
Chapter 7


I am my master's pet

I am my master's pet.

My mantra flows through my mind on a repetitive motion as I lay on my back in my weakened state. It's been three days since I was punished. Three days of no food and little to no water. My mind is blank, and my body numb. I feel nothing but self-loathing as I think of my ignorance and setbacks.

Master was so angry with me and rightfully so. I had no right peering into his life outside of these walls, no right to invade in the privacy he deserves. Amelia warned me not to show disrespect. She knew my mind would be coerced with an unobtainable goal of escape.

I am my master's pet

I am my master's pet.

My fingers ache from holding my body so tightly in attempts to get warm. My shivering was uncontrollable after the first few hours, since my hair and clothing were still wet but now all I feel aches and pains all over.

Footsteps plow down the small stairwell. I slowly sit up and watch as Ranger makes his way down the steps. His dark hair and dark eyes blend in well with the pitch black darkness surrounding the two of us. His gaze meets mine, causing his sneer to grow into an all-out grin.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is. The she devil herself. Tell me something Macey cakes, did you miss me down here?"

I lower my gaze to my naked feet, hating that he is the one that was fetched to retrieve me. Ranger's hand grips my chin hard and tugs my head up to bring my gaze back up to his.

"Did you really think you could disrespect Phillipe and get away with it?"

I narrow my eyes at him. How dare he call master by his first name. Not even the most loyal of guards, of which Ranger is not included, have the rights to call master by his name.

"What's wrong little girl? Cat got your tongue?" Leaning closer to my face I catch a whiff of his fowl breath making my eyes water. "Come on, let's go." He sneers unclasping the restraints and gripping my right arm tightly in his hand.

Ranger drags me off to the side of the cellar where there is a stand up shower. The pipes are rusted, and mold has grown all around the side, but Ranger couldn't care less, as he throws me inside, causing me to land hard on knees. I cry out in pain but that doesn't stop his onslaught. He grabs my hair, shoving me against the cold tile against the wall. My nose and cheek burn as I feel his hands roughly removes my shirt. Master prefers us to be commando under our uniform consisting of a dark green tank and tan cargo shorts. Once my shirt is torn from my body, Ranger grabs my breasts with hunger, squeezing them until they turn red, then slaps my nipples.

"Fuck Macey cakes. I had forgotten how supple your tits are." He grunts squeezing them even more. I try and turn my body from his abuse but it's no use. My damaged body allow him free reign.

Finally after a few moments, he gives my chest mercy and then reaches up to turn on the freezing cold water. It rains down on my body, causing my already sore form to shake in agony. Ranger pulls my legs out, so I collapse onto my back. The pain I feel in my torso causes tears to flow down my eyes but I let the water mix in with my face so Ranger cannot see. I won't give him power over me. Ranger removes my shorts next, ripping those as well, then grips my thighs tightly, making me open my legs wide for him.

"That's it Macey cakes. That's what I've been missing. Phillipe has had you all to himself, not allowing any of us to share in what's ours." He grunts clasping onto my shaven mound. Shutting my eyes with anger and shame, I turn my head away from what will surely come next.

"Ranger, you down here?" Nico, one of the guards calls out. Ranger curses under his breath then stands, leaving my abused body alone.

"Yes, getting Macey ready for master." He grunts out, leaning over to grab a new uniform for me. I hold it in my arms, knowing master won't want me dressed to see him.

"He says to just bring her up."

"Fuck." Ranger shouts quietly, then lifts me up carrying me over his shoulder and bends down to turn off the water.

He takes a few quickens steps, immediately propping up to go up the stairs. Nico is at the top of the stairs looking rather hurried as well. Ranger plops me onto the ground beside him then turns to Nico with fury.

"You couldn't fucking stall him?" He snaps.

Nico is one of the newest guards. Master Phillipe has always had them rotated often, transferring from this estate back over to the one in Norway. He doesn't go there often, leading the girls to assume he doesn't have any slaves in that location. He's young, if I could guess no more than eighteen, but there is an underlying depth of abnormality about his demeanor. Nico is a psychopath and one that gets off on the pain of the girls. His dark blonde hair and bright blue eyes make him look innocent and child-like, but his personality is the complete opposite.

"Master Phillipe wants her in his suite immediately Ranger." Nico states then sneers at me before walking away.

Ranger sighs in frustration, then drags me towards the staircase. Leading me up the stairs, my body follows robotically, hoping to see master in a more considerate mood. Besides no food and little water, my body has been tortured and abused in the last seventy-two hours. I don't know how much more I can take.

Ranger stops just before master's suite, tapping on the solid door three times, then lowering his head in respect. I do the same, knowing I am already on master's bad side. The door opens wide and I watch as master's feet come into my vision.

"Here she is master." Ranger speaks first.

"Come inside pet." His voice booms of the walls of the corridor we are standing in.

On instinct my feet move towards my master and right past him into his suite. I have not been in here often; master rarely spends time in it himself. I take a long look around, placing my clothing down on the floor beside a large dark wood dresser as master speaks with Ranger quietly by the door.

The massive bed makes up majority of the room. It's a large king four poster bed with long wooden panels built into the back and bottom half. The walls are painted a beige rustic color and covered with antique gold and copper paintings and murals.

"Stanovit'sya na koleni." Master shouts for me to kneel after closing the door. I do as told trembling with fear of more punishment. "I am disappointed in you my pet. To think after all this time that you have not learned your place with me is most disconcerting."

Looking up, I give him a pleading look that I hope he does not misconstrue. His eyes meet mine and a nod is given for me to speak freely.

"Master, I wish to explain myself."

"I am listening." He speaks, taking off his robe to reveal his naked form.

"My intentions were not to be intrusive, but to protect you." His eyes narrow but he remains quiet. "I do not like it when someone is too close to you master. I hate it. I wanted to protect you. I don't trust the guards; they are not always loyal to you and I wish to only secure your life."

Looking down at his feet I close my eyes and ready the attack I know I will be given, instead I am met with my master's affection. A hand lays flat on top my head, and I lean into it. I have lied to my master, another broken rule, but in doing so, I have protected my body.

"Your lesson has been learned slave. I have your mind, but now I need your body."

"Yes master, I say without a second thought."

"Lay, atop the bed, flat on your stomach, hands laid out above you, legs straight." Nodding my head, I stand and go straight for the bed, obliging to my master's request.

Hands grip my thighs, pulling them open just slightly. My body tenses as he slowly runs his fingers above the center of my sex. "I must leave in the next few hours pet. I will be taking Ranger with me on my trip and will not return until next week." My eyes fly open, but I keep my body in complete control. Master has never left for so long; he especially has never made a point to tell one of the slaves firsthand.

My thoughts are clouded as I feel his fingers dig into my flesh deeper, the other hand working hard on getting his whole fist into my sex.

"Sukhoy." Master grunts out about my sex being dry. I open my legs further apart for him, granting his fist access to plunge into my folds.

My body tenses as I shut my eyes in pain. Master has always taken what he can from us, giving the guards whatever was leftover, but today feels like punishment, and after my trial of waterboarding with Malcom, I know where it is stemming from.

"Opisyvat" He moans, asking me in his native tongue to describe what I feel.

"Good master." I squeeze out, counting the minutes until the pain subsides.

"Ready yourself for me."

I sit up as his hands remove themselves from my torn flesh. His cock is hard and steady as he strokes it back and forth. Lying flat onto my back, I lift my legs the way master prefers and lace my fingers on my breasts.

Master stops stroking long enough to climb on top of me, his body weight making me feel like I am suffocating. His cock lodges itself into my hole, tearing through more of his flesh than his fist did. I stare into his gaze, the way he prefers and watch as he loses himself in dry thrust after dry thrust. Finally after what feels like hours of agony, master collapses on top of me, giving me the slight feeling of the euphoria of unconsciousness as his weight becomes almost too much. Seconds later he rolls over to the side and flicks his wrist at the door. I take my cue and sit up, walking over to retrieve my clothing, detesting the feeling of his cum dripping down my legs.

When first coming here, each slave is taken to a doctor of sorts, who then checks us for any diseases and checks to see if we are virgins. Since Master wants no complications of pregnancies, we are then taken to a room where we are then given the Depo shot.

Although Master has never gotten anyone pregnant, there have been scares, myself included.

"Pet." He calls, and I turn around immediately. Master's grey eyes smile at mine as I push back even more tears. "Do not let me down again."

"Yes master." I state, then nearly run out of the room.

Brim, one of the guards assigned to watch closely over Master Phillipe, stands on the other side of the door, back flat against the stairwell. His eyes are downcast and breathing so steady he looks almost to be asleep, but I know better. Brim is a jokester, a man that likes to pretend with the slaves that we can trust him, then enjoys the punishment he can lead us into. I have been on the receiving end of those punishments before.

"Brim." I acknowledge him but he simply smirks and lifts his head up. A small toothpick is hanging from his lips as he stares right at me.

"Macey, master wants me to bring you down to the kitchen. The girls are fixing up supper and you are to join them." He says still smirking.

"I'm ready." I state nervously as he walks closer and closer towards me. His hot breath dips into my senses when he dips his head and stops just an inch from my face.

"I bet you are. I heard you in there, screaming out like a wild banshee in heat. I can't wait until master leaves, then I'll make you scream like that for me."

My gaze goes down, heat flowing all around my face. He thinks I enjoy it; he assumes all the girls here do. It never registers to them that we have no choice, that our lives, how little valued they are, are in the balance. Many girls have tried to kill themselves, myself included, but master never allowed it to go far. If there is something worse than death, it's here, under the blankets of torture. We don't want to live, but death is never easy enough.

"Master wants her in the kitchen Brim. Have you forgotten?" I hear Malcom from behind me. Brim must not have heard him come up the stairs either, because he takes a step back from me and addresses him.

"Was just taking her there now Malcom. Calm down, just because you fucked up as a guard, doesn't mean I will." Brim grips my arm tight in his, dragging me down the steps. I turn in time to watch Malcom stare down at me with a look I've never seen on him. Guilt?

Brim allows me to dress in the hallway then walks me all the way to the kitchen, clutching my arm with anger the whole way. Right as we enter, Amelia and Cassie both turn watching as he deposits me and leaves without saying a word. I step inside and immediately get to work on supper. Amelia is busy chopping vegetables, while Cassie peels the potatoes.

They both give me stern looks before turning back to their tasks.

"May I help with something?" I ask. Cassie turns around, looking at me with empathy but Amelia stays glued to her duties. Cassie shrugs her shoulders, passing me a peeler. I stand beside her, peeling potatoes as if it were so mundane.

For an hour we remain in our duties, only speaking to one another when we are done with a specific task. Sam, one of the guard walks in just as we are finishing up and lets us know Master Phillipe and Ranger have left the grounds, and that we will see them next week. The three of us nod and watch as he walks out. The moment he leaves, Amelia turns with furry resting behind her tired eyes.

"What were you thinking?" She asks, her lands landing on her hips.

"I wasn't trying to disrespect master."

"That' s exactly what happened Macey. You know better."

"And I have served my punishment, I do not deserve to be ridiculed by any of you now." My eyes burn with Amelia's words. She's right, I did know better, yet I did it anyways. Master's newest girl caused my mind such turmoil, that I don't know what is right and wrong anymore, or if there even is such a thing.

Amelia sighs with anger, then turns to grab the vegetable tray, walking out of the room with Cassie trailing behind her. Never one for confrontation, Cassie has always been Amelia's shadow.

I blow out a deep breath, then grab the remaining platters and follow them out to the dining table where all the guards are sitting for dinner. We take our places, Amelia and I kneeling beside an empty seat, and wait while the men speak and feed us our scraps.

After dinner, Malcom has the guards give an hour of free time. It's rare we are granted free time but whenever it occurs, it's Malcom who considers it. Amelia and Cassie go to the garden areas with Brim trailing behind them. My instincts are to follow them, I don't want animosity towards Amelia, and I want to explain my actions from three days ago, but now that my body is finally nourished, my mind still reeling from this past week, exhaustion has hit me hard. I decide on my favorite pastime in the house and head straight for the library.

Walking inside the vast library, I walk right over to the small nook that looks out onto the grounds. Acres and acres of land flow out into the horizon like a sun setting on the ocean. I close my eyes, taking in the small amount of sun we have remaining until it's night.

"Is it just you in here?"

I quickly turn, holding my heart as I spot Malcom walking inside, placing his gun inside his waist band. His strides are quick, but his face does not show any form of anger.

"Y-yes. I wanted to do a bit of reading before heading to bed." He nods his head, stopping beside me watching the horizon as well.

"Stay inside here, don't go anywhere else Whitney." My eyes open even wider, mouth gaping like a fish caught on a hook. Malcom looks at me with a stern expression as I remain quiet then walks out of the room.

Once he is out of sight, I sit on the nook, starring at the last book I had out from the last time I was in here. I had been reading the Pride and the Prejudice for a little over a month now but was hesitating on ending it. I don't always enjoy the story within a book ending, something about it coming to a conclusion and that part of my life being over is overwhelming.

I crack open the book but don't read the words. Malcom's last word to me wave around in my brain over and over again on repeat.



Shutting my eyes I fight the inner demon resting on my shoulder, begging for me to say it aloud. I fight it, afraid that like the tales of bloody Mary, I could somehow conjure up something far worse than punishment. Malcom has never called me by that name, none of the guards have, but hearing it has given my heart an unnecessary rush. I try and throw the memories attempting to evoke out and focus on my reading.

It isn't until I wake up a few hours later, do I realize I have fallen asleep inside the library and when broken glass causes the alarm to erupt throughout the mansion, I realize that Malcom's words to me, were a premonition.

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