
Chapter 32: *Spoiler*

Nicklaus had a hard time fitting into the place. First, he was a foreigner. Spartans had little love for them but he showed high combat strength so he was tolerated. He had to serve in the military for ten years and he did his best to suck but it still have him ten out of ten from the Spartans. He had a hard time trying to regulate his geniusness but it was still not enough.

Second, it was the language. He had to invade a grown ass man's mind to get the whole language for two days and the mind was not pretty. Basically, all he had in his mind was how horny he got when he looked at the young girls' training in their revealing clothes. Let's just say after he outlived his usefulness, Nicklaus made sure to let a snake to be big enough to swallow him whole after a nice tight hug.

The other thing was to make sure no god would see him, sense him or know him. He had to deal all his cultivation to make sure none of his dragon like aura leaked out whenever they headed to the temple to pray and sacrifice. But, he did a good job fitting into the society that he bumped into a general. He had a good battle merits for he had led Sparta into numerous victories against Athens that the city named after Athena started doubting their cleverness. You just can't outmatch a battle junkie who spent two centuries learning tactics from a demon king who commands millions and millions of demons.

Now he had a nice home to lay his feet in and a legion of soldiers he trained so well they were known as the Run Insight Legion. He came to know this after he led them in a mission and when he caught a spy, the little man was pissing and shitting himself saying that he was unlucky to encounter them.

On his eleventh year here, he suddenly felt the coming of a god. How he knew he didn't know. He looked up and saw Zeus in his eagle form flying around the city. He immediately got the skill to transform himself and boy was he happy. He made sure no one was watching him and changed into a dog. He then followed the eagle to a house that belonged to another general. He saw the eagle transform into the general then the man went to the bath area where his 'wife' was tacking a bath.

"Helion, you're back early. Care to join me?" the unsuspecting woman asked him.

"Of course," the 'general' answered as he removed his robe and got into the bath. Soon, Nicklaus was hearing passionate love making in the room as the woman was screaming of how he was suddenly so much better at this. Just then, the real general came back and heard this noise. He armed himself with his sword and barged into the room.

"What the fuck is going on?" he shouted. The two people fucking in the pool stopped as they looked at him. The woman was horrified as his doppleganger was smiling. He let go of the woman, changed into his normal form then flew off as an eagle.

"Damn you! Damn you gods! You think I will let this go? I will hunt you down to the ends of the world even if it kills me!" the general said as he ran out of the house and screamt at the eagle. Zeus certainly did not like this for he turned around then threw a bolt of lightning right at him and the general was turned to ashes! Zeus then nodded in satisfaction then he flew off.

Nicklaus smiled at this and knew this fool was just digging his own grave even more. He then turned back to his human self and rushed into the house. He saw the woman looking at the empty space in distraught.

"Hellen, are you alright?" he asked her but she did not answer him. Nicklaus just smiled at this then started accelerating time on her. Her stomach went from zero days to nine months pregnant in seconds. The baby had taken up all the nutrients in her body and when she was ready to give birth, she was at death's door. Nicklaus just ripped the baby out and Hellen died at this but the baby was safe and healthy.

"Look at you, young cub. From now on your name is Kratos, the god slayer," Nicklaus told him. He then took him to his house descreetly and put him on a crib he had made a long time ago. There, he then went out and bought a slave. He took him home then killed him and collected the blood. Then, he drew the original Kratos's tattoo on the child using the blood as he inserted minor laws in there like the strength law, destruction law, intelligence law and Nirvana Law. Basically, he made him super strong by human and these gods' standards, smarter than Athena and regeneration that will let him regrow lost limbs, organs or body parts in minutes. But, he made it that these minor laws would manifest slowly as Kratos grew. He then let the little boy sleep.

Year by year, Nicklaus shaped Kratos as the perfect warrior. He instilled in him discipline, arms combat, strategy and loyalty. Kratos was now the perfect Spartan warrior that when he was to do his coming of age trial, instead of a mountain lion, he had to face Nicklaus who was known as the dragon of Sparta. The twelve years old boy fared better than any other warrior who ever faced him and everyone was surprised. When he survived for the quarter of the time allocated, there were cheers of amazement from the audience. Once the celebrations were done, Nicklaus brought the young boy back home.

"Boy, sit down. It is time you know of your origins," Nicklaus said, grimly.

"But I already know where I come from. I am your son," Kratos answered with a smile.

"That is far from the truth. You are not my son but you are a son of my best friend's wife," Nicklaus said as he looked at the fire, making sure to look as grim as possible. "Twelve years ago, Zeus descended back to the mortal world. He had his eyes set on a beautiful Spartan woman by the name Hellen. He came down as an eagle then changed into the form of my friend, General Helion. He was a good man but to the gods he is just another lowly mortal to be used for their amusement.

"Zeus found his rape victim in the bath and he had sex with her. That was when me and Helion came back. He got to his house and when he heard the noises from the bath, he knew his wife was cheating on him so imagine his surprise when he saw the god fucking his beautiful wife. The fucker even had the audacity to even fucking smile before he flew off. My friend was always a short fuse so he ran out of the building and started shouting insults at the god who then struck him down with lightning.

"When I saw Helion been turned to dust by the god, I ran in to see if his wife was okay and I found her giving birth to you. I realized that you are a special child then and I took you in because I want to see the gods pay for their actions," Nicklaus told him.

"But I am just a normal human," Kratos said but Nicklaus turned at him sharply. One would see wrinkles on his face and his hair was whitening. He glared at the young boy for a moment before his eyes softened. He went to one knee in front of him and laid his hand on his shoulder.

"I am a foreigner, Kratos. I have traveled the world and I have done shady things to get this strength. But you, you were born with this strength. I could feel it rising every day and it will continue to rise. Your regeneration is just too godly and your mind can rival Athena. I am getting old and my strength is fading, young buck. I cannot kill the gods but I can be your right hand. I will be your sword and kill everything else that tries to stop you in this quest. I called you Kratos because I believe you were born to kill and destroy these gods that caused the death of your parents. What do you say?" Nicklaus asked him.

"I cannot say that I can never see you as anything less than my father. You took me in, fed me, trained me and educated me to be what I am today and for that I am eternally thankful. I worship your strength and your insights and if you say I can kill the gods then I believe you. I will do my best and make sure these gods get what is coming for them. But I will need your strength and mind, father," Kratos said. Nicklaus smiled at the young boy.

"I am all yours, my boy. Wait a moment," Nicklaus said then went to his room. A minute later, he came back with a wooden chest with delicate curvjngs on it. He set it on the table and looked at Kratos.

"I have a friend who had made these blades for me but I never liked them. I think they suit you," Nicklaus said. Kratos frowned a bit then opened the box. Inside there were to swords. They had short but broad blades. There were some drawings on the blade and a cold aura emmanated from the blade. The handle had chains coming out of them.

"These are called the Chaos swords. They chose only one owner and the owner can decide to pass them down to other people. But these swords can make their owner a powerful person. I rejected them because I felt I was powerful enough. Now, I give them to you as a coming to age present," Nicklaus explained. Kratos happily got hold of the two swords and suddenly, the chains wrapped round his arms and they disappeared, leaving chain tattoos on his arms.

"Now no one can ever take them from you. Try them out," Nicklaus said. Kratos tried out the weapons and to say he was not pleasantly surprised would not be true. Basically, these swords were just like the original and he added a minor law of souls where every kill by this sword makes Kratos get more souls which will make him even more stronger!

"I feel like I can take on the world with these swords," Kratos said in amazement.

"I know young cub but right now, we need to come up with a strategy against the gods. Put your swords in these sheaths and let us get to planning

Sorry I did not upload yesterday. Had a family problem I needed to solve. But here is the last chapter of today. Expect even more yesterday and thanks for still sticking around.

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