
Shedinja to the Rescue

Axel didn't know when he woke up or at what time he woke up. He could just tell that that was something covering his eyes and he could not see anything.

At first, he was scared shitless and wanted to shout to get out of the situation but after experiencing so much, he knew that it would be futile. He took deep breaths and tried to calm himself.

After taking some deep breaths he could tell what was happening. He knew that he was kidnapped.

Who was stupid enough to kidnap him? How will he get out? What were their demands? He didn't know anything about those.

"I have to calm down. I have to calm down. 1.. 2... 3... 4.. 5...."

Axel was mumbling to himself and to calm himself, he started to count the numbers with each breath. After counting to 100, he finally calmed down. Of course, his aura powers helped him a lot in this regard.

"Marcus... Marcus, are you there?", asked Axel in a soft, almost inaudible voice.

Axel could not see so he could not tell if there was anyone nearby. So, he tried to lower his voice as much as possible. However, after calling Shedinja for some time, he could not hear any reply. That was good news for Axel but it was also bad news.

The good news was that Shedinja had gone outside for help. Axel didn't know if Shedinja knew where he was but he was positive that it was inside his shadow just before he was kidnapped.

The bad news was that since Shedinja had gone outside for help, this must mean that the kidnappers were really strong and could also defeat Pokemons like Shedinja.

Of course, there was also a possibility that Shedinja was also kidnapped or killed but that possibility was very low. Shedinja had trained on 'Shadow sneak' for the longest time and even Red and his Pokemon could not tell where it was if they didn't concentrate specifically on it.

So, there was a very low chance that it was found out.

As Axel had calmed down.

'Let's first try to know where I really am?', thought Axel.

Axel could feel that he was sitting on a hard chair. He could tell that the chair was wooden and there was a black cloth that was covering his eyes. Both of his legs were tied and his hands were also tied back to the chair.

He tried to use 'Aura sense' but he could not sense any Pokemons or humans nearby. He could tell that he had been here for more than a couple of days as he was very hungry.

His mouth and throat were dried up as he might not have any water for a few days. If Axel was a normal person, then he might already have died.

Axel tried to move his arms and legs in order to get free but for some reason, he felt that he was extremely weak. Axel was an elemental rank human, so getting off these chains was not so difficult for him but it looked like these chains and this room was absorbing his energy and trying to make him weaker.

He tried to do everything to get out of these chains but there was no success. He could tell that the kidnappers were thorough in their job. Yet he just could not understand why he was kidnapped.

Axel knew that he had many enemies as he was very famous but those enemies would want to kill him. Why would they kidnap him? Almost all of the things that he had done were public and he had nothing to him.

"Marcus, I hope that you come to save me."


Shedinja was facing an entirely different problem. Then Axel was kidnapped, he was hit on the head from the back by a bat and then used some sort of chemical to make him faint.

Shedinja felt the disturbance in Axel's shadow and saw that he was being kidnapped. It was already ready to attack but suddenly it felt that this thing was not so simple.

Axel was then brought to a big cargo plane. Shedinja was still inside his shadow, so nobody could even detect it. It was very silent and ready to pounce if the situation arose.

Axel was brought to the plane and then thrown into a jail-type structure. Then the people called out some of the Pokemons to guard Axel.

Shedinja was surprised and relieved that it didn't attack at that time. Most of the Pokemons were of king rank and there was also a pseudo-champion rank Pokemon among them.

Who were these people and what were they doing here? Shedinja could not recognize any of them. It didn't know what the purpose of these kidnappers really was.

Shedinja then saw that the kidnappers took all the Poke balls of Axel and put them inside a box. The box sort of sealed the Pokemons inside and from what it could hear, the Pokemons inside the ball could not come out.

"Randy, 2 of the balls are empty. Did you find any Pokemons near the place of kidnapping?", asked one of the kidnappers.

'2 balls?'

Shedinja was surprised cause only it was out of the ball. The rest of them were inside. After looking at those empty balls, it realized that the other empty ball was of Squirtle.

Shedinja didn't know if it should be happy, sad, or worried about Squirtle. Squirtle had the habit of coming out of the ball unannounced. It didn't know where Squirtle was right now but it must be in a better place than this.

Shedinja's plan was simple. Follow them till it finds the base of their operation and return and inform Red or Oak about the kidnapping. Yet, it looked like it would not be so simple. They had been flying for a day now and they had not stopped. This meant that the place they were going was very far away.

Shedinja didn't even know where they were going right now. It had tried its best to listen to the conversation of the Kidnappers but they were not so talkative.

After flying for around 2 days as per Shedinja's calculation, they finally stopped. As they came out, Shedinja found out that they were in the middle of nowhere. They were inside in the middle of the forest. It was a very dense forest and the trees were packed and it was even difficult to move properly.

All of them started to walk slowly. Axel was now tied and he was still unconscious. As they started to walk, they started to get deeper and deeper and finally, they reached a clearing with fresh grass and no trees.

One of the kidnappers went ahead and started to pull the grass and surprisingly a hidden gate came out of the ground.

'So, all of this is underground.', thought Shedinja.

Shedinja didn't know how big this underground place really was and it was positive that once it went outside it would not be able to get out. So, it decided to run away. However, running away was also not so easy.

By this time, there were no Pokemons that were out but these Kidnappers looked very powerful and they may be able to sense Shedinja when it was running out.

Thankfully, it was night time and it was very dark. So, it was a bit easy for Shedinja to run away.

Shedinja then used 'Shadow jump' to jump towards one of the shadows of trees. Shedinja prayed to Arceus and was thankful that they were not able to recognize it.

After it came out of the area a bit, it started to run at a fast speed. Everywhere it looked, there were only trees. It could not see anything more than that. It used every move that it could to increase its senses.

After traveling for a long time, Shedinja started to realize light coming from the sky. Since the forest was densely packed, it was difficult to see the light but since it was a king-rank Pokemon, it was able to sense that it was now morning. It had been running for hours now.

Finally, it could see a bright light coming from ahead. It felt that the forest was finally going to be over. So, it started to run towards that place at a fast speed.

As soon as it came out of the forest, it felt that all of the adrenaline and all of its motive had been for nothing. Shedinja realized that it was on an island and the whole island was covered by water. Shedinja went up to see if there were any settlements on the island but it could not see anything.

Now, it had to travel and cross the sea and find the settlement.


Squirtle was always mischievous and it loved to do pranks. While Axel was waiting in the airport for some time, it decided to run away and explore the place. So, it came out of the master ball and then silently went out of Axel's view. Axel had no idea that it had gone out to explore.

Even though it liked to do pranks, it knew that it could get lost if it went a bit farther. So, its eyes were still on Axel's back as it was exploring the place.

At the airport, it first met with a little girl. It went towards the girl wagging it tail and asking for something to eat. The girl found Squirtle very adorable and gave it some sweets which it enjoyed. But it saw that Axel was going out of the airport, it quickly ran towards Axel. It didn't want to lose Axel.

As it came out, it sort of started to hide and follow Axel. Axel started to walk towards the shops and started to buy things. Squirtle had already planned on how to scare Axel. It knew that its plan was perfect and it just needed to wait for some time.

Finally, Axel went to a dark and lonely alley. As Squirtle started to follow Axel, it was pulled by a girl into her arms.

"Hey Squirtle, what are you doing here?", asked the girl. The girl had blue hair and she was around 15-16 years old. Squirtle instantly fell in love with the girl as the girl was very pretty. So, it started to say,

"Squirt.. Squirtle.. Squirtle....", it said with a smile.

Squirtle was lucky because the girl was a trainer and she could instantly say that this Squirtle belonged to some trainer.

Squirtle was a very cute Pokemon and since it had just come out of its baby phase, it was very innocent. The girl started to pat Squirtle and then play with it for some time and Squirtle also forgot about Axel and then when it remembered, it turned back and it found out that Axel was not there

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