
Part 1 L Find my man

2 times is definitely not a coincidence. You stared at man beside you and glanced back at the messages in the group chat

The Gals 💛

Solar : where are you girls?

Moonbeam : this place is too quiet

Stardust : 😋

Pixie  : I'm at an ice-cream shop

Moonbeam: get me vanilla tub.

Sunshine : J-hope is releasing Ego, the sun is still shinning. Hopeworld.....

Solar : who summoned this desperate girl here?.

Pixie : girls!... something strange is up

Stardust : what? 🤔

Lonely frog : I'm lonely

Atheist : we know, your name doesn't leave anything to the imagination. You're lonely and also ugly. We get it Hwasa.

Solo :  Pixie are you still there?

Gummy Bear : Pixie?

Lonely frog : lonely.... I am still lonely.... I have nobody... On my own.. I'm...not ugly....

Solo : hwasa will you shut up?

Stardust : 😨

Pixie : @**hsjjdbbdffxccgb

Gummy Bear : what language is this?

Moonbeam : pixie are you OK?.  Where are you?

Pixie went offline.

Solar : fxxk!

You swiftly turned to look at him.

"what is your problem Mr? "

"what? ", he looked innocently at you and asked.

"are you stalking me, are you a stalker? "

He smiled genuinely.

"I'm not a stalker, I'm your fan"

You smiled

"I'm your biggest fan Pixie"

"I'm just a rookie idol, stop making it so big"

He smiled again.

"I've seen you following me on two occasions.... I thought you were a stalker fan"

"I'm a fan but not a stalker... "

You smiled.

He flipped his hoodie and smiled

"I'm Kim Taehyung "

You stared wide-eyed at him

"I know"

"so you wanna exchange numbers? "


So you exchanged numbers.

"I... Can I touch your hair? "

You frowned

"urmm.   Sure... These are braids though "

"I've always been fascinated "

You laughed.

The rest of the evening you got a lot of messages from your girl friends but you didn't bother to respond because you were having a fun night with him.

"your phone buzzes a lot"

"Mmhmm... "

"must be the potential boyfriends "

You laughed,  he is so funny

"not really, it's just my curious friends"

He nodded and inched closer. He closed his eyes and pouted as if he wanted to kiss you.

You hit his shoulder lightly and laughed

"what are you trying to do? "

"I'm trying to steal a kiss"

"really now?,  you're so funny"

He licked his lips and grinned.

"anyway it's already midnight and I have to go"

You nodded

"before you leave, ur... Close your eyes for a second"

He did and you quickly pecked his lips. His eyes opened in surprise and he pulled you to his chest, his hands wrapped around your waist and his lips found yours. He sucked on your bottom lip while you savoured his upper lip.

It was a slow kiss in which he nibbled your lips asked for entrance and delved into your mouth. He explored each and every inch of your mouth until you were both out of breath.

He pulled back and pecked your cheeks.

"good night "

"good night Taehyung"

He smiled and left. On the ride back to your apartment, you kept smiling to yourself.

What a crazy night.

You freshened up and heard your phone buzz.

The Gals 💛

Stardust :.anyone here?

Pixie  : ✋

Moonbeam : what happened,  you suddenly went offline.

Solar : we thought something happened

Pixie : something did

Gummy bear : are you OK?

Pixie : yeah I'm good

Sunshine : thank goodness. Do y'all know today is BTS' comeback?

Lonely frog : will just keep your mouth shut for an hour?

Solo : don't be too hard on her,  she's crazy over Jimin

Pixie: talking about BTS, guess who I met today

Atheist : who? Namjoon?

Sexybutt : is Namjoon all you think about? You and sunshine are the same.

Atheist : 😡 who called you?. We all know you have horrible taste in men. Just shut your trap Tzuyu.

Pixie: as I was saying before you both rudely interrupted, I saw Kim Taehyung ...

Solar : oh my fu--😨

Kim V

1 New message

You asleep?

Pixie : gotta go, he just texted...later girls.


Not really

Kim V

Late night person?


Sorta 😊

Kim V

Can I tell you something? 🙈



Kim V

I like you....go on a date with me???🙈


Yes|... Ye|.....Y|....


***types and erases.....

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