
Chapter 49

Of course, knowing where she lived and actually making contact with her were two different things. Kim puzzled over this for the next hour or so. "I'll need to go up there and watch the house," he said. "See when she goes out, if she goes out alone. I might not get a chance to talk to her. Married women only talk to their husbands and men of their own family. It might be better to slip her note. Ask her if she's happy or does she want to get away."

"And then what?"

"We arrange to meet her and carry her off."

Steve shook his head. "I don't know, man. We can't afford to blow it. If her husband finds out he'll probably lock her in her room for good. And there's his mother and father and another brother living in the house as well"

Kim, who was still smarting from his own imprisonment, gave a curt nod.

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