

Luffy used a King Kong Shockwave Organ on her and knocked her out, finally defeating her. He turned to the sky and thought for a second before shooting into the air towards Kaido and Zeus.

Speaking of Kaido and Zeus

Zeus wrapped his body around Kaido's and grabbed his horn with one hand while clawing at him with the other. Kaido grabbed Zeus with his claws and was clawing at him, cutting into his scales to try and get Zeus off him. It worked and he wormed his way out of Zeus' grasp, flicking his tail at Zeus and creating a deep gash in the process.

The two Dragons distanced themselves from each other and Luffy landed on Zeus' head, in between his horns, above the glowing 'Wrath' symbol.

At this point, Zeus was starting to slow down. He had never fought in his dragon form for so long before and wasn't used to it. Also, it was extremely exhausting and there was only so much the whirlpool could re-energize him by. Just because it fed him constantly, didn't mean it was infinite.

He was also bleeding profusely, blood covering his entire body, almost no difference between the rings and lines, and the white scales. Though the rain did was some of it away, his wounds were open still and he was losing a lot of blood.

He wasn't completely conscious, but he was aware of his state. He was only relying on instinct at this point, and Luffy surmised that if Zeus was told that Persephone was okay, Zeus would faint directly from exhaustion.

Luffy transformed into a new gear completely.

His body thinned out and both of his arms to his eyes were covered in flame-patterned Haki. There was Haki on both his sides and on his feet up to his knees, ending in a flame like pattern as well. The two haki streaks spiked over his eyes and ended in flame-like patterns as his eyes gained a black shadow under them.

His hair spiked out and his entire body started vibrating at rapid speeds before the parts of Haki on his body caught fire. Luffy bent down and touched the 'Wrath' symbol on Zeus' forehead and red electrical arcs shot up his arm and started crackling around the flames and through his hair.

Luffy stood back up and Haki wisped of his body, through the flames, as he said "Gear 5th Flameman: Lightning edition!" Zeus roared and shot into the sky spreading all his limbs, Luffy grinned and grabbed onto Zeus' horns as lightning crackled around him, getting more intense.

Zeus' mouth curved and he tucked his arms and legs against his body as his neck rings glowed before forming railgun rings in front of Zeus and Luffy, aiming at Kaido.

Zeus roared a final time before shooting down, spinning as he went. Luffy backed up and stretched his arms as far as he could and Zeus shot through the rings and accelerated, so fast it was almost invisible.

Luffy let go and the black ring and the red ring merged before joining the other black and red ring and formed rail gun rings in front of Luffy, who shot forward and twisted both hands separately.

His arms were covered in fire and lighting, and Luffy went through the rings again, doubling his speed as he brought both arms forward and shouted "TWIN DRAGON RAILGUN!"

An earthshattering boom was heard.

Zeus' head turned black and lightning exploded around it as he collided with Kaido's 'X' shaped scar and Luffy's fists slammed into Kaido's head, at the same time.

Cross shaped lights lit up the world on the contact points.

Kaido's eyes widened and slowly blurred before they turned white and he shot down like a bullet, smashing into Onigashima, unconscious.

The entire world seemed to tremble at the impact and cracks spread from Kaido's body on the island. The ground sank and Kaido fell into a crater as the rocks turned to squares and turned to dust under his body.

Zeus grinned and his eyes turned to normal before his pupils blurred and he reverted to normal and fell from the sky. Luffy reverted to normal and caught Zeus before snickering and kicking the air, flying back to the rest of the crew and allies.

Luffy landed on the ground and looked around to see the battle was over. They won! The crew, Persephone and Bonney ran over and surrounded Luffy, who grinned and dropped Zeus to the ground before falling backwards and passing out himself.

Marco flew over and clicked his tongue "That was the coolest battle I've ever seen." he looked at Luffy and Zeus before saying "Might need a blood donor though..." the crew chuckled and Chopper checked on both of them before letting out a breath of relief and saying "Luffy's fine just exhausted and Zeus is severely wounded but after a transfusion he should be good to go!"

Marco waved and wrapped them in blue flames, healing all their wounds and closing them before it subsided and he said "Still need a donor. What's his blood type?" Bonney and Persephone both said "F" before smiling at each other.

Jinbe said "I have F." Chopper nodded and set up the IV, Jinbe gave Zeus the blood he needed and laughed "They both look the same, and I gave them both my blood. How strange." the crew laughed and they, along with the allies, left Onigashima.

They all went back to the capital and put Zeus and Luffy in a hospital before taking a rest themselves.

Bonney and Persephone sat by Zeus all 24 hours of the day while he was there. Strangely, Nami was sitting by Luffy's bed. The girls chatted while they were there.

3 days later

Zeus and Luffy both woke up and groaned "Foooood..."

(Author's Note)

I had goosebumps writing this chap... Nin-Nin!

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless

One Piece: Price of Freedom

One Piece: Shadow King

Another Dragonball Adventure


https://www.pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking (Remove the . between Pat and reon)

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