
Chapter 2

Sierra acknowledged the fine-looking gentleman sitting ahead of her. His penetrating eyes seemed to see through her as she sauntered in his direction. Wavy, black hair curled along the nape of his neck. His soulful eyes were an arresting shade of blue.?

A cleft in his chin set the firm outline of his jaw. A tinge of a five-o'clock shadow lent an air of ruggedness to his features, while the hint of dimples offered the promise of a devilish boy lurking underneath the surface.?

He seemed to grow as she came closer, although he remained seated. He looks tall, she thought, spotting his husky legs under the table. His shoulders, concealed under exceptional traveling clothes, were broad. He looked robust.?

She continued watching him, finding it difficult to turn away from his profound stare while struggling not to misstep. She fortified her efforts, determined to steady her nerves, and concentrate. She'd woo the man into emptying his purse on her. Every last coin that she could manage.?

She swayed her hips as she approached, singing her sweet melody until she reached the stranger.?

Throwing caution to the wind, she smiled seductively and wrapped her legs over his lap, leaving her breasts mere inches from his chest. Wanting to know the feel of him, she pressed her thighs against his waist, locking her ankles around the backside of his chair. She whipped her red curls back and met his even gaze.?

His warm body and earthy masculine scent sent chills along her spine. Never had she forced herself on a man so deliberately that he might think of her as nothing but a brazen whore. She knew she should withdraw, but this man felt too good between her thighs.

The blaring noise of men, in drunken stupors, faded from Drake's awareness. Now that this woman was riding his lap, he could better assess her attributes.?

The enchanting beauty in front of him roused his desire as her soft and weightless body sat against his hard one. The scent of lilac emanated from her long, spiraling auburn locks that brushed his chest. Her voluptuous breasts heaved, threatening to break free of her restrictive ensemble.?

Burning sensations rippled through Drake as he stared into her jade eyes. Her luscious lips parted to give way to a glistening smile, tempting him to steal a kiss. He gripped her exposed thighs gently,pinching her garter with his fingertips, ready to place bills against her skin.

Sierra swallowed a deep breath, aroused by his wandering hands. Stay calm, she commanded herself, refusing to give in to her rising panic as she recognized the intent displayed in his eyes. He wet his lips with his tongue. He wanted to kiss her,she could feel it, and she wasn't so sure she didn't want the same.

Her heart pounded savagely at his touch. The air hung thick between them, but she didn't break their contact. Her body gave off heat as if it were about to burst into flames. She had to put space between herself and this dangerously beautiful man.?

Like a tornado, she rose and spiraled away, retreating to the stage, robbing him of the chance to taste the sweet nectar of her lips.

Drake grinned wide, his dimples piercing into his cheekbones as he mused over the not quite kiss, never letting his eyes leave her as she walked away.

"Drake, snap out of it. She's trouble. I'm certain of it," Girard warned.

"You boys enjoying everything all right?" A man approached Drake's table.?

Drake glanced up at the aged, sturdy man with salt and pepper hair. Strangers rarely caught him off guard, especially one like this that spoke with menace in his voice and had the look of malice in his eyes. This man was disturbed, but Drake didn't give a damn. It wasn't the first time a man had approached him after encountering a beautiful woman.

"This is a mighty fine establishment. We're enjoying ourselves," Girard answered, hoping to keep tensions at bay.

"Good to hear it," the older man said. "By the looks of you, I know who sent you, and I can smell your kind a mile away. Go back and tell your man I won't sell. And now that you have enjoyed the show, you can finish up your drinks and get going."

Drake spared the man a broad grin before saying, "Mr. William Hunter, I presume. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Drake McCalister, and this here is Girard Larivière. We're here to make you an offer that you can't refuse."?

"As I've already said,there won't be any deal. I don't want disturbances in this town," the man replied sharply. "We're on friendly terms with the local Indians, and we've avoided disruptions of the Civil War. Bring a bloody railroad through here and bring trouble with it." He pressed his palms down on the table, glaring.?

?"The peace you know now won't last long, Mr. Hunter." Drake stared the man in the eyes.

It crossed Girard's mind to shoot Drake. He wanted to keep negotiations open, not insult William Hunter, and get thrown out the bar. Drake was causing more trouble than negotiating a deal,typical of him, which left Girard wondering if Drake enjoyed the mayhem that he stirred.

William hesitated; his brows drew into a scowl. "You two and all the men that Mr. Morgan keeps sending are the only ones disturbing the peace around here. You see,the people in this town don't like strangers. If you boys are as smart as you look, by daybreak, you'll best be on your way."

"Mr. Hunter, my firm, has been hired to represent you. Make the best deal on your behalf. In the past, you were never made an offer quite like this one," Drake countered in an attempt to pique William's curiosity.?

Girard observed several burly men rise from their chairs at a nearby table; no doubt William's henchmen and Drake, as expected, didn't pay them any mind.?

"We don't want any trouble, Mr. Hunter," Girard stated. "Drake, we've finished our drinks. Let's not overstay our welcome." Girard motioned his head toward the henchmen, then stood ready to leave.

"Mr. McCalister, it would be best to listen to your comrade." William sized up Drake with open hostility.?

Drake rose, not wanting to comply, but he wasn't there to start a brawl, and he was not off to a good start with William. "My apologies if I've troubled you." Drake's tone lacked sincerity. He placed his hat on his head and nodded.?

He pivoted, locking eyes briefly with the crimson-haired woman on stage before she fluttered away like a hummingbird behind the velvet curtain. He dug his hands into his pockets, then put several bills on the table to cover the tab. He brushed past William, exiting the tavern behind Girard.?

"Wil, I rather liked those boys." Stella approached him. "You're always threatening visitors. It's no wonder this town is a wasteland. How long you gonna keep turning down offers to sell?" She eyed the table and shoved the bills left behind, into her apron pockets. She'd be sure to give Sierra her cut.?

"I didn't like McCalister. So, stop your bellyaching," William demanded.

"Is this because of the way Sierra danced for him or because you don't want to sell to any of Morgan's men?" Stella challenged, raising her brows.?

"Sierra was doing her job. She brings in the crowd, and she worked him the same way she works the rest," Stella lied, trying to make light of Sierra's promiscuous behavior. "She's not a little girl anymore. You've got to see her for a grown woman and stop being so goddamned overprotective."?

William huffed at her. He couldn't put up with one of Stella's lectures right now.

"Besides Wil, do you remember what Adrienne told you?" She leaned in close to him to make her point. "This town ain't gonna be under the protection of the Blackfoot tribe anymore once the construction of the railroad to Vermilionville starts. Jadesville is too close to that town for us to stay safe."?

Stella shook her head disapprovingly as she walked away, disappointed with William's decision not to sell.

* * *

"For God's sake,that unreasonable, asinine old man!" Drake blurted, once he and Girard were out of earshot. Anger rose in his chest with each new obscenity he ranted. "William is missing out on a great opportunity!"

"Don't waste your time thinking about him. We depart at daybreak, and it's just as well. Better than wasting a day trying to negotiate with a man who won't negotiate." Girard hoped Drake would take the hint to cool his hot head.

"I only want to see her again," Drake added as an afterthought.?

Girard knew that Drake was referring to the sumptuous woman at the tavern that wrapped herself around him like a cozy quilt. Typical, he thought. Women were always throwing themselves at Drake, and Drake, in turn, seemed drawn to those that brought trouble.?

Girard admitted to himself that from time-to-time, such women drew his interest as well. But he'd have to vie for their affection when Drake was around. Although, Girard, blessed with angelic features of his own,hair the color of sunlight, gray eyes that shimmered like gemstones, slightly shorter, was no less strapping than Drake.?

He sometimes wondered if he should seek Drake's advice on how to snare such beautiful ladies, but today he was more content to settle for reprimanding Drake. "Don't be reckless," he grumbled. "This visit to Jadesville isn't a pleasure trip. You know who that woman's benefactor is."

"You can't be certain that William is her benefactor." Drake's face tightened. "That foolish old man wouldn't even hear us out. Now I understand why Morgan sent us."?

"Why are you letting William get under your skin? We've met and dealt with men like him before."

Drake retreated to silence after giving Girard a disgruntled look. He raised his head toward the star-filled sky, the red-haired woman pervading his thoughts.

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