
746. Silken Dreams

"Looks like the disturbance earlier was you guys." Mina spat out ill-humored.

Although Fin's actions came as a surprise, the feline fiend was still pissed. Seeing a chance to vent her emotions, even Seth wouldn't dare to stop this rolling stone.

"Do you have any idea what you have done, beastgurl? Do you even know who my Honey is?" the girls on the opposite squared up with her.

It was clear the guy wasn't with her because of her face, she had an impressive pair of nuclear warheads, barely held in check by a struggling dress. She had a normal human face but her body was covered in light blue scales. The two goons that obviously belonged to her also stepped up, cracking their knuckles.

"Oh, you want to go for it?" Fin jumped to her side, pouring gas into the fire. Seth sighed. If this was unavoidable, they had to at least feign interest and play along.

"For the sake of clarity, who is this bloke?" the blacksmith asked, poking the man on the floor with his shoe.

"Stop kicking my Honey! He's my honey and our boss! We are the Scales!"

"... -.- Very... imaginative? And what exactly are the scales?" he kept the viscous conversation flowing. His obvious disinterest didn't stop her from prattling on.

"We control this whole block! This is our street, so you shouldn't mess with us!" she bragged.

"I see, I see, the whole block, hmm? How many men do you have? Approximately?"

"We have 50 people and already called our bois for backup. Are you already getting scared, pissboi? You better should! We won't show mercy!"

At this point, the two goons noticed that something was wrong. The girl of the boss always had a big mouth, but she never blabbed stuff like this so openly. They looked at her in confusion, as she went on, talking about the gang.

Fin and Mina simply watched as the bard made the woman reveal everything she knew. If only she didn't do so in the most annoying way possible. Shortly after, a group of bulky, scaly henchmen.

Seth already decided what he was going to do, as the Giant's Rod appeared. Seth sucked at learning <Earth Magic>, and he really did, Although he had practiced a little and managed to raise it to adept lv.4, learning spells was a time-intensive chore.

In preparation for facing the regenerating menace he had tried learning the spell "Binding Sand" which was like the low-budget AOE version of "Petrification", that would summon a sand storm and cover the target in a hard shell of earth.

He managed to learn it, but he never actually got the chance to test it. Now was the time! Or not. Before he could use the spell, the whole went dark. The darkness was filled with dull thumps and groans.

By the time she stopped the skill, Mina had already knocked down all of the goons. Seeing her act like that, Seth abstained from interfering and lowered the staff/spear. Since she was acting like this, the blacksmith decided to let her vent her piled-up frustration. Fin had also gotten the cue.

When the beast girl was done, only the busty hoodrat was left standing, staring at Mina towering over her minions like a trophy hunter.

"W-Who are you!?" she screeched, seeing Mina alone taking out all of their "bois"

"You should have asked that before picking a fight," she answered sardonically, as she stepped down from the heap of unconscious bodies. Ignoring the question, Mina rested telling her who her "honey" was, and stepped towards the manager.

"We would like to order now."

"Where do you think you are go-" the woman piped up again but suddenly froze in place.

Seth had used <Charon's Soul Snare> to freeze her in place. The skill's duration was based on the difference in willpower between him and the target. He had to admit, that her willpower was pretty high with 213, but Seth's Willpower stats had reached over 900. This meant she was going to stay there for a while, about 10-15 minutes.

When seeing a girl plunging the whole place in darkness and taking out 50 guys on her own had stopped the manager's brain from responding, then seeing Seth wave his hand to turn someone into a figurative pillar of salt gave it a kick start.

"Yes! Please follow me to our VIP lounge," the manager quickly responded with a servile smile, constantly looking back and bowing as he led the way to a private room.

"Please enjoy. It's all on the house, today."

Expensive drinks and food were already prepared for the previous "VIP". The three simply set into a prepared nest and ordered the stuff they had chosen before in addition to the things that were already present.

This was not how Seth had envisioned their date today, but he wasn't going to complain. Mina seemed to be in a very good mood and they soon got back to talking and joking about the food. Fin didn't get any action, but the exotic dishes quickly distracted the brute from her thirst for violence and they ended up having a really good time.

Abusing the free deal, Seth also ordered anything Tatzel and Puffles wanted as takeout, so they could enjoy it once they returned home. Despite the question about takeout seemingly confusing the demons, they quickly came up with a way to prepare all the additional dishes in Boxes Seth could put in his inventory where they would stay hot.

Tatzel and Puffles disagreed to eat in Legion, fearing they would have to share their meals with the other people still present inside the ring's dimension. Seth thoughts they were overthinking, but he wasn't in the mood to argue.

"This was great," Fin in human size swooned with a belly the size of a medicine ball. She had actually transformed, simply to be able to eat more. If it was scary how much fit into her fairy shape, it became ridiculous how much she was able to eat as a human.

"Are we going home now?" Mina asked with a satisfied smile. She had put effort into competing with fin, but she didn't even eat a fifth as much as the fairy, before giving up.

There were more restaurants Seth had wanted to visit but stuffed themselves with free food before they could even think of going somewhere else. It had gotten dark outside, but that wasn't a problem in the demon district. He racked his brain for another place to go, they were totally stuffed, so taking part in demonic nightlife was out of the question.

"Want to go take a look at a demon boutique?" he sealed his fate.

In the same way how there were demonic bards kind of taking on the role of blacksmiths, there were other variations of professions among the demon, many of which specific to their race. While Arachnes actually counted as demi-human in Chrona, there were also demons of similar descent, also being able to produce their own silks.

It wasn't unexpected for them to also come up with their own techniques, that incorporated the skills of a demonic bard into their silk, weaving, and embroidery. One of the topics Tano'Mol liked to talk about aside from food, were items and clothes.

The Silken Dream was the name of a boutique that fell quite often in conversations with Tano'Mol. It was the place where the goat got his clothes and he had only praises for it. Having suggested it, the girls agreed and they made their way through the nightly demon city.

Fortunately, nothing happened at The Silken Dream. Seth had prepared to suffer, but the visit became surprisingly arousing when Fin and Mina started testing rather revealing nightgowns and negligees.

The blacksmith had little time to appreciate the craftsmanship of the apparel in the place and they quickly returned after securing some nice gowns to give them a practical test run.

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