
Background Information

Types of Superhumans: (


See Jumpers for more info.


Watchers have the ability to foresee the future to varying degrees. As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, Watchers' visions of the future in their direct sphere of influence are subject to frequent shifting.


Movers are powerful telekinetics who are trained to identify the specific atomic frequency of a given material and alter the gravitational field around it, usually causing the nearby air to appear warped. This allows them to move both animate and inanimate objects. Advanced Movers can work at the molecular level, creating protective force fields in the air around them or to reinforce punches and other strikes to make them stronger.


Pushers have the ability to implant memories, thoughts and emotions into the minds of other people in order to manipulate them. The skill level of the Pusher determines how many people the Pusher is able to control at one time, and how vivid the implanted memories are. A powerful Pusher can push a large group of people at the same time, basically creating a personal army. A Pusher is able to make a person do anything the Pusher desires, even commit suicide. A Pusher's eyes indicate how powerful they are: their pupils will dilate to certain degrees depending on how powerful the push is (for example, Henry Carver's eyes are rendered completely black, signifying that he is an extremely able and effective Pusher).


Bleeders have the ability to emit high-pitched sonic vibrations that cause ruptures in a target's blood vessels. While using this ability, their eyes turn into slits because of synthetic materials implanted in them to protect the blood vessels from the effects of their own ability. They are also sometimes known as Joe Mama.


Sniffs are highly developed psychometrics who can track the location of people or objects over varying distances. Like bloodhounds, their ability is increased if they have tactile access to an object that has been in direct contact with the subject. Sniffs receive information in the form of images, which is why identifiable landmarks help increase their effectiveness.


Shifters can temporarily alter the appearance of an object by manipulating the patterns of light interacting with it. Once the illusion is established, it remains with the object for a short period of time. For example, a Shifter could touch a one dollar bill and alter it to appear as a one hundred dollar bill until the effect expires. The object shifted must have roughly the same dimensions as the object it is shifted into. The length of time that the effect will last is based on the Shifter's experience and ability.


Wipers are skilled at either temporarily or permanently erasing memory, an invaluable asset in espionage. Experience will dictate the accuracy of their wipes, though there is always the danger that they will eliminate a desired memory.


Shadows are trained to block the vision of other clairvoyants such as Sniffs, making any subject within their target radius appear "dark". Experience will enhance the size of the area they can shadow and the intensity of their shielding effect. Shadows need to be awake to manifest their ability, so it is common for a detail of two Shadows to operate in shifts while protecting a person or object for extended periods. Most Shadows are effective only against Sniffs, but some extremely powerful Shadows are able to block even Watchers.


Stitches are psychic surgeons trained to quickly reconstruct cells to their previous or healthy state. Using only their hands, they can heal and even "unheal" whatever they have done. For more detailed work, Stitches use a silver based cream on their hands which acts as a conductor for their ability.


Can heal plants and animals without worry, Can take on injuries from others onto themselves.


Can hear people's thoughts, through touch or sight, depending on skill and talent.


Can pass through solid objects.


Can Shape shift.


Has the ability to absorb and produce electrical currents powerful enough to knock out an entire city block.


Can produce and manipulate ice.


Able to generate and manipulate heat.


Can lift or dish out more force than any other.


Can take on more damage than most.


Can float in the air by producing and holding a certain amount of hydrogen in their body's. Extremely flammable when using their powers.


Able to manipulate machines to an extent. Extremely Rare.


A designation used for abilities that were previously unknown to have existed, and haven't or can't be given there own classification, can also be used if someone falls in multiple classifications.


A designation used to describe those with or without powers, that have been experimented on, and are no longer considered human, as most take on new monster like forms, Kill on sight.


Porters/Jumpers: (

Jumpers are humans who are born with the special Psychic ability to teleport, either themselves or any person or object, through space to another location.

Jumpers have existed for many centuries, dating as far back as the middle ages. Most who have the ability begin to show signs of this at the age of five, and most Jumpers don't make it to adulthood as the Paladins, a mysterious organization, kept hunting them down and killing them believing that "only God should have these powers". A few Jumpers, however, have managed to stay alive and fight back, tracking down and eliminating Paladins. Griffin O'Connor is an example of one of these kinds of Jumpers.

This war between Jumpers and the Paladins has been going on for centuries and has only gotten worse as the Paladins have build high tech equipment and weapons that they use to track down and kill Jumpers and 'The Dead Hour' didn't help as they now hunt down not just Jumpers but all Psychics.


Jumpers ability to teleport involves warping the space around them to create wormholes from one location to another called Jumpscars. This ability can cause Jumpers to psionically warp the space around themselves in highly emotional states, like seizures, which causes objects around them to move and shake from a distance. Jumpers can easily teleport their clothes and carried objects such as bags or backpacks with them. They can also teleport other people with them as long as they are in physical contact. This can be used to take their friends or loved ones with them or to fight and disorient an opponent by placing them in bad situations like locked rooms and isolated or high locations.

Jumpers can also teleport large object with them as long as they are moving (such as a car). They cannot teleport things such as buildings because the intense strain of moving that much stationary mass through space normally kills them. In this way, the limiting factor to jumping seems to be momentum. Objects already in motion contain a certain amount of kinetic energy that assists in the act of Jumping. An already moving object even one as large as a double-decker bus is much easier to Jump for this reason. David Rice is the only Jumper who managed to jump an entire apartment and everyone within it at once and even then the effort severely taxed him to the point of nearly killing him. Jumpers are capable of collecting the momentum of their jumps by teleporting multiple times towards a specific target in quick succession to unleash an intense burst of force capable of breaking down concrete walls.

The distance and number of times a Jumper can teleport doesn't seem to have a limit after a certain point. They can jump anywhere from a few feet to the other side of the world as many times as they want on a daily basis without any noticeable strain. They do however need to be able to visualize where they are going to Jump. This can be made easier by having photographs of the desired location or by the Jumper being familiar with the location they wish to teleport to but they cannot Jump to a place they have never been. Familiar locations are much easier to Jump to if the Jumper is rushed or disoriented.


Jumpers are vulnerable to electricity. When in contact with it, they can't teleport, as it interferes with their nervous system and pulls them back whenever they try to Jump. It also causes great pain and injures them more every time they try to teleport. The paladins noticed this and fashioned their stick weapons to deliver shocks on contact and to shoot electrical wires at the jumpers.

Often these wires are then anchored to a wall or floor. This is the other Jumper weakness. Since they Jump objects that they are in physical contact with them, an object such as a wire or net wrapped around them and anchored to a large non-moving object, like a building, will trap them.

The range of a Jumper's ability to teleport can be hampered by the use of a sonic device that limits teleporting to the surrounding area. The device also carries a tracking device, meaning if a Jumper is in possession of it, their location can be traced.


When a Jumper teleports they open their own personal wormhole from one place to another called a Jumpscar. They are tears in the fabric of space and time. They will stay in the air like smoke from a pipe lasting for several seconds until closing. Jumpscars will shred anyone or anything that touches them directly.

Only a Jumper can step through another Jumpers Jumpscar and follow them. Paladins have invented a Powerstick which can shoot a wire through a Jumpscar to snag an escaping Jumper and pull him or her back to their previous location. Paladins also possess a large device which can reopen a recently formed Jumpscar to follow the Jumper that made it but this device is too big and awkward to be carried easily while pursuing the very mobile Jumpers.

Each Jump can be different depending on the mood and determination of the Jumper. When attempted while mad, sad, or in a rush a Jump can cause extreme damage to the environment causing cracks in walls and ceilings and even destruction of nearby objects while smooth jumps happen when the Jumper is in a calm state of mind.

For More Info Read The Story.


Paladins: (

The Paladins are members of an extremist secret society dedicated to eliminating Jumpers. Jumpers and Paladins are at "war" as stated by Griffin.

According to Griffin, Paladins have been around since medieval times and have been hunting and killing Jumpers ever since. They justify their discriminatory actions by claiming, "Only God should have the power to be all places at all times". To draw out a Jumper, Paladins will target their loved ones. Griffin also mentions that there are hundreds of people within the Paladin society.

All the Paladins wear silver trench coats. To trap Jumpers, they use guns that shoot electrical wires at the Jumpers. The electricity prevents the Jumpers from teleporting and can pin them to a wall, tree or any other unmovable structure. The Paladins also have a machine that allows them to follow Jumpers through their jump scars.

Paladins since 'The Dead Hour' have been tracking down and killing all Psychics, not just porters. They keep certain Psychic individuals locked up with explosives ready to detonate on their person, to force them to do their bidding.


Division: (

The Division, set up in 1945, is a government agency in the United States that tracks, captures, and experiments on people who possess psychic abilities in an arms race for superhuman powers. Each psychic is categorized into various groups based on what powers they have. As of ?, Division is run by Director Henry Carver, whose real m.o is unknown.

They have recently developed a drug that can boost psychic abilities. However unfortunately their has only been one surviver of the drug.

Has a decent relationship with the paladins.

Has a decent relationship with the League of Villains.

Has a bad relationship with the League of Heroes.


The League of Villains: (

A criminal organization brought up by a group of three, whose goal is immortality.

Has a bad relationship with the paladins.

Has a decent relationship with Division.

Has a bad relationship with the League of Heroes.


The League of Heroes: (

A organization brought up by weak Psychics and normal humans need for a savior.

Has a bad relationship with the paladins.

Has a bad relationship with Division.

Has a bad relationship with the League of Villains.


The Four Untouchables: (

The most powerful Psychics in the world. Capable of untold destruction. All descendants are more powerful than other Psychics. Believed to be connected heavily with the cause of 'The Dead Hour'. No organization or government openly goes against them out of fear.

Relationship with other governments or organizations is unknown.



Each Psychic has a set amount of potential, which is measured through ranks.

#_Psychic Ranks_:

~Rank 0: Not Psychic

~Rank 1: Low

~Rank 2: Small

~Rank 3: Common

~Rank 4: Decent

~Rank 5: Uncommon

~Rank 6: Rare

~Rank 7: Peculiar

~Rank 8: High

~Rank 9: Peak

~Rank 10: Super

~Rank 11: Unparalleled

~Rank 12: Supreme

~Rank 13: Demi-God

~Rank 14: Pseudo-God

~Rank 15: God

:_Psychic Ranks End_#

(Word Count: 2241)


~ ' ' = Important Thoughts/ect

~ " " = Talking

~ * * = Sounds

~ ° ° = Mc Jumping

~ • • = Other Powers

~ # # = Pov Change/ect

~[ ] = For Psychic Classification

_Note End_#

I will Edit this chapter further at a later date.

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