
MAGNETIC NIGHT Special Delivaries 1

the whole  band was taken to the imperial capital to stay at Sanguine hotel Magnetic worlds five star hotel 

"oh my gosh the city is gorgeous" Sienna breathed as they arrived strong imperious buildings some of them historical but very beautiful filled with people 

Jhaesun and Yonghwa laughed softly "welcome to our world" Jhaesun said as they viewed the city from above from the choppers windows sleek super cars and sleek black streets with white buildings and structures

"there are many art galleries and martial arts museums too" Yonghwa said

"there is the theater i performed my first concerto" he pointed out a pretty theater building with fancy steps going to the doors and statues outside it featuring musical instruments sculpted in marble The Royal Concert Hall exquisite 

Nächstes Kapitel